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Comedian Chris D’Elia on Impressions, Playing Drunk on TV

you’ve heard this story before
he parlayed a successful stand-up career
into a sitcom role hi I’m Rebecca
Brayton and welcome to and
today we’re at the Just for Laughs
festival to speak with the star of
Whitney Chris D’Elia
are you serious right now seriously
are you for real seriously um excuse me
I guess stand up I started six and a
half years ago I just started kind of at
a loss I was at a row I was a writer and
an actor just after doing guest spots
and a writer just getting stuff optioned
and never turned into anything and one
year I had a news resolution to get on
stage once a week and I got on stage in
2006 January 2nd for the first time um
really for the first time and then every
every day after that like I just loved
I always knew what my ex was too drunk
cuz she would always say this hey you
know what it is what it is and it is
what it is that you can’t really argue
with that you know it definitely is what
it is who were your first comedy idols
when I was a young kid my dad would show
me like Jerry Lewis movies I think Eddie
Murphy though probably like as a
stand-up which was my favorite when I
was young
hey boy hey boy you look mighty cute in
mg favorite part of delirious was I
always mix the two up but I love with
his aunts falling down the stairs
penciler that one to me is the that’s so
get in the bitch is falling down the
steps again you new Whitney Cummings
from the stand up circuit yeah yeah we
knew each other she the show the
character that I played was based on on
me I have to say I think that you were
the funniest drunk on TV ha ha ha hey
little lady
hey pretty lady guess who’s back I want
I want to kiss on my mouth
and sex on my body I played drunk twice
now on the show and the first one time
it’s just like I guess it got written up
on the front page of a o L and and then
I got like Twitter was just everyone was
tweeting at me and it turned about to be
something that people really liked and
you know I do that in my act to I play I
make fun of like being drunk and parties
and stuff so with the drunk girls it’s
so of course out front me I’m gonna sit
up front
it’s what did I do for can’t be on stage
I’m gonna be fine
how far removed would you say your
character on the show is versus your
standard persona if you even think you
have a standard my stand-up is uh
completely different than than Whitney
yeah I mean it’s I’m really like
high-energy and yeah silly
I liked your Greg oh thanks yeah this is
so emotional man when did rap become
that he’ll just make a song that’s just
like oh I’m crying in the couple of bits
I saw there was unit mock hip hop a lot
oh yeah about it at least it’s so
present in our art culture now and in
the youth like it’s such a big part of
pop culture period that I like to pick
it apart rap is the only music where you
can just go yeah in the middle of your
job and it’s cool it’s part of it you
know you can’t do that like Crate &
Barrel you know I mean you imagine just
yeah let me ring up these pots and you
got the pants yeah okay cool
do you do a lot of impressions I guess I
do like characters you know but like I
always think of impressions as like
celebrity impressions I definitely don’t
do that unless I do unless I can
incorporate it with the act
whenever I snap I always feel like I’ve
become Keanu Reeves like that’s how I
feel Elise when we argue like she’ll
drop some bombs should be like why don’t
you just pack up and move out and I’ll
just know um
whoa like I do this one counter Reeves
thing but it comes from a real life
where I was arguing with my action it’s
like it makes me feel like counter
Reeves and then I do it you know it’s
like that kind of a thing yeah in other
end of the matrix when he stops the
bullets in midair and they hover right
in front of his hand he puts his hand
down in Cox’s head and the bullets hit
the ground that’s what I’ll do to her
when she would argue with me it’d be
weird and awkward but it would totally
teach her a lesson
yeah I mean she’d be like why don’t you
just pack up my just goes I cocked my
head she says would that what did you
just do to me really good fall oh yeah
yeah thanks
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