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All About Inline Speed Skating

rollerblading has been popular for years
but inline speed skating is just taking
off hi I’m Rebecca Braden and welcome to and today we’ll be
learning more about this course
how do you inline skating and ice
skating differ the difference is between
the blades and the wheels the wheels
have tendency to slip under you but the
body movement that helps the weight
transfer basically the same what first
got you interested in this sport I lost
my driving license and I had to go to
school so I bought a pair of skates at a
sports good sir and never let go I just
thought the sport
and for someone who’s just starting out
what equipment would you say is
necessary helmet first if you want to go
like a good skate you’re gonna go to
larger wheels go with more rigid style
boots what is the difference between
regular skates and inline speed skates
big difference is the height speed
skates did stop my ankle while regular
skids they go higher and they’re also
carbon fiber and really light that’s the
main difference
in terms of a race what’s the etiquette
I mean how does that set up major rules
you’re not allowed to push anymore you
can’t touch but no push and you have to
follow the track if there a strategy
involved in a race if you stay in front
all the time people behind you they’re
gonna rest it’s going to be less
difficult because the person in front is
going to be cutting the wind that’s the
strategies like keep in shape get a rest
and try to give us print at the end
thanks very much thanks a lot
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