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27 Club – Robert Johnson

number three on our list is Robert
Johnson Robert Johnson is an African
American blues guitarist who is whose
pioneer he passed away in 1938 so you’re
probably wondering what on earth he has
to do with with today’s music but as
recently as last year Eric Clapton
released a tribute to Robert Johnson
Robert Johnson is an unbelievably
classic figure he’s he’s become almost a
piece of myth a lot of people say that
in the early days Robert Johnson
couldn’t play the guitar and and a lot
of people actually believed that Robert
Johnson sold his soul to the devil in
order to in order to get the talent that
he had and that is that’s how he ended
up dying he was actually poisoned by a
spurned female lover and they were
massive the different wild accounts
about the night that he died but it
seems to be pretty much across the board
everyone seems to agree that it was
horrific that it took about eight hours
for him to die that it was definitely
poisoning and that he was foaming at the
and like I said this foaming at the
mouth kind of it’s allowed people to say
well maybe he did have this pact with
the devil indefinitely and maybe it was
more than just this jealous girl maybe
there was something more to this is
poisoning and of course because was 1938
no autopsy it’s hard really to figure
out what happened important to remember
about Robert Johnson’s that he was an
amazing musician and then he continues
to inspire people today he’s number
three on honest
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