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20 Million Subscriber CELEBRATION – Q&A and MORE

hey everybody welcome to our 20 million
subscriber extravaganza that we’re
calling it I guess it’s called yeah okay
welcome welcome to my panel meets my
teammates my co-host
I led Ricki and Jim Jim as always we’ll
be moderating the comments and
administering our contest I guess you
could say which we will get to you when
we get to it yes we’re not there yet but
throw to him because I okay perfect so
we are here to thank you guys so much
for helping us get to 20 million
subscribers so thank you thank you thank
you so much we’re clapping for you we
already did that so we’re here to thank
you and to add to some of your questions
that you may have had over the years
about WatchMojo about us specifically or
whatever so that’s you can so yeah ask
the questions in the chat and Jem will
ask us the questions that you’re asking
us it’s good to have a man anyway so if
you like top 20s I know you do because a
lot of people have said you should make
a top 20 today is all top 20s on our
channel it’s very exciting what do we
got we have I’ve got 20 glitches is it
glitches or glitches most cosmos really
movie insults which is already out so
you can watch it after a slideshow zone
obviously too until the end of that one
because I give away some personal
information I probably shouldn’t have no
everybody knows oh well that’s the idea
man anyway okay so speaking of top
twenties the contest their confidence
not like on Seinfeld okay so let me let
me bring up my notes why here is the
thing you know we have our
my mojo and people suggest video ideas
to us all the time we do but that aside
as we said we’re dipping our toes into
making top 20s that we need your ideas
to make these in turn into reality so
right now on our community tab which is
watch a mojo slash
community there’s a post and if you go
to that post Easton’s you can see that
I’ve at your best top 20 ideas so you
know just leave your top 20 ideas there
and has this will check back take a look
at which ones are the best ones the
worst one about the best one we’re gonna
pick and we’re gonna make that into a
video and what we’re gonna do but wait
there’s more what we’re gonna do is
we’re gonna let you film yourself doing
an intro to that video and we’re gonna
put that in the video and then we’re
gonna publish that video on wash mojo
that’s really cool I mean we get to do
it all the time but there’s gonna be
great so cool all this information but
noisemaker all that other information by
the way is in the description of this
video so you can just that but of that
as the show goes on yeah so basically go
to the community tab and suggest the top
20 idea and you could appear in a
WatchMojo video did I do it did it make
sure you did it so that is that and now
let’s get out also want to talk about
the shirts that Ricky and whoever wears
because they’ve got some new merch
shirts so if you guys like those what is
it definitely I think there’s a link in
the description to our store yeah yeah
we’re we’re adding the new merch and
there’s a link in the description it’s
currently a shop doll but
it’s gonna be available in different
platforms as well very soon cool those
are those are fun this is an awesome
shirt but are you happy about the very
comfortable and it looks great and if
you’re gay if you’re
and if you’re if you’re a gamer you
should definitely get this and also let
us know what your top ten favorite games
why does everyone make fun of me I
actually like Tetris it’s a great game
it’s a classic no one out there is a
better way I’ll take this okay anyway
moving on so something that we asked you
guys to do in community to post from
last week was what we asked you to do
two things we wanted you we wanted to
find out like what WatchMojo means to
you and how you came to fine WatchMojo
maybe the first video you remember
watching stuff like that and we got some
great comments and we actually also
asked you guys to send us videos so we
also have some videos but I’ll read a
few comments I always love getting
comments like this cuz it makes you like
it sometimes you know you just like you
upload videos and it feels like it’s
going into this like yeah hole and you
don’t know that people actually care and
that you’re making a difference in lives
which sounds really cheesy but I so
getting comments like this always means
a lot to me so for example we got one
comment from Wesley Brookman who was
going through a tough time and he was
back living with his parents and he this
is what he said I had just started
getting into YouTube because of my
boredom and I found it hard to bridge
the gap between things my parents
enjoyed watching and things I did well I
found your channel and was able to play
videos about things they enjoyed and was
able to connect with them in a way I
hadn’t previously I know isn’t that
