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Another Top 10 Netflix Originals

these are the shows that give us more
reasons to binge welcome to and today we’re counting
down our picks for another top ten
Netflix originals toothpaste dries up a
zit on my chin
Wow wind it haven’t done that for a
while okay before we begin we publish
new videos every day so be sure to
subscribe for more great content for
this list we’re looking at more great
shows worth binge watching right now if
your favorite show isn’t on here make
sure to check out our first list of the
top 10 Netflix originals Wow
what’s the occasion Saturday morning
breakfast number 10 lady dynamite a
ladies gotta be ready for when it
happens then right now it’s happening
from the minds behind South Park and
Arrested Development is a sentence that
sets the bar pretty high but shows based
on a stand-up comedians life or routine
don’t always translate well to
television Maria Bamford decided to take
the risk and bring her neurotic brain
and fragile ego to Netflix they’re angry
and they want me to get angry and I’m
not I’m not angry well not exactly a
situational comedy the show is loosely
based on her real-life struggles with
Hollywood her family and her mental
health and is told with heavy use of
flashbacks his career choices for me in
the past haven’t always been so great
like the time he insisted I could
improvise on a Network sitcom
traditionally these themes don’t scream
out comedy but Bamford’s unique take on
life definitely makes up for it
it’s episodic comedy like you’ve never
seen before
you must feel pressure to be funny all
the time not really
number 9 the crown my name is Lizbeth
and long live queen elizabeth when
original content from streaming services
started sneaking into the Golden Globes
and Emmy Awards people took note but
nobody thought that Netflix would start
picking up awards and nominations so
quickly but they did with the Crown’s
2017 Golden Globes win for Best
television drama and Best Actress in a
Drama Series he is the essence of a duty
loving protecting chronicling the rise
to power of Claire Floyd’s Queen
Elizabeth the second this incredibly
expensive show was a huge gamble for
Netflix but it seems to have paid off
combining the drama and pomp of Downton
Abbey with real-life scandal and the
world’s obsession with the Royals the
appeal and success of this show was
inevitable the Queen number 8 f is for
family Frank you should answer it nobody
ever gets hurt at supper Susan ok
mainstays like The Simpsons and Family
Guy may continue to dominate the world
of network animated sitcoms but Netflix
more than proved their worth with the
2014 hit Bojack horseman look for a lot
of people life is just one long hard
kick in the urethra they followed this
up with another hidden gem f is for
family a hilarious look at middle-class
America in the late 1970s with the voice
talents of comedian bill burr Sam
Rockwell Laura Dern and Justin Long and
inspired by burrs own childhood it’s
perfect for anybody who grew up in the
mellow decade or just appreciates good
comedy party seats great
we’re so close I can see the ash on the
quarterback’s cigarette like Bojack f is
for family can be vulgar and all too
real at times but that’s just part of
its rough-and-ready charm you’re not
paying enough attention to your family
at least I’m not screaming at it number
7 the get-down why it is is a heel that
you seem to want to be nothing with just
a little courage you could really be
television is becoming more epic and
scope and scale and the get-down proves
that stewing in director Baz Luhrmann’s
mind for a decade this trippy journey
through New York City in the
70’s chronicles the fall of disco and
the rise of hip-hop
each episode becomes a kaleidoscopic
musical tour of the bronx using real
historical characters and events to tell
the fictional story of Ezekiel a hip-hop
prodigy and his love for Mylene a
wannabe disco singer look I got nervous
anyone familiar with Luhrmann’s work
will immediately recognize his signature
energy and passion in every single scene
number six Jessica Jones option two
rarely pans out the Marvel Cinematic
Universe had already expanded to
television with agents of shield but
there was an untapped market on Netflix
where Marvel could create a mini
universe of misfit heroes as unfiltered
gritty and dark as they should be
series like daredevil and Luke Cage each
have a unique take on superhero life but
the biggest surprise was Jessica Jones
which at the time was a pretty obscure
player in the Marvel canon not only did
you physically rape me but you violated
every cell in my body and every thought
in my goddamn head less spandex and
aliens and more commentary and sexual
abuse this brilliantly written series
shocked everyone with its frank
