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Bead Jewelry

today we’ll learn how working with beads
lets you create stylish jewelry with a
personal touch can you tell me a bit
about the bead company they initially
started making glass figurines and after
nine eleven they thought they weren’t
able to carry such large material by air
and they thought well what could we do
and they decided that they would make
beads that’s how they got into the beat
business can you just tell us what our
seed beads seed beads are small glass
beads that are from in our case from
Japan they’re used by people who do
beadwork with needle and thread
primarily although they can be used for
the crochet bead knitting they also are
used in loom work both for wearing and
also in terms of art pieces that they
hang on the wall Lori Ann can you tell
me a bit about the yo-yo kind yeah I
wanted to show you this yo-yo it’s a
very novel idea it’s actually like the
yo-yos that you use when you were a kid
you know that went up and down I use
them a lot so that’s a lot of fun you
know for the kids and you know what kids
come of all kinds of interesting designs
themselves anyways and i should say the
women all like this too so how long
might it take i know that there’s
probably not one answer to that but to
make a necklace in one sitting or a week
the smaller the bead like when you’re
looking at 11 or 15 s they’re very very
small or like grains of salt but there
are artists out there who take paintings
or pick photographs so they will
actually do photographs and beads very
tiny beads thank you very much thank you
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