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Another Top 10 Controversial Moments in Superhero Movies

so many heroes so much drama welcome to and today we’ll be
counting down our picks for another top
ten controversial moments in superhero
movies there are two weeks to choose
I believe in truth before we begin you
publish new content every day so be sure
to subscribe to our Channel and ring the
bell to get notified about our latest
videos for this list we’ll be looking at
even more moments in superhero flicks
that either deviated from the source
material or were poorly received by fans
and critics in their own right if you
don’t see a moment that you think should
be on here be sure to check out our
first video on the topic goes number 10
behold jokes for Ragnarok behold mush
stuff the third Thor film features a
March departure in tone from the
previous two installments in the series
with brighter colors more action and a
greater emphasis on humor however there
are those who feel that the last of
these is to the film’s detriment the
jokes are so frequent that they tend to
interrupt or distract from the touching
scenes as well as action set-pieces
cutting the tension or emotional
resonance of the moments Thor Ragnarok
is a fun and funny film but admittedly
with a little tweaking it could have
been more impactful I will tower over
the mountains and bury my sword deep in
a second number 9 Superman’s fake mouth
Justice League but to whine like a river
speaking of things that could have used
some tweaking Justice League was plagued
by issues behind the scenes but the most
obvious symptom of this was Superman’s
mouth the film required extensive
but unfortunately actor Henry Cavill was
contracted for another movie by that
time and paramount insisted that he keep
the facial hair the effects team was
therefore forced to make the stash
disappear causing Superman’s mouth to
look creepy and/or inhuman in many shots
the internet subsequently had a field
day with this the fact that the film
wasn’t delayed to make his mouth and
other effects look better also ties into
rumors that Warner Bros executives
rushed the film out to keep their
bonuses well I know you didn’t bring me
back because you liked me
number eight beans death The Dark Knight
rose no than to have to kill you now
Bane is a much-loved member of Batman’s
rogues gallery and his major role in the
third part of the Dark Knight trilogy
was largely a success for the villain he
proved himself to be a formidable and
imposing figure even in Nolan’s more
grounded Gotham unfortunately the movies
conclusion undermined much of what had
succeeded earlier in the film firstly
Bane has revealed to not be the
mastermind behind the film’s events
instead working for Talia al Ghul
robbing his character of his famed
intelligence but more significantly
after a final confrontation with Batman
Bane is and ceremoniously shot by
Catwoman which many felt was a poor
conclusion to the villains life about
the whole no guns thing I’m not sure I
feel as strongly about it as you do
number 7
elevator improv beat box Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles MC Mikey the premise of
this long-running franchise has always
been odd but it always made sense in its
own wonderfully weird way unfortunately
the 2014 live-action film felt totally
off one of the more controversial and
memorable scenes in the first film of
the reboot sees the four teenage turtles
led by Michelangelo begin beatboxing
while riding in an elevator although
some felt the scene adds some levity to
the film and is in keeping with their
characters given that they’re teenagers
others felt that the scene was random
and forced even the Ninja Turtles
cartoon at the time took a shot at the
offending scene
number six the prologue / bat sex Batman
The Killing Joke I thought we were
we are the opening 20 minutes or so of
this comic-book adaptation features an
expanded emphasis on Barbara Gordon
aka Batgirl during the course of the
events depicted Barbara is shown kissing
Bruce Wayne / Batman and it’s implied
she has sex with him besides not being
accurate with The Killing Joke comic
swaths of fans felt this was
antithetical to the father-daughter
relationship the characters shared and
just plain gross since Barbara is also
Batman’s friend Commissioner Gordon’s
daughter of course a bat sexual
relationship wouldn’t be the worst
controversy to plague the Dark Knight in
2016 more on that later
we’re done here you’re off the case No
number 5 endangering civilians Man of
we covered the controversial climax of
Superman’s fight with Zod and Man of
Steel in our original list but the
majority of the film proofed divisive as
after kal-el manages to foil Zod’s plans
the Kryptonian general engages Supes in
a desperate battle through Metropolis
causing widespread destruction in their
wake and endangering if not outright
killing a huge number of people in the
a lot of viewers felt that Superman
should and would have done more to
protect the citizens of the city like
trying to lead Zod away or at least
minimize the destruction number 4 Cloudy
with a Chance of Galactus Fantastic Four
rise of the Silver Surfer it is known by
many names by people called it Galactus
the Fantastic Four films don’t have the
best track record thus far and one of
the most egregious errors in judgment by
the folks behind the scenes was to turn
Galactus the massive world devouring
Conqueror into a massive world devouring
we get that galactus maybe a little hard
to realize on screen but at the very
least they could have made the cloud
resemble his face or given any sort of
indication that said cloud is an
intelligent one as it is the 2007 film
took an iconic villain and turned him
number three emo Peter spider-man 3
there are a number of aspects from Sam
Raimi’s third spider-man film that were
poorly received by fans from the
overabundance of villains to practically
everything about venom but we’d argue
that the most contentious part of the
film is the dark turn taken by Peter
Parker upon being bonded with the alien
symbiote shots are so good I’m not to
show you sometime everything about this
direction from the emo haircut and that
discount Saturday Night Fever sequence
to the awful dance club scene is sure to
make anyone watching cringe people
weren’t upset that Peter went dark just
that he went full dork while he was at
it number two Superman reversing time
since it’s arguably the first major
modern superhero movie this bit of
controversy from Superman is more an
issue in retrospect than at the time of
release though there are probably some
fans who box even then during the film’s
climax Superman distraught at Lois
Lane’s death flies above the earth and
moves it around so fast that the earth
spins backwards reversing time and
allowing him to save her first of all
this is something that was invented
purely for the film but more importantly
that’s not how time or planetary
rotation works the moment has its fans
though and it’s certainly an iconic one
I don’t bother I think it’s dead number
1 save Martha Batman vs. Superman dawn
of Justice yep the matchup between the
world’s two biggest superheroes proved
incredibly divisive and although Batman
killing people was also rather
contentious the most controversial
moment occurs during the climax of their
titular battle it’s when as Batman is
poised to stab him
Superman asks that he save his mother
no more quince identify Bruce Wayne’s
mother is also named Martha causing the
Dark Knight to have second thoughts
about killing the man quote with the
while some believes that the moment did
a good job of making Batman realize that
the two of them are not so different
many felt it was poorly handled and just
plain laughable do you agree with our
picks check out these other great clips
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