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Avengers: Infinity War Theories & Speculation! – MojoTalks

welcome to mojo talks my name is Manny
and today we’re talking about infinity
Wars and our theories that we have where
the Marvel Universe will be going I’m
joined by Justin today he is our
resident comic book nerd so Justin we
both saw the infinity war trailer right
at this point we’ve seen it I think may
now what is your first theory where do
you think they’re taking this movie
that’s a great question on the grand
scheme of things ultimately we have to
keep in mind that this is the first of a
two parter right so whatever happens in
this movie will ultimately be set up for
the fourth Avengers movie which used to
be called infinity War part two now it’s
currently unnamed I’m sure soon after
the release of the movie we’ll get some
idea of what the next movie will be
called but I think that’s key to keep in
mind when we’re talking about this movie
is that by the end of it there’ll
probably be some sort of cliffhanger
there would probably be something big
that happens that leaves the audience
wanting more
just before we head out of theater now
for sure none of us are expecting any
cliffhangers at the end of this movie
that is for sure because we know that
Marvel is not keen on doing that at all
I want to get into talking about the
Infinity stones right now we’ve seen
most of them throughout all the ten
years that we’ve been watching this
story unfold but there’s two that we
haven’t really seen yet right right so
it is the soul the soul stone with all
stone I said too but I mean one yes the
soul stone at this point it seems like
is in Wakanda yeah at the beginning of
Black Panther we get basically an
explanation of where vibranium comes
from and how Lokhande became this like
futuristic society basically what we see
is something crash-land on earth that
gives birth to vibranium it gives birth
to the heart-shaped herb which gives the
Black Panthers powers and it also allows
the Black Panther to enter this kind of
spiritual realm where he encounters his
father to chuck early on in the movie
these are all elements that would
probably be associated with the soul
stone so and especially that in the
trailer we do see this big battle in
Wakanda I think it’s pretty safe to
assume that that will be one of the
reveals early on in the movie
so do you think by so if they go into a
Conda and Thanos retrieves the soul
now there’s two so there’s two more
stones here that are based on actually
on up pretty much on how a character
works they have the eye of agamotto
which is the time stone right the stone
that’s envisions a mine stone a mine
stone so obviously for him to get all
the stones on his gauntlet to put this
together some of these guys are think
are gonna be phased out what do you
think do you think that now I know the
ongoing rumor is that Captain America is
gonna bite the bullet in this one I
believe we were talking before with the
director Phoebe it’s been well known
that Chris Evans is done playing the
character he’s pretty much like hey I
want to move on takes up too much of his
time and he’s more of an indie actor but
it kind of makes more sense that I think
visions gonna so the reason I don’t
think vision is gonna die in this movie
it’s because and keep in mind that
before any of the trailers had released
I totally thought oh yeah visions a
goner but because they included the shot
of one of the of Thanos his black order
taking the mine stone out or seemingly
trying to take the mine stone out of his
head leads me to believe that that’s a
bit of a fake out that that’s something
that they’re showing us or we know that
everybody in the Marvel Universe that
dies doesn’t really die yes they have to
become a super annoying thing where
everybody comes back yeah except for
Quicksilver I think that in terms of CAP
dying which is the big rumor right now
I’m not it’s entirely possible that it
does and he has a lot of people in the
backfield waiting to take that spot
whether it’s Falcon or the Winter
Soldier Anthony Mackie or Sebastian
Sebastian Stan both characters have
taken up the mantle in the comics that
brings me to my follow-up question do
you think with the popularity of Falcons
character in the MCU that they’ll lean
more towards Falcon taking over the
Captain America mantle instead of Bucky
like it was in the comics well both have
time as cap in the most recently most
recently when Malkin when uh well it
just it really depends on the direction
that you know the people over at Marvel
Studios think who can carry a franchise
more I think given the success of black
panther and given the enthusiasm of the
fans saying we want more black or
african-american protagonists in these
movies I do think there’s the case can
be made that Anthony Mackie will take up
the mantle and that Sebastian Stan could
go on being the Winter Soldier or could
potentially also be on his way out to in
these movies it’s not well from what I
read is that he signed his six contract
deal with Marvel now that usually I
don’t know how they is it six pictures
fully that they’re in it is it like yeah
it’s three movies and a bunch of cameo
right it shows up at the end of black
panther does that count or that count
exactly does that count in this deal so
moving on is the new leader is that i
want to talk about it what do you think
is gonna be the new leader of The
Avengers right now we’ve got Tony Stark
right when we did our black panther
review I was very keen on thinking that
will now be the new leader of The
Avengers like the unofficial cursing
because of his power his diplomatic
immunity his his like his way to get
people together to fight these epic
battles especially that infinity war a
huge chunk of the movies gonna take
place in Wakanda right so I think that
black panther will become the unofficial
new leader so do you think is that is
