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Clara Barton in’s Women with Mojo Series

Clara Barton was born in 1821 now what
makes Clara Barton fantastic and a woman
with mojo is that she is known for
founding the American Red Cross now the
American Red Cross is actually a
division of the International Red Cross
a side that Clara worked for which you
would overseas primarily doing work in
France and what the International Red
Cross does is even when it began in the
early in the mid-1800s it just offered
it offered aid and it offered help to
anyone who was living under a peaceful
banner essentially everyone who’s now
considered part of the UN would have
been eligible for Red Cross service and
car Barton even pioneer during the Civil
War she was she was going ahead and she
was talking to the government about
going behind enemy lines and trying to
get medical supplies to the troops she
was a real fantastic pioneer she
actually began her career as a teacher
she started at 17 years old and she
worked as a teacher for 18 years until
she suffered a nervous breakdown when
she suffered a nervous breakdown she
didn’t know what to do she went back to
school and she began studying and she
didn’t only study womanly things like
they would at the time she studied
astronomy she studied philosophy she
studied biology she studied foreign
languages and she really began to become
knowledgeable not only in terms of
medical but also in terms of the ways of
the world and when she left university
she really left with a completely
different outlook on life and she came
back into the world with the need to do
something better and to change it and
help it Clara Barton is also one of
these people who we need to remember she
came around in a time before the women’s
liberation movement so it’s unbelievably
special and wonderful she was able to go
ahead and do all of these fantastic
things in the time which she did
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