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Bungie – Halo 2

the most recent game released by Bungie
in the Halo series was halo 2 now halo 2
was a follow-up to the incredibly
incredibly successful Halo game for the
original xbox now halo 2 really did what
I think is a smart move by not actually
totally redesigning the game engine and
sort of doing everything from scratch
but really building on what they already
had and just making subtle tweaks and
improvements to the game playing
graphics to give the gamer of sort of
more polished and delivered experience
now halo 2 picked off pretty much at the
end of halo one having the Master Chief
main character coming back home to sort
of Greek a welcoming party of people who
now regard him as a hero now as soon as
this party begins it’s sort of thwarted
because right then and there the
Covenant attacks the ship that they’re
having a party on and you know being the
party crashers they are you’re forced to
defend the ship and eventually you know
go after them what ends up happening is
you actually end up landing on another
halo which is created after you destroy
the first halo and partway through the
game pretty early in actually you find
yourself playing as a different
character now this character is referred
to as the arbiter and he’s actually on
the opposite side on the Covenant side
so it’s one of the first times that I’ve
seen in the first person that you
actually had the gamer playing the
protagonist and the antagonist and
really seeing the storyline from both
sides and it really served as a good
plot device flushing out the story and
really giving players insight into the
sort of world and then the scope of Halo
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