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27 Club – Kurt Cobain & Jim Morrison

number six on our list and some of you
may be surprised that he’s only number
six but that’s Kurt cobalt now Kurt
Cobain is obviously you know a lot of
people consider him one of the founders
of the grunge movement he has a horribly
tragic story of course he committed
suicide we put a gun to his head an
infant daughter and he was married to
Courtney Love but what’s undocumented
about Kurt Cobain’s that he was
depressed for a really long time and
it’s been widely speculated that they
should have just thrown him into the
people should have just had an
intervention and thrown him into to
rehab earlier because he should have
been on some sort of antidepressants
then of course the question comes in are
these people only so prolific and so
talented because they’re they’ve reached
this depth of despair that brings us to
number five Jim Morrison Jim Morrison
did not kill himself on purpose as far
as we know however his life of excess
most certainly did lead to his death the
actual cause of his death was ruled
alcohol but Morrison I mean Morrison is
one of these people who’s widely
documented is over the years just being
drunk on stage excessive high all the
time and unfortunately it was no big
surprise when he passed away at 27
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