great your channel has so many different
lists that I can always find one that
appeals or intrigues whomever I’m with
and that sparks discussion on the
rankings and allows for conversational
topics so thank you much mojo for
producing content constantly and giving
me a catalyst for varied interactions
Wow yeah isn’t that cool what a poet so
but wait there’s more Angela Frick says
can’t do a video so I thought I’d show
this here first time I ever watched one
of your videos was when my dad showed me
top 10 Disney Villains I love this
intergenerational stuff we’re getting I
rewatched it so many times and I was
there was that was four years ago and
I’ve been watching ever since you never
fail to put a smile on my face which I
love I know and then finally we got
another one from Katy marigold
who says on more than one occasion
WatchMojo has literally pulled me out of
a depressive funk well I’m sorry to hear
that but I am glad that we were able to
help pulled me out of spiraling boredom
and made me feel all the fields despite
what people say I don’t know I read the
comments it’s cool people that realize
donal list seems wrong or out of order
it’s basically their fault for voting or
not voting and not yours anyway that’s
true but whatever we can take some of we
take the responsibility we do we do
stuff but some some so thank you for
thanking us guys and we also like I said
we have some fans submission videos that
we want us to show you guys and so let’s
take a look at those yay shall we video
was actually the top 10 gary oldman
so the first WatchMojo video i ever
watched was a the band one I’m pretty
sure it was like top 10 music videos my
first ever video I remember watching was
top 10 hockey fans back when I was in
grade 2 and I’m in grade 7 now I have my
grade 7 teacher English teacher actually
some of your videos my first video that
I ever watched from you guys was top 10
scariest creepypastas and because of
that I started playing a bunch of video
games related to those creepypastas
because I was interested in horror and
you guys have kind of made me the person
that I am now and I constantly watch you
guys hopefully WatchMojo will use this
clip I doubt they will up keep growing
keep learning and keep making videos
watch mojo they keep me inspired just
like the rest of the people hi guys my
name is Denise I’m 17 from Washington
and I like WatchMojo videos because they
cover top
like anime and sort of movies that I
really like if there’s anything about a
comic book I want to see WatchMojo you
guys have it all
you guys actually ain’t one of my many
inspirations for my own personal vlog on
YouTube as well the reason why I like
WatchMojo is that I can literally just
increase my no little absolutely
everything I love all the pop-culture
subjects that you cover in your top tens
I love your top 5 facts I love all the
variation in the different subjects that
you approach I’ve been watching every
single one of your videos since 2012
without exception videos like top 10
iconic cheese’s or top tens deep lines
in video games without watch more I
think I will be able to speak English
fluently today and a lot of movies games
and TV shows I wouldn’t have learned
about if it weren’t for you guys and
it’s been introducing me into a lot of
new stuff and I just want to say thank
you guys for just showing me all this
stuff hey guys thank you you guys are
awesome keep up the good work and
everything keep up the good work
WatchMojo I love that so more fan
submission stuff we actually asked you
guys to send us some questions that we
can answer so we have a lot of questions
that I had that we compiled previously
but do we have any questions coming in
in the chat oh we should answer by the
way okay for those of you who are just
joining us thank you for helping us get
to 20 million subscribers and we’ve got
an ongoing contest that I will remind
you about go to our community tab on the
post about our top 20s and suggest your
idea for a top 20 and if we make it
huit well know it and if we choose it
we’ll make it and you can film yourself
for the intro so you can actually appear
in a watch module video which is bananas
that’s really good at it
so I will keep reminding you about that
so do that let’s see if there any
jam questions any good ones um that’s
the interesting one well I mean Theron
Cameron asked about how to get our shirt
but they we’ve answered that one already
we did yes yeah that’s a we got a link
in the comment in the description to the
merch store that’s right um Zoe Wong
asks how long does it take to make an
episode talk huh huh that’s hard to
explain there’s yeah okay so let me
think so we have to watch all the movies
so that takes like 20 hours right there
at the same time that’s like 1.5 speed
so you can watch multiple movies at the
same time yeah and then we have to like
chain ourselves to the radiator and now
