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Ashley Tisdale – High School Musical Rehearsal

hey what’s up hey I’m Chucky he’s the
choreographer this is Ashley hi I’m
Rebecca frightened for
high school musical is one of Disney’s
most recent runaway hits the cast
towards singing the most popular songs
from the movie soundtrack we got to see
behind closed doors of the tour’s
rehearsal with star Ashley Tisdale hey
there what’s up clears album my name is
main hall but I’m saffiano sridhar angry
Lobster it’s cool what they got a big
play maybe if I put it on the outside
are you supposed to hide it or else i
would that looks really odd a bunch of
our stages are like rehearsing and like
cool like just rehearsal and stuff i
probably will not breathe I don’t
probably will not like nothing will come
out everybody rock your body right now
so now no no all right I want that in
your way and the thing about it is since
we’re on stage and it’s so big that we
really need stuff that really pops out
even though it’s like it seems really
over the crocodiles necklace okay
look at you she’s so mean to me
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