that a good direction for Marvel to go
in where they can kind of just bank on
this character that’s proven to be very
good for them mmm-hmm so I think that’s
an option I also think that one
candidate could potentially be Doctor
Strange I in the history of you know
Marvel Comics he’s always been a very
prominent figure but then again so is
black panther I do think that I feel
like Doctor Strange though just do it
interrupt it will become more of the
Nick Fury character kind of a guy about
like I’m just gonna bring you guys some
information here yeah like hey y’all
it’s Doctor Strange listen up this
stuff’s going down black panther thinks
you should rally be troops and it is in
black panthers care
character to be a leader he is the king
of a nation I’m sure managing a few
superheroes wouldn’t be that much
trouble for him considering all the
other responsibilities that he has to
deal with on a day to day basis um I do
however I think we can both agree that
Tony Stark’s time as the leader of the
Avengers is coming to a close yeah and
they’re kind of showing him that he’s
dealt with PTSD his body’s taking a
beating at this point I feel like he’s
at at the end and it’s weird because we
try to figure out where some of the
other more popular Avengers fit into
this universe – will it go on are we
going to get more Thor movies are we
gonna revisit Asgard
are we kind of kind of concentrate more
with ant-man and you know in spider-man
and that’s another thing we haven’t seen
that man in any of the infinity war
trailers right and the kind of curious
release of a men and the wasp which
comes out in between infinity war 1 and
Avengers 4 whatever it will be called
leave me to believe that that movie will
act as kind of like a prequel I have a
hard time believing that like in between
these like gargantuan movies where
Thanos is like this the big fat horse
who’s like potentially putting the
entire universe at risk have time to sit
down yeah a man’s gonna do a heist in
the middle I have a hard time seeing
that happen and you know the MCU has
been kind of wonky on their timeline
they don’t really keep the releases
don’t represent the timeline of events
in the movies guardians 2 for example
came out last year but takes place four
years before infinity war so they’re
it’s totally possible that ant-man is
kind of his absence might be explained
in his movie which takes place before
the events of infinity war and what do
you think now that we have panels – such
a big bad guy we know that he’s somewhat
of a kind of like a father figure to
Gamora where is this gonna take the
guardians universe where do you think
where where is their next big bad line
besides that the whole thing with Adam
warlock is running around with the end
credits scene that we saw do you find
that having the Avengers fight Thanos
kind of neuters the guardians universe
well is there enough meat there that
they can kind of just go away and pull
from it so what’s cool about having the
guardians as part
the MTU and we saw this with Guardians
one where we actually got to see the fan
OHS that we see now the Josh Berlin
Thanos because before that when we see
him at the tail end of of Avengers 1 he
wasn’t yet cast but as Josh Brolin know
what’s funny is that it looks nothing
like the final season right now yeah it
was a big purple guy yeah you can
literally go back to that original and
credits scene to me like this ain’t the
same time right exactly and like the
beauty of having the guardians as our
cosmic kind of tie-in is that whenever
you’re gonna have these big bads of the
Marvel Universe they’re probably not
gonna come from Earth they’re probably
gonna come from other places Galactus is
a great example of like a cosmic enemy
that would pose a threat great enough
for the inventors to have to get
together and take him on and a great way
to introduce all those cosmic characters
the Silver Surfer being one of them Adam
warlock of course we’re gonna see
eventually is by having the guardians as
our you know our baseline our
introduction to that entire side of the
Marvel Universe so their role going
forward we’ll be tying in all the stuff
going on around what’s happening on
earth into the fold when you know
spider-man has to take on whoever it is
whether it be a nihilist who’s another
classic guardians villain or someone
else maybe Dormammu who we saw in in
Doctor Strange these great villains are
gonna come from elsewhere they won’t
come from Earth so that’s important to
have the guardians there yeah and I like
also how we implicate the Netflix shows
what kind of that all these low levels
Street heroes are kind of dealing with
everything that these big game heroes
have done right so it’s like we see the
impact on the universe they mentioned
the sokovia accords in the Punisher you
know Jessica Jones they mentioned a lot
of weird like space conspiracies they
called incidents where that word was
basically Avengers 1 where New York was
practically leveled by an alien invasion
there’s a lot of like referencing back
and forth between but then again they
have kept the TV stuff very separate at
this point yeah because they’re very
small a contrived stories which is what
makes me a bigger fan of the TV stuff
that it’s more of a small
character piece it’s like a 13-episode
character piece where we’re getting to
know these character isn’t what’s their
day-to-day life like not like these
little glimpses we get of Captain
America right now I’m actually 90 years
old and I’m very I don’t understand
anything right it’s like bits and pieces
of a character in short bursts versus on
the next flick shows you spend a lot of
time with these characters you really
get to know them cool
I think these theories are more or less
on the money I’m pretty confident about
what we have here thank you guys for
joining us and for more content like
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