I’m great but for real I don’t know like
many meta long like no yeah we don’t
really fast yeah yeah I mean it can also
there’s so many different stages I don’t
actually have an answer if you can’t
give away all our so you know the secret
sauce and then one more question I guess
from from the chat for now Felix Adler
asks do you guys have specific favorite
types of videos to make yes yeah I do
okay so it’s very specific nice um I I
really like like anything to do with
like TV commercials I have to stop
saying like breakfast cereal mascot the
same time that we’re like breakfast
cereal mascots are food mascots and then
and also like greatest commercials and I
just love doing those cuz they’re so
nostalgic it’s crazy yeah I’m like a
huge fan of anything that has to do with
pop culture celeb but I also have like
unexpected favorite videos like as well
I’ve been fictional owls no I really
liked was it we’re singing in musicals
I’m not a musical girl but I don’t know
that video just got me it was so funny
and grossing Russell oh my god don’t
mean that please it’s already done how
are you ready I love doing retro video
game videos cuz there’s a lot of games
that I haven’t played obviously and so
when I get to see some of these older
games it’s like it inspires me to go
back and like maybe try them out and I
also really love the like the funny
commercial videos I think those are
whole like absolutely hilarious but I
would definitely say like you know video
game stuff that are like old video games
those are those are pretty dope very
my answer yeah for sure I don’t let make
a lot of videos I’m mostly published
them but I do have something very
special planned a little side project
for for the motor of Grant happening and
it’s gonna come very soon Wow and I’m
just gonna say that the name is get moja
and I’m not gonna say anymore
I just want to tease it I don’t even
know about this this is top secret I
have no idea what it’s like now just
read it just don’t worry about it it’s
gonna come soon
oh he tries to them all right let me see
what other questions I got here oh okay
wait I want the I have one that’s
labeled like silly questions what is the
most confusing film of all time this is
mr. DK I don’t know okay so I just
watched The Departed again oh my gosh I
don’t get that movie man i but here’s
the thing about it both times I have
been doing something else while watching
it and I think you can’t do that with
that movie have you donated to remove
the rat for me and there was a started
no it’s like the most obvious metaphor
in the yeah it was really offensive
but yeah obviously you guys should check
that out it’s really funny no anyway so
I don’t get me anybody else with Moe
Holland I think my Holland Drive yeah
really confusing haven’t seen it but I I
watched and I was like I really wanted
to get into it and I was into it and but
then at some point I didn’t know what
was going on and it just kind of like
faded away yeah that’s the realest stuff
where you though it’s very like dreamy
and you’re not sure what’s real yeah
inception I got a little bit more like
the ending was like so ambiguous and I
personally don’t love that so it’s kind
of like what I want that’s less
confusing and more just like
purposefully vain right easily so I’m
sure there’s a bunch of essays on it and
the matrix too is pretty crazy yeah
matrix is like another story and
anything with time travel right oh yeah
that’s it it doesn’t make sense
do you think Back to the Future is
confusing I don’t my mom does actually
wait I have a silly question what was
the first year that the doctor went back
to the future in Back to the Future if
you get what I mean
from chip Woodworth now I don’t do you
know you don’t get what was the first
year the doctor went back to the future
I don’t understand what that means 1955
I don’t I don’t know I know all the
years don’t worry
went back in time to the cowboy times
and then he went back to the future from
there that technically is the first time
he went back to the future which was the
present of the first movie moving on
there actually that’s a lot one page
he’s not wrong yeah but we don’t know no
you went to 2015 Oh remember 2015 in
that movie yeah it was not like 2015 in
this world I don’t know it was I
actually went to the theater to seen
Back to the Future on October 20 oh
what is it okay first 2015 yep sounds
right Emily’s yelling at me right now um
okay I have a question that starts with
um so um if cats like fish why do they
not like water I don’t have that’s a
yep your cans now um okay what else do I
got you have any chat questions jack
questions are her kind of serious no
record of Florida’s ask who does the the
voice there are two does here the what
I’m doing Robin Williams from mrs.
Doubtfire yeah that’s not your go-to
voice in the videos yeah that’s just
what you’re channeling I’m just
channeling Robin I was quoting mrs.
