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5 Must Have Items for Men

it’s time for you guys to come shopping
as well hi this is Vanessa valletta with and today we’re going to
show you five items that you guys must
have during the spring teachers are the
number one item for every single men men
you need to put away boring old plain
t-shirts you can have a few but you want
to start having more fun with your
shirts with your t-shirts going to big
patterns big logos bright colors a nice
fit is always nice as well this is the
we are the super light of conspiracy
from Sweden that’s what I’m wearing
right now actually is a hoodie we have
lifetime collective from Vancouver this
is a sketchbook t-shirt you have here of
this plaid Kills Fascists t-shirt I’ve
seen a lot of colorful shoes lately for
men is that a new trend for the spring
we’re seeing a lot brighter shoes I
guess more mainstream we have a few here
I’ll show you a few examples a lot of
retro looking shoes I mean some of these
have been around you can find them in
specialty stores but I mean as far as
what’s going to be seen on the streets
on your average person you have a lot of
bright colors got here the arrow model
you got a neon orange you got a nice
blue even if you’re going for something
a little more subtle you have little
hint stuff you know neon green blue with
snakeskin again you have to own it so if
you’re not comfortable wearing the shoes
don’t go for crazy she’s looking shoe or
something a bit more subtle first thing
everyone looks at on a man is their
shoes so even if your outfit looks gross
get some nice shoes I let them men are
afraid to wear prints can you give us
some advice on how to choose them um
well you have to try it on I was
recommend trying stuff on sometimes the
print won’t work with your body shape
you might think it will but once you try
it on even if you’re you know you’re in
shape you’re not in shape sometimes it
doesn’t flatter or just kind of goes all
over the place so you want to try stuff
on stripes ER was in for men houndstooth
look you give our houndstooth that’s
nice to not a lot of menswear with han
streets on it you have some retro adidas
you got some of the logos with the sharp
we have the matching hat shoot forgot
but again nice big prince is this very
young playful you know summertime is
about having fun and being playful you
guys need to accessorize as well you
could wear a nice jean bag ahead or some
belts that is definitely true many to
accessorize as well so matching matching
is out you don’t need to match anymore
or whatever matching your belt in your
shoes really cares nice adidas bag or
you want to have a traveling bag and
carry on for the plane you have
something for your laptop for school
hats you know you have again a bolt
pattern hats some of those hats with
visors for the son and of course belts
you always want to be wearing a nice
belt it’s falling apart replace it
spring is finally here so he’s playing
for you guys to show off some skin so
shorts for men I must have spring summer
autumn n are scared of showing their
legs you want to get out of those jeans
stop sweating put on some shorts show
you some examples you have a nice linen
short very lightweight when it is
beautiful the more you wash it the
software gets we have a nice denim short
here from a view jeans kind of like a
little classic you know rolled up here
looks like a little huckleberry finn
nice denim very lightweight as well for
the summer and a surfer looking shorts
again the bold prints nice plaid very
let light weight again if you are scared
of showing your legs you can always get
a cargo pant with a drawstring it smells
nice you could pull it up past the calf
tied up so it’s not like your wig is
short you don’t have air crawling up
your leg tied up protected but stop
sweating and you know be nice and
comfortable for the song
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