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Cirque du Soleil Show QUIDAM

born in a circus tent in 1996 kadam is a
melancholy show that takes place in the
dreamlike fantasy world of a young girl
hi I’m Rebecca Brayton and welcome to and today we’re speaking
with the super-soul a team to find out
more about this show tell us about the
the plot and the premise of gee Dan it’s
a little girl by yourself in the living
room with parents they really don’t take
care of her yeah absolutely
they don’t take care of each other
needle and it’s raining she’s bored
until she going in her head and she
arrived in another kind of dream she
starts to meet different characters and
these characters introduce her to a
different world and this is where all
the different acts come in and they all
represent different aspects of life she
discovered not only a lot of different
characters but also discover herself and
brings her family back together the show
has been going on since 1996 how has it
evolved and kind of reinvented itself
over that time whenever we introduce
somebody new because we did it cast
change over from you know once in a
while people come and go whenever
somebody comes in into ki Nam they will
bring a little bit of who they are to it
and in their interpretation and so
there’s an organic way to show evolves
in mature over the years explain to us
your role in gee Dan we are part of a
dream of the of zuy oh I basically would
be like the relation between men and
women the balance between both of them I
think it also represents the part of the
hope there’s a lot of things that happen
within the
a lot of emotions sadness a lot of chaos
as well and our part of that act is
where everything sort of comes down and
represents the hope out of all this
chaos I will be the imagination of mama
or the kind of past of mama
yeah the copy of my mind some some other
dimension world you know you understand
what I mean what different performances
arts and art forms will we see well you
you will see some some missing
acrobatics like you saw a monkey in
today from acrobatic sports it’s the
base of it you will see traditional
circus art like the diabolo we have
clowning we have hand balancing we have
German wheel stooping beautiful skipping
out aerial hoop the gente an act that
you’ve seen some Spanish web as well as
how swing now explain to us kind of the
training that you guys have had to
undertake and kind of to get to the
level of trust that you have now of
course there’s a some trust between
between each other but trust come with
work the first time I like okay I’m
gonna have to trust you though but after
a lot of times you kind of trusts him or
her you know it’s become more natural
you also have a background in in
gymnastics from very little so that’s
also part of the training aspect he’s
also had sport acrobatic training as
well which he has passed on to me
excited that type of training there’s a
lot that goes into it but we’ve had a
good base of good a good background
training it’s most of the time it’s
wrongful or just climbing a bit for
musculation but it’s so many years I do
this like training on tissue it’s only
when I need to be on shore again how
long have you been doing it for yeah 15
years do you have any background in
other forms of acrobatics as well I
wanted circus quarry in France that’s it
I started super late I started at 17 no
time zone or Jamin of things before
natural flexibility helped me a lot and
I can’t believe late is 17 but for Crowe
Bhatia of contortion especially it’s a
bit late if I could have you describe to
them in one word what would you say I
think my way would be human
she Dom talks about us as people as a
society talks about our story that we
don’t always have the chance to say I
think what Kiran does is try to
celebrate that that anonymous person in
all of us
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