anyway we all do voices Rebecca is
probably the most voice a voice here
she’s been doing it forever
she’s a bet you think he’s calling me
old no I’m calling you experienced but
maybe an Phoebe you’ve been here two
years two years I’m almost there so you
might have heard our voices yeah on
video game stuff and pop culture stuff
yep yes haha boop bop bop a scream
what’s it like having your voice being
an internet meme and I don’t know who
that is – I think it smells Oh meme to
you is there a mean there’s gotta be no
but you like you know you’d like like oh
you narrate before I die or whatever
yeah yeah if you have recorded Twitter
and searched WatchMojo lady that is
every single tip and I’m just like oh my
god some very funny and we feature them
on our Instagram yeah they’re amazing so
how does it feel Rebecca oh and have
invented feminist
okay a lots more silly questions okay um
what was your favorite list personally
well I think I just said that my
favorite list when it was time and we’re
singing in because you got got some
really good ones he got Gerard Butler
which I never cease to find hilarious
his song is he saying if we good oh yeah
Russell Crowe’s the best or the worst
I think it’s Pierce Brosnan yeah I’ve
watched it like a thousand times
yeah yeah well someone in the chat
really wants to know okay yeah Miz
Adelson a production and in all caps
they say the best movie of all time
tell me please we already talked about
it Back to the Future under discussion
the best movie of all time The Godfather
plans Back to the Future Fight Club
seriously I had to say it because of
that’s like to go to movie that like
nobody knows what the Messimer be is
like Fight Club it’s amazing I know the
best movie is the Godfather Godfather
Part two who played The Godfather The
Godfather was the joke there I tweeted
this at the train last week and I heard
a kid who was about 12 say who played
The Godfather in The Godfather was a
dead oh yeah and then when they finally
got there they were like it’s all Pacino
I was like oh my god that’s funny
gem did you answer it’s not really Fight
Club though no it’s not really green
Club not obviously not like them I
really like lost in translation that’s
the one movie that kind of pops my head
for some reason so interesting yeah I
haven’t seen it that’s it’s pretty good
because it features Tokyo house it’s man
Bill Murray in karaoke I mean those
happen to be there as well and I watch
it for the city they’re real life Tokyo
that’s just me doctor is awesome it’s
not just you a lot of people a lot of
people probably people in the chat as
well we’re sure what do you guys think
about Tokyo oh my goodness um what has
been this is from sound Bender jr. what
has been your least favorite video to
make ooh I have an answer I’m not sure I
should repeat it but I definitely have
an induced favorite I’m gonna need it
that’s issues I think I think for me
when I’m working on like all the rom-com
stuff for our miss mojo channel i’m so
i’m so lost with that stuff though it’s
not that I don’t like it I just don’t
get it I’m just like I’m not a rom-com
guy like it’s wrong no not really
so like working on that is like or like
you know the top like moments from Sex
in the City like I just it’s not for me
don’t look at me like I’m supposed to
love this stuff I just don’t I’m a video
game guy I just I don’t get it no games
fair enough I don’t and I’m ruined mine
I don’t want to say why what say it
about ten sex positions number one
that’s mmm maybe it may be a different
video this one I don’t like working on
like most hated videos because I feel
like I can’t agree with the rank in
every single list although generally we
do all have a say and we do all kind of
agree on a rank but sometimes I don’t
hate it and sometimes I like it
so tell me tell me you win well okay
well this is maybe biased we did
something like youtubers who get on
peoples nerves and I think Shane Dawson
was on it fair enough if he gets on your
nerves but I really like him that’s all
I have to say that’s good that’s my
opinion that’s your opinion can I ask a
question yeah it comes from the chat
from Hylian legend and it’s it’s out
Rebecca but I want to ask you to
everyone else well how many words have
you said across all your videos
20 million but how many videos do we
have 20000 probably so 160 so many
freaking thousands of video can you get
a calculator yeah
Steen thousand thumbs that’s why I do
all of them let’s say I did eight
thousand okay hate right yes thousand
words makes around 8 million words oh my
goodness 8 million words she never stops
talking this girl hey it’s a wonder I
could still talk I can’t really that’s
fine oh I don’t I think it’s too
premature to do my man yeah it’s not
nowhere near some people get mad ya know
like not even close
eight thousand I haven’t done any yes
you did you did you did like one or two
did you Jim did uh vo video who or was
on jr. mojo as well once yeah but what
was the voiceover video you did I I did
a mojo plays Mon but we don’t talk about
that one we’re talking about it then
which video we don’t talk about that why
don’t we go get Joe on the following
video do not damn there’s no one gets to
get up I reviewed black ops for for mojo
plays and I had many opinions about that
game which was not shared by people and
