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3 Ways Black Panther Will Change The MCU – Spoiler Review!! Mojo @ The Movies

his heart for a good man to be a king
welcome to mojo at the movies I’m Eric
and once again this week I’m joined by
Manny our esteemed director who is a
huge comic book fan and we got to see
Black Panther we did our spoiler free
review which you guys can click and see
in the link
how you doing Manny I’m doing good so
this time it’s a spoiler review yeah
yeah we’re also gonna talk about three
ways the Black Panther will change the
but before we get to that let’s just
break down the movie what happens in
black man so Black Panther takes place
right after the events of civil war
where we saw two challahs father die who
was the king of Wakanda which is a super
advanced nation hidden in fictional
nation fictional nation which is kind of
hidden away behind this curtain of
poverty so they’re like portrayed as a
third world country so we see T’Challa
coming back to akanda accepting the fact
that his father is gone and also that he
has to be king so now we have a
character that’s dealing with the weight
of his nation as well as the mantle of
Black Panther who has unofficially
officially become one of the Avengers
right so we also get to see another
character which is was introduced in age
of Ultron and the circus and the circus
play by Andy Serkis who plays Ulysses
Klaw right who is like a prominent type
of Black Panther character he’s like a
poacher type of his characters kind of
cool actually I gotta say any circus you
know we’re so used to seeing him and in
you know he’s like King Kong and then he
was gone and then he was he’s pretty
good a Caesar he’s very good like I
always found him as a good actor you can
see him some indie performances that he
does and it’s really good like he gets
on set and he takes it and he’s like I’m
in this movie and I’m rolling with and
you think he’s the bad guy but whoa yes
there’s a batter dude there’s a batter
dude so there’s like this secret thing
that happened between two challahs
father and his brother so like back in
the day the King’s brother
they were with ulysses klaw stealing the
vibranium now the whole world is based
around by brainy and vibranium for
anyone hasn’t seen the movie is the
metal that Captain America’s shield is
made out of in age of Ultron we had all
Tron going to steal a specific reserve
of vibranium that was kind of held by
Andy Serkis which was also stolen from
Wakanda to make his indestructible body
for all Tron in there and we even see
where it kind of grows in Wakanda it’s
yeah this girl apparently was a meteor
that hit down and like they based all
their technology around this metal
because it has the ability to absorb
energy and use it kinetically so like
they build all their technology around
this metal which is how Wakanda becomes
this most advanced society and how Black
Panther is such a powerful character as
well exactly also he has something
called the it’s like a special plant
room that he drinks and that also
enhances his abilities and gives him a
mitts I kept in like the secret chamber
and only the next Black Panther has
access to this there’s like a whole type
of like religion based around the Black
Panther in this movie which is really
really cool so we started talking about
the the batterer dude so that is that
are played by Michael B Jordan yeah
his characters Eric kill monger Eric
they call him kill monger what a name
yeah and apparently in the comics that
was his like African name and in this
one they gave it because he’s an
they gave him that because he had over
like 250 confirmed kills as a Navy SEAL
or a Marine I can’t remember what he was
at at this point he’s also related he is
also related to Black Panthers so which
we find out that’s a small he find out
that he’s Black Panthers cousin but
because he’s the son of the King’s
brother who the King had to kill who the
King had to kill because he found out
that the brother was stealing the right
brain cranium yeah so the vibranium he
was saying that we can use it to help
all our people across the world we
shouldn’t be we shouldn’t be so like
secretive with it
so he has his judging by the way the
wakandans work he has his
rightful stab at the throne basically
once the king is dead so the whole movie
is based around Erik but basically kill
monger Michael B Jordans character going
back to Wakanda but because he was
banished and nobody knows he exists he
needs to kind of offer a peace offering
to be led into the city and that’s where
Andy circuses character comes in which
unfortunately is classic Marvel
situation where he’s just killed off and
he’s brought to the steps of Wakanda as
here is ulysses klaw a man who’s been
giving you such grief and trouble over
the years I brought him to you and I
deserve my place to speak to the council
and my rightful stab at the throne it’s
important to say this is a fantastic
movie we both came out of there just
minds blown it’s getting a tremendous
amount of attention I think it’s an
amazing thing that you know a movie
that’s basically you know such a a great
example of afrofuturism is is appealing
to such a huge broad audience it’s
empowering it’s positive and you know I
think it’s the the biggest pre-sales
in in yet Marvel history and also it’s
like really it’s shaping up to maybe I
think destroy the box office in anything
yes that’s come out in February it’s
gonna absolutely yeah but it’s also you
know it’s it there are ramifications to
the MCU so let’s talk about the things
that we learnt in black panther that we
think are going to kind of you know the
ripple effect in the MCU the ripple
effect I think what it’s really shown is
in the after credits scenes now we’ll
talk about the first after credit scene
