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Cleopatra in’s Women with Mojo Series

cleopatra born in 69 bc and died in 30
bc she was ruler of ancient Egypt she is
greeted by language and culture it is
said that she was a first member of a
family to actually learn the Egyptian
language she was the co ruler of Egypt
at 18 years of age no doubt much of
Cleopatra’s legend has to do with her
image as a seductress after surviving a
coup engineered by her brothers she
leaves on herself with two of the most
powerful men in history Julius Caesar
which she had one child with and Mark
Anthony in which she had three children
with now fradley Cleopatra took her own
life on august 12 30 BC this was largely
due to the fact that the might of Rome
was brought against egypt by Octavian
Julius Caesar asleep lair her legacy is
depicted in numerous ways most popular
of course is William Shakespeare’s
Antony and Cleopatra
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