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Arnold Schwarzenegger Vs. Sylvester Stallone

they’re heavyweight icons of the action
genre welcome to and today
we’ll be pitting Arnold Schwarzenegger
against Sylvester Stallone to see who
casts the biggest shadow on the silver
wish me luck I’m gonna need your quiet
boy compared to me a quiet boy round one
iconic roles as steroid enhanced men
that make other actors look like they
never went to the gym these two guys
have starred in some pretty entertaining
roles so let’s begin our showdown by
highlighting the best screen personas of
each let’s start with Arnie known the
world over as Conan the Barbarian and
the Terminator this austrian-born muscle
man has become an icon for having
defeated the predator surviving a deadly
reality game show in the running man
fighting to escape Mars and Total Recall
and his catchphrase spouting army
Special Agent John matrix in commando on
the other hand Stallone has made it big
as Vietnam War veteran John Rambo and
the heavyweight champion of the world
Rocky Balboa when not in the ring he
administered street justice as Judge
Dredd played a rule breaking cop in
tango and cash and saved the future in
demolition man just to be fair they’re
both equally iconic and symbolic of the
80s so we’ll start this matchup with a
tie and move on to the really important
stuff that makes these guys so loveable
round 2 ability to enunciate being an
action star isn’t about acting or using
big words
it’s about blowing stuff up that being
said we’re giving this point to the star
that can better rip through his
syllables and have us understand how he
feels and what he wants I mean I have
the guy and you let them get away look
at the winner talk to you what kind of a
cop are you anyway no one helping say
there we go oh my god we get all my legs
I want to go up Johnny
chocolate chubby I do a wagon despite
his thick accent Schwarzenegger takes
his time and focuses on what he has to
say winner
Arnie you tell me who set us up I don’t
know yet yeah you don’t know shit round
three memorable catchphrases being able
to talk and fill us in on what’s
happening is
one thing but spouting kick-ass
one-liners is the heart and soul of the
action film genre let’s take a look at
their biggest lines live for nothing but
die for something your funny guy Sully I
like you that’s what I’m going to kill
you last I’m happy that you’re happy but
the place where you’re supposed to have
the toilet paper you got this little
shelf with three seashells on let off
some steam Bennett the disease I’m gonna
cure hasta la vista baby
but I hope you live enough room for my
fist because I’m going to ram it into
your stomach and break you got em when
the 15 you’re coming out how to do
Stallone is set a lot but very little of
it has stuck with us our knee on the
other hand rounds out the vocal
categories with dozens of still popular
and oftentimes hilarious quips winner
Arnie round for use of weapons these two
have fired almost every type of weapon
imaginable that being said Stallone has
been more creative
sure Arnie has killed an enemy by
throwing a pipe through his chest but
Stallone is credited with firing heavy
machine guns from one arm using
electrified mattresses to fry as captors
lasting enemy bases with explosive
arrows and using the biggest steak knife
we’ve ever seen winner Stallone
don’t push it don’t push it I’ll give
you a war you’ll believe round five
muscles and hand-to-hand combat Stallone
is a mean muscle machine whereas Arnie
was mr. universe
over the years the two of swap places
and Sylvester is still going strong as a
muscle clad hero in his 60s while we
applaud Stallone’s continued efforts in
the gym Arnie was once a behemoth of a
man that could unquestionably sell
himself as a barbarian and a lumbering
cyborg assassin winner Arnie
by a score of four to two we give this
showdown to the Governator himself on
the basis of being able to understand
him talk deliver kick-ass one-liners and
for being a raw force of physical
strength I’ll be back
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