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Business School Tips – A look at Business 2.0 magazine

welcome to in today’s
business school bit we continue to take
a look at the most popular magazines
that young professionals and business
students tend to read today we take a
look at business to point o business to
point o is one of the many magazines
that were spawned during the dot-com
bubble of course is the bubble burst
many of the magazines such as business
two point O including the industry
standard Fast Company one through some
rough times but one magazine that has
survived and even thrive in the early
21st century is none other than business
to point o the magazine frankly is just
fantastic for anyone that wants to
become an aspiring technologist or
looking to start their own company the
best part about the magazine though is
really the design and the layout clearly
miles above everybody else when it comes
to taking a story and projecting it onto
an image and if an image is worth a
thousand words then business two point O
deserves to be today’s business school
bit on watchmojo com
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