I tried my hand at viewing my own script
and that didn’t was it was suboptimal I
found but you know no one said anything
about it until the comments ripped me to
shreds oh it happens to be fair dinkum
you know the comments rip everybody to
shred oh yeah don’t worry about it I
found out afterwards so I feel better
now I mean you’re live reading the
comments which I’m assuming is not the
best honestly the comments are the
they’re they’re very nice because people
are saying nice things this is great I’m
having I’m having a blast
good I’m glad are there more questions
because I have more questions you can
ask one actually when we were practicing
for this yes we practiced for this can
you tell one of the questions that I
was first celebrity crushes that went
into celebrity encounters alright so
let’s do those because they were fun
yeah so okay first celebrity crushes
well I had I have two really interesting
interesting I had a big crush on Haley
Joel Osment when I was young I not
she’s a potato but pictures of our faces
and put them on a bride and groom and
bought myself like a fake engagement
ring and told everyone that I was
engaged to Haley Joel Osment believed
they did not he’s 30 well he’s still you
know anyway my other funny story is that
when I was really young I really liked
the movie Oliver and I was next at the
movie Oliver and I had a crush on The
Artful Dodger played by Jack Wilde
so I used to wear like a newsboy cap and
pretend that I was in Oliver and my dad
actually sent a letter to Jack Wilde and
I received a response back and yeah so
pretty amazing
my celebrity encounter so my first
celebrity crush was Amanda Bynes when
she was doing the Amanda show I thought
you were just like absolutely hilarious
doesn’t she like eight I have no idea
but I loved the imagine she just keeps
you and she was just like so much energy
now I don’t know how she’s doing I hope
she’s doing well yeah she’s doing better
so I’m happy for her she’s cool and I
liked your show what I like about you in
a this is a terrible show away but I
like yeah she’s done some fun stuff and
my my celebrity encounter was with Peter
Dinklage he was I was on the set for
x-men Days of Future past years ago and
I was a journalist with a giant
telephoto lens camera it has an extra as
an extra yes I was and he was just he
was kind of like sitting on a podium
waiting for his scene to happen and he
just kind of like looked straight at me
and he said that’s a big effing camera
and I looked back at him I said yes it
is a big effing camera and then he
smiled and that was it but it was it was
yeah you’re just amazing with such a
genuine exchange of this like that’s
Tyrion Lannister baby that’s really cool
nice so my first crush Michael J Fox I
know we all know this like you just fine
I don’t know celebrity and count I
haven’t really had celebrity encounters
other than like for WatchMojo what was
your best WatchMojo interview that you
did with the celebrity like what was the
most fun one okay ah
those WatchMojo originals from know like
the best interview was with this like
he’s not he’s like a TSN reporter so
like whatever
James Duffy’s the TSN Roberti totally
nice um but it’s like a celebrity that
like everybody would have heard of um I
don’t know
I liked your interview with Chris D’Elia
krisily oh yeah chelsea peretti was a
lot of fun yeah it’s like I thought we
got on really well so that was a lot of
fun do you guys still hang out no yeah I
got a lot of weird interviews Justin
Bieber casually throw that away Nick of
the Backstreet Boys okay
oh one that was cool for me was if you
watch 30 rock which I do which is why
this is cool the guy who played Frank
with the hats I interviewed him oh wow
yeah I was like cool because I watched
30 rock religiously anyway and I you
know I’ve hugged Christopher Lloyd so
that’s good wow you’re like making all
of our stories letter well for the
record like I paid for it it was like at
a Comic Con and I
don’t worry about and Emily at my sister
who is the voice in his mojo one of the
voices she was like can I have a hug he
was like yeah and he’s like no he was so
so cute and he was a really good hugger
oh that’s so sweet
yeah no bomb oh no asks who’s your
favorite your mojo host oh I’d have to
say Phoebe no what’s your rap name Oh
Cynthia yeah don’t look into that look
into it no yeah
and the noise of course yeah and of the
jr. mojo yes I was trying to get a shout
out I guess why you did it
the other question very important
another hard-hitting question from our
audience is black nugget double-oh-seven
nah it’s a quill happily named asks
chicken nuggets or chicken strips
nuggets strips strips no nuggets
strip strip so watch it’s like chicken
yeah but it tastes like nugget but
that’s the thing that can make it this
whole own thing yeah trips are like
they’re chicken you know like I don’t
know I there’s more shit I don’t know is
the more chicken in a straight line I’m
not saying it’s not saying it feels more
like chicken yeah I agree do you say
chicken ha ha
Poulet I don’t have any funny questions
let me think basically as that have you
ever been out and someone recognizes
your voice from the videos that’s Isaac
Falkner asking that
have you ever one time I was in a movie
theater and then someone said oh my god
