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Alternatives to Driving a Car

the best way to save money on gas is to
not drive hi I’m Veronica the to look at a few
alternatives to driving when do you
suggest using public transportation
rather than driving every time it’s
possible public transportation is
especially efficient when you use it to
go to school or to go to work so you you
become used to it and you can do
something else like reading a book or
reading the newspaper or just relax
not everyone has public transportation
available to them what are some other
alternatives one alternative that is
gaining in popularity in Europe in
Canada but also in the States is car
sharing so today you don’t have to own a
car to use it you could pay a fee and
have access to a car that are placed
here and there in the city how about
walking and biking are there many trails
available Europe and specialists are
taking care more of those people who
want to walk and we all know that biking
is gaining in popularity everywhere
almost everywhere let’s say that you’re
going on a trip that’s far
what’s better flying or doing a road
trip if you do more than 500 kilometers
I think flying is more interesting for
you personally because you spend less
time in the vehicle the Train is very
interesting from an energy perspective
besides saving gas what other benefits
are we getting there is this all thing
of trying to reduce our amounts of co2
this is the big thing today governments
almost everywhere do have climate change
action plans
this is a real good investment for our
young people and our children
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