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A Very Funny Holiday Wish List

hi I’m Andy Henrickson hi I’m Andy
Henrickson this is watchmojo and welcome
to my holiday wish list first thing I
wish is that this year my chief brother
will not buy me clothes from the outlet
stores last year you got me a polo knock
off shirt it’s called a polio it’s the
same thing except the horse’s legs are
kind of bent up come on Seabiscuit you
can do it the second thing I wish is
that my roommate will stop correcting my
grammar I should probably wish that I
don’t have a roommate I’m a grown man
like there’s guys my age to have
roommates they call them wives and
children mine is called Keith but my
roommate always corrects my grammar come
on the door like hey man how you doing
I’m like I’m doing good it goes no
you’re not when you say you’re doing
good it implies you’re out in the
community doing doing good for mankind
you should say I’m well let’s try it
again how you doing I’m angry now go
watch this is keith and stop making
smoothies at eight in the morning so the
third thing on my wish list just like
christmas story I want a Red Ryder BB
gun I lost mine I used to play BB gun
wars when I was a kid with my buddy
Winky while his name was was Bill and we
played BB gun wars and now his name’s
also this holiday season i’m pretty sure
that justin bieber is coming out with
the Christmas album so I wish that won’t
happen I also wish that I could get
through the Canadian border without such
a hassle I don’t have to relive my
criminal past every time I cross the
border I mean it was a long time ago I
always go out to get the newspaper naked
underneath the trench coat it was an
impulse I didn’t know there’s going to
be children around watching and pointing
I wish women would stop posting false
advertising on dating websites like in
their profile names sports fan 15
football fanatic 12 right you just want
to make yourself sound like you like
sports so guys like Oh homage I would do
the same thing I’m going to make my
profile name sound interesting i’m going
to be like candles and makeup 15
shopaholic 10 money i wish they would
stop these holiday commercials where
guys walk out the front door with a set
of car keys and for their wives or
girlfriends there’s a Lexus in the
driveway the giant red bow on it I mean
it’s tint setting the bar a little too
high I can’t even afford the giant
six-foot red bow it’s on the car how
about like an iTunes gift certificate
right I don’t have these memorized a lot
of gadgets coming out this season I wish
that there was an app on my iPhone that
would call back all my friends and
apologize for dropping the call about
that out get to work Steve Jobs about a
nap it prevents you from junk texting I
always get these texts like hey man
right the bar I just made out with a hot
gym tttt comma ? Asterix smiley face
just sent me hieroglyphics I wish I had
a time machine so i could go back and
tell myself to be more prepared for the
segment but seriously i wish everyone a
happy and healthy holiday season thanks
so much bye
is the camera off yeah oh my god it’s so
hard to be sincere like that
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