is that the girl from WatchMojo that
really happened that really happened to
me when I was near the ocean’s 8 yeah
when I see the premiere of ocean’s 8
somebody said that and I was just kind
of like is she talking about me yeah and
that was that was it that’s the one time
that happened I was at the gym the other
day and someone had like who I didn’t
like he’s an acquaintance of mine but he
didn’t know I was in WatchMojo stuff and
he’s just like oh my god dude like
you’re the voice like the voice of
WatchMojo and I’m like me yes I do and
then we had like a little conversation
and that’s that’s the extent of my
celebrity same I’m a celebrity in my own
mind yeah yeah I was once I was visiting
my grandparents and I was at a rest so
they live in Ontario and I was visiting
them and we were at a restaurant and I
go to the cash and the girls like you
look familiar and I was like I don’t
live here so that’s not possible
and then I was just like ah and I was
like do you watch YouTube and she’s like
WatchMojo and then I didn’t take a
selfie with her I should have been like
oh let’s take a selfie cuz like I was
very excited to be recognized I didn’t
know I always feel bad about that well
if you’re watching now girl I’ll come
back and she’s coming back really good
boots in Soho answers every surprising
gravy and cheese babies it’s not getting
close I know it’s lunchtime were
starving hmm if you could have any dish
right now what would you that’s a
question I know chicken nuggets and
pretend good I thought they’d have a
bunch of sushi though Hana style I like
like 500 piece of sushi sushi I can eat
a lot of sushi i love sushi she’s pretty
good it’s so good yeah that’s great cool
I would say no decision that answer is
what’s your favorite dish infinite sushi
okay another question it’s kind of like
a throwback to that versa thing we used
to do in the live chat ooh remember that
yeah America Iraq kovitch asks Lord of
or Titanic Lord of the Rings I mean what
are we comparing here I don’t know Jenna
Casper case I don’t know I probably
lower the Rings cuz it’s like nine hours
and there’s so much in there and it’s
like it’s just like inland and seen this
stuff really that’s really cool that’s
we didn’t know that no I didn’t know
that either
really Wow pictures like tours and yeah
I mean it’s just like our group it’s
just like mountain so real the real
question should win Game of Thrones
versus Lord of the Rings and we actually
have a video that gives the definitive
answer so you should check that out oh
look at that that’s gonna be a
controversial well spend more time than
any of the people who were actually on
this yeah that is it’s actually true he
spent so much time there he’s like if
ridiculous so Damon James really insists
this we answer this question okay wait
before that I just wanna I want to ask
another question to you guys so that
says ask me about my top 10 favorite
video games yeah this is our new merch
by the way yeah check out the link in
the description to our store if you want
to get some of the new merch but what
are your top 10 favorite video games
maybe not 10 maybe not 10 um I mean I
love okay I’m a super smash brothers fan
so I play an Altima Talaat Legend of
Zelda breath of the wild and Majora’s
Mask huge fan of those The Witcher 3
Wild Hunt one of the best RPGs ever made
I would say this is a tough one
I’m playing a game called stardew valley
right now which is also really really
amazing it’s like a farming simulator
game it’s it’s like the most fun I’ve
like you’re on camera though it’s good
Metal Gear Solid five honestly I’m such
a big gamer like it’s hard to compile
ten but the ones that I that’s your job
yeah it is my job but yeah but go watch
some of our list and you’ll see you’ll
see some of the best games but though
the ones I mentioned those are the ones
that are really good to my heart and
there’s more but The Legend of Zelda
you’re talking about is that the one
that they made for a Nintendo switch yes
I heard that was like amazing it’s you
know it’s a beautiful game it’s it’s
like an experience for sure as a kid
going back to that amazing that’s really
cool yeah mine do do we want to know
mine yeah the Pirates so I’m a very very
huge Bioware fun so I love those RPGs so
we got your Mass Effect as all of the
Mass Effect’s actually even Andromeda
despite what people are saying well I
enjoyed that game and I really loved the
Dragon Age series obviously there was
Jade Empire which was like a
underappreciated Bioware game without a
list I think was number one on like yeah
hidden gems it’s a pretty good game
henan gem no pun intended
I’m enjoying anthem there I said it I
also said it in a review so while Ricky
said it on my behalf Tech my dad making
so there’s that I also really like Nero
dot automata and the original near that
came before it and I am currently
addicted to destiny too as well I don’t
know if that makes ten but those are my
favorite games I was pretty good list I
like Tetris and punk like there I’ve
never played Bach well you should it’s
well I mean probably I have interesting
I really would know you know what I
really want to play like currently Super
Mario Brothers yeah one like I got
anyway we have to play the queer do I do
that how do you do it yeah like if you