because for some reason Marvel now gives
us two and always the first one I feel
could always just be in the movie I mean
it’s not really anything pretty like
comic relief sometimes yeah so the first
scene is we have T’Challa coming out in
a UN summit saying we are Wakanda we are
one of the most advanced nations this is
us we’re here
everybody’s gonna kind of have to deal
with it right now you know and I think
that kind of shows that he’s kind of
almost taking the role of iron man as we
know Robert Downey jr. has been off
contract so he’s kind of been hooked up
by movie so I think he’ll eventually
slowly become the
new leader which I know is not really
canon and doesn’t really go with what’s
going on in the comics but they don’t
they don’t necessarily care but they
don’t because it’s the Marvel Cinematic
Universe and I think this is a good step
to establish because we’ve never really
had a leader of the Avengers
it’s always kind of been like a power
struggle between Iron Man and Captain
America and I think this will really
establish that he’s not only the leader
of the nation of Wakanda not only is he
the black panther but now I find he’ll
be able to kind of oversee everything
well he’s the only King amongst all I
mean yeah he’s a true he’s a king yeah
so also we have Thor who’s a bit of a
king after after Ragnarok Asgard is no
more so so that’s the first thing we
think that Black Panther will become the
unofficial the unofficial baby takeover
you know is Robert Downey jr. gonna come
back I think I feel like Robert Downey
jr. will come back I feel like he loves
this unit in turned down the paycheck he
can’t turn down the baby I was getting a
chicks like that I’d go back that’s for
sure what’s number two number two I
think we finally saw which is the second
after credit scene is that we see Bucky
who’s the Winter Soldier who was not the
Winter Soldier anymore he’s just Bucky
who has his memory back so being in
being frozen in Wakanda we have Sheree
who is Black Panthers sister running
tests and kind of fixed his mind put it
back together so I think that and with
the upcoming infinity war there’s the
rumors on the internet somebody’s gonna
die I think it’s gonna be Captain
America whoa Chris Evans I’ve heard that
diet you know sevens has vocally said
like he loves the character it’s a great
experience but he’s also kind of done
with the character he’s that type of
actor that he enjoys kind of challenging
himself and changing it up and I think
playing such a light and he’s evolved
the character like you could tell from
the first movie from every movie his
character has grown and become like this
Captain America it’s like he they did
the the story arc perfectly from the
comics and I I think they did I know he
doesn’t even represent what he
represents he’s the man country the man
without a country has no star on his
chest he has no Avengers badges doesn’t
wear his helmet he doesn’t have his
iconic shield he dropped that at the end
of civil war a little bit
reflective of what’s going on in America
– very much yeah and you have a special
affinity for Bucky you’re very excited
Bucky is always heading has always been
my favorite cap my favorite character
and as well I love that run that line of
Captain America reborn which i think is
what we’re gonna see Sebastian Stan is
signed on for another three four movies
and I think getting a Captain America
reborn movie would be awesome to see
where he kind of picks up the mantle and
becomes Captain America alright so the
third thing we were talking about you
know the fact that you know the Avengers
have always been geo blocked – yeah one
very much and we saw with the events of
age of Ultron how they went to sokovia
created this huge debacle that the US
government and in a US citizen as Tony
Stark couldn’t be seen pretty much
destroying another planet another planet
another country so that’s where we got
the sokovia accords which set off the
events in civil war
now the Avengers by Black Panther kind
of outing himself as I’m the king of
Wakanda but I’m also an Avenger they
have a diplomat on their team now
they’re going international so I think
now that these sokovia cords are no
longer valid which will give us more
international type of like coverage for
the Avengers that yes it was always the
end of the world but it was so
convenient at the end of the world kind
of took place in New York right but ever
it’s all waiting is so convenient in the
comments and that’s something we were
saying before is that you know even if
these guys die nobody really dies nobody
really dies especially in these movies
nobody really dies like another thing is
that now with the Fox acquisition we
have access to Fantastic Four bad guys
and obviously one of a really good
villain that’s always had diplomatic
immunity has been Doctor Doom so now we
have an Avenger that a diplomat that has
international gain that doesn’t that
doesn’t need to adhere to these rules of
the US and we also have a villain that
doesn’t need to adhere to rules but also
we have all these cosmic right because
that guys we have tunnels coming in we
have the guardians of the galaxy yeah I
think that things are going Marvel is
like they finally got what they always
needed and that was to give us the
complete universe right so that so the
emphasis is now on the you the MC you
you it’s the universe yeah it is now
officially the Marvel Cinematic Universe
we have everything marvel’s got it all
so now when does when does infinity war
come it
it comes out in me alright well we’ll
look forward to that thank you many and
you better be bring me to that okay you
do that what let us know what you guys
think in the comments and that’s it
we’ll see you next time
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