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British Designer Zandra Rhodes

introduced to fashion by her mother
Sandra Rhodes has been designing for the
rich and famous ever since hi and
welcome to my name is
stephanie and today we’re talking to the
timeless british designer can you please
tell us about how you began your career
as a designer I started a sec star
designer and in the early 60s and when I
couldn’t sell my textile designs I
decided I would much rather learn to
make the dresses and go straight to the
public tonight you unveiled your spring
2009 collection as well as your fall and
winter 2008 collections is wondering if
you speak about the core themes and the
inspirations behind all this I wanted
dresses that you felt fabulous in
whether you were tiny and slim or
whether you were in a wonderful caftan
and it was a mixture of celebration of
all the prints it was just a wonderful
collection that people can come in and
see me at the operon see the dresses I
would like to speak about your
experience designing for pizzettes opera
the professor’s so I was wondering
basically how did the story influence
all the colors and styles that you use
I’ve been to India a lot as a guest of
the Indian government and this is an
indian-inspired opera so I got sarees
and printed on them in my prints and
then made the all the religious people
are gorgeous shocking pink and orange
the fishermen and the villagers are all
in blues and aquas so I know you’ve
designed for several operas such as the
San Diego opera the grand Houston opera
and I was wondering what is it about the
Opera in particular that moves you to
design for it the people in opera larger
than life music together with what
you’re looking at is such a lot lifting
experience that it just takes you into
another planet but I haven’t stopped
doing dresses I love doing dresses and I
love making close to people your
constant inspiration throughout the
years has been nature and organic
material so I was wondering what is it
about these things that basically moves
to create and design when I go to places
I draw so for example for the scenery on
the back of the Pearl Fishers I’d done
lots of drawings of palm trees when I
was lucky enough to be on a desert
island I used all the inspiration that I
drawn in my sketchbooks thank you so
much thank you
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