can heal a bow on a console like yeah
you can get intend to switch and die if
you want this you want the the non
downloading off the internet answer you
can get a Nintendo switch and played on
their Virtual Console the Little Neck
the brand-new answer yeah do I have like
is it the same it’s it’s it’s yeah it’s
got the old controls and it looks good
and you can take it around and bring it
to work it’s really fun there’s like all
the games do you I do bring my switch to
work yes not Super Mario but like other
games yeah yeah so you had a question
that I hit
question is from Damon James and he read
it was an answer down and the answer is
gonna be weird how did you guys meet and
decide to start a channel together
that’s not theirs mmm yes so we didn’t
it’s not us
it’s nice well maybe you know I wasn’t
there close enough but no not close
enough okay
oh do I tell the origin story 22 2006
WatchMojo started on YouTube by ashcan
carbs Trish and Raphael Daniel and
Christy Lou years we also had Kevin
Howell and Derek Allen who are available
and around and then I came on about a
year later did I think that thing I
guess and then eventually start making
cotton comprehensive history and watch
more Newton I know everybody’s names
good so yeah that’s how how that
happened so the damon we answered your
question I hope you’re happy
thank you thank you so much for asking
thank you so much let’s see actually
there is a video that I think that we
posted I don’t know we’re on on our new
channel contacts TV which is our new
business I mean yes
yeah it just launched so you should
probably check that out and I think that
Ash and I go through a bit of the origin
story of WatchMojo if you want a bit
more in depth we also go through some
funny behind-the-scenes moments in that
video so it’s actually funnier than you
would think a video about the history of
WatchMojo would be because I think we
Lazaro a hand of oregano yet wants to
know I have a question I wait I have a
question how did you think that would
you say that name and what he was for
sure reading it before that’s a crazy
name I have a question why do you
pronounce mojo the funny way you do is
that some kind of cult word mojo
WatchMojo a mojo i don’t know how else
would you say it whoa-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho
because my english mojo I mean that’s
how you say it I don’t know have you
seen Austin Powers have you seen
Powerpuff Girls it might know Jojo
what they’re trying to say okay well I’m
not gonna confirm or deny no it’s a word
it’s like it’s okay maybe it’s called I
don’t know maybe it’s called if you get
bad mojo like you’re good mojo good mojo
mojo risin up Jim Morrison it’s a door
song it is la woman check it out
context to find that a lot of people are
complimenting our background as well
isn’t it cool this they did such a great
job good job
Thank You Josh yeah thank you thank you
yeah oh it’s not a noisemaker oh we
could time it so you do it as a video
nailed it oh right let me see do I have
any more silly questions
um jig dude asks am I too late if not
what is love baby no more I love a song
I just wanted to get us into a
sing-along so what is love John Denver
yeah we sang Madonna Timberlake
obviously two things go together like
yes gonna button artichokes somebody’s
got to do it John Denver slash doesn’t
hear like Madonna remaking her pretty
bad I need I’m on it
oh thank you baby um let me see you have
any more questions like legit questions
no sirree how many people approximately
work for WatchMojo approximately 75 75
approximately I don’t have a real number
but that’s close enough
um that’s Anthony Kelly asking that um
what are the names of the entire
WatchMojo crew well I’m not gonna name
75 people so we could start with us
though I’m Ricky yeah did you do that
I’m Rebecca Rebecca my necklace says so
though so no it’s official I do
under its under Helmand actually now
that we’re low I want to describe
explain the contest to you again
just so for those of you who are just
joining us so we hit 20 million
subscribers so all day we’re publishing
top 20s and speaking of top 20s go to
our community tab where we have a post
about top 20s and we want you to suggest
your top 20 ideas and if we pick yours
we will make it and you can film
yourself for the intro but which means
you will appear in the intro of a
WatchMojo video isn’t that exciting I
think it is yes also yeah actually can
we check out some of the top 20 ideas
let’s yeah let’s go alright
khadeem Gabala says how about top 20
most viewed videos of WatchMojo I think
that’ll be too self-serving there’s 20
of our videos with really actually no is
it Bruce Lee is it 50 years 77 I’m
pretty sure he’s such a legend I’m gonna
look it up that’s like amazing then we
have dead facts 23 he says here’s an
top 20 video games that failed and then
came back an example is Rainbow six
siege what do you think about that I’m
sure we’ve done videos were think games
may come back 85 85 million yes what was
fifty sometimes oh well and next up is
sexy female movie villains I think nice
oh that’s so easy there you go that’s
not actually our wait one two three four
fifth most viewed video is I’m pretty
sure I’m gonna start talking there I’m
sorry it’s top 10 songs that will make
you cry and that always surprises me