depiction of a damaged and broken
individual who just happens to have
superpowers and maybe a drinking problem
I hate feeling this way I don’t know how
you handle it it’s called whiskey number
five black mirror I’m like an hour away
don’t come I don’t want you here
premiering on channel 4 in 2011 black
mirror is a revolutionary look at modern
society and our destructive relationship
with technology and ironically it became
an instant cult hit thanks to the
internet thanks filmed me
fell to you through my computer camera
as they did with other cult hits like
Arrested Development and Trailer Park
Boys Netflix took the opportunity to
give black mayor a new life on their
platform with some added star power in
front of and behind the camera including
the likes of Bryce Dallas Howard and
director Dan Trachtenberg the one-off
stories offer brilliant and chilling
looks into an unflinching crystal ball
with bizarre and shocking endings not
seen since the twilight zone or the
Outer Limits
number four making a murderer people are
obsessed with murder mysteries
especially stories about real-life
homicides and wrongful convictions like
rectified or the podcast serial in this
docu-series about a man wrongfully
convicted of rape released after 18
years in prison then convicted again of
murder became a worldwide phenomenon the
people that were close to Steve knew he
was harmless
he was always happy happy happy the
implications of what the filmmakers
present to the audience almost 10 years
of material about the conviction of
Steven Avery and his nephew Brendan
Dassey is damning to the US legal system
of course the motivations behind the
show are controversial and clear and its
influence has even reached the White
House but even so this is an
irresistible drama that will have you
demanding more number three master of
none Enda this young lady you heard it
there it is
aziz ansari is not a lazy guy apart from
the book publishing stand-up shows and
wrapping up Parks and Recreation
I’m sorry figured that 2015 wasn’t busy
enough so he decided to create write and
star in a new show inspired by his
struggles as a 30-something actor in New
York City I want to try it again
but this time we need you to do an
accent you mean like an Indian accent
yeah he pokes fun at his family his
upbringing his personal issues and how
the entertainment industry treats an
American Indian actors such as himself
look man Indians just aren’t at that
level yet yeah there’s more Indians
popping up every now and then we’re like
set decoration written from the heart
and with the biting social commentary
we’ve come to expect from him this Emmy
award-winning hit is the Millennials
version of a day-in-the-life sitcom I
used to go to work so early can’t you
quit and just start working at bounine
industries miss boning industry’s number
two narcos your table
amigo Escobar I video streaming and
producing films and shows from countries
worldwide Netflix has long had
international appeal a bilingual
original series seemed inevitable and
narcos ended up becoming one of their
biggest hits to date the first two
seasons follow the investigations and
real-life rise and fall of drug kingpin
Pablo Escobar with following seasons
likely to follow another historical drug
dealer the show’s intense drama garnered
international praise especially for
vogner Maura’s portrayal of Escobar from
the late 70s to his death in 1993 all
that time hunting and just like that I’m
looking down at Pablo Escobar with
multiple accolades including Emmy and
Golden Globe nominations and impressive
immersive production design
narcos breathes new life into the tried
and true police procedural drama before
we reveal our number one pick here are
some honorable mentions Katie you gonna
be around later yeah cool so my
you know me dude I’m good for it I’ll
come right back
you know what I got this it’s cool
I sure yeah yeah yeah I’m sure okay in a
pack of cigarettes who are you
I’m Alice honey I’m a nurse at st. Louis
Hospital what’s your name I’m di way
number one stranger things I came for
something else taking the world by storm
stranger things is the epic series we
didn’t know we needed this sci-fi drama
hybrid uses great storytelling and
infuses it with a heavy dose of 80s
from the fashion and music to the
constant references and homages stranger
things is the love child of Stephen King
Steven Spielberg John Carpenter and
Ridley Scott and many many other things
a trick of course in using so many
references is to somehow create
something wholly original and the duffer
brothers achieved that and then some
the story of a young boy’s disappearance
in a small town and the possible
involvement of a nearby mysterious
government facility ignited the
imaginations of viewers everywhere
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