because I’m like why did that today I’m
gonna cry anyway I just it’s I think
hallelujah Jeff Buckley’s up there but
it’s so like it’s really surprising that
that video is a very pilot to me a few
hundred top 20s here I’m Raphael a from
the continent live chat actually says
Ashley’s top 20 favorite anime
Oh Ashley who’s not here today but he
does the anime stuff he’s the enemy boy
and he’s our WatchMojo UK in-house guy
yeah he’s a multitasker this guy yeah
well you’re familiar with it um the
Michael City maker top 20 Disney
Villains what’s your favorite Disney
villain I yelled that I’m really sorry
god I love Hades Oh like scar I love
that I have a Jafar girl Oh for
Halloween a couple years ago on camera
so you can find that mine is Darth Vader
and Thanos I mean they’re dudes I mean
if you want a cheap traditional animated
Disney Villains animated chicken and
yeah I liked you for yeah
yeah he’s Mike’s car like Jeremy Irons
yeah nobody likes James Woods though
more yeah alright Bryan come over 64
says top 20 best ideas given my fans to
watch motor just getting so meta oh my
god well I mean like all of our ideas
are kind of given to us by fans yes true
and they’re all good they got me into a
video that means they were good I really
liked my guessing was top 10 Bruce Lee
moment is the best I really likes one is
my favorite okay
like legitimately I kind of like like
are we gonna make it no well I’m gonna
leave it up to the panel to pattern okay
it comes from the band and the idea is
the best free staycation ideas free I
don’t go to the park yes 20 of those you
know list that’s like a motion travels
I’m gonna throw that to mojo travels
yeah I think that’s mojo travels which
you should check your travels our Travel
Channel plug plug plug your point that’s
gonna put it we’ve you’ll stay home play
games oh well sonic says top 20 trends
of all time we’ve done similar things
like something about
it’s things I lost their mojo we have
90s we have like 90s stuff like Canadian
stuff we’re experts in mojo yeah no name
oh um yeah any that we actually might do
well it’s top 20 anime which is
suggested by a lot of people isn’t at
all isn’t that is it a bad idea
doctor knee and just anime alright semi
I pet ETS says top 20 most evil movie
villains ooh I love that
good definite most evil who’s really
haunts 0/8 2 3 4 says what’s the top 20
cartoons mmm I’ve seen evil movie
villains because I’m trying I’m like I
want move evil like an evil to me it’s
just like doing it for the sake a
sadistic torture yeah we’re not not like
I wouldn’t put the Santos no no cuz he
like has he’s reasonable he’s a very
reasonable villain yeah hard honest at
nothing wrong
sure well I’m not saying you did nothing
the ends justify the means to the means
justify the ends right I don’t know I
don’t know that’s up to you to decide I
decided her comment any more talk points
um well top 20 things that happen in the
past 20 years from Martina Gandhara
that’s cool that’s a really interesting
every different age number one WatchMojo
is founded Zangara Exodus great so
there’s top 20 biggest media icons could
be TV movies gaming music Adam and pop
culture what do we mean by icons like
individuals like like Derek changing
more like real people in core yeah that
sounds like a job for context TV our new
business trip
lord says top 20 horror movies but I’m
pretty sure we’ve already done a top 50
or we did like top 100 am I crazy top
50s are fun to voice no it’s a wild yeah
yeah that’s worth it yeah we’ve got a
lot of niggas already content that’s
true Phoebe won’t do any of it you know
I don’t like horror movies I’m to
message right so it was that was the
list that we did the intro for that was
silly top 10 horror movies panned by
critics but loved by fans yeah it’s not
called that it’s something like that but
anyway about that and we did an outro
together where I say that Phoebe’s too
scared to do the horror movie vo so I do
it all and that’s true this is all
really true that was one time when I was
doing the vo for top 10 horror movie
villains who don’t speak and I was like
reading and I was alone in the booth and
like you know we were having issues with
the light bulb was flickering and I
literally had to stop because I was too
afraid of it anymore
it was because scared I’ve had to stop
to cry I don’t stop I just cry right
through it I’ve had to stop – laughs –
yeah yeah that’s happened that’s
definitely obvious it to the jokes that
the script writers have made or just in
context well usually it’s sometimes
no no it’s usually just like remembering
movie scenes that I really like or
actually when I had to stop and I just
kind of left it in to was a real-life
Ron Burgundy that would kill me and
sitting that’s a good video you should
watch it that it’s a on camera intro oh
look I know but no it was funny I did it
was funny yeah watch it watch it find
out I know there is one more top 20
suggestion that maybe we can talk about
if we’re going back to questions I’m
sure you guys want to keep talking about
top 20s and it is what about it comes
from J coops and it is what about top
down and watch module workers
oh boy me I am not know number one and I
can’t tell you who number one is because
you’ll kill me but we all know who
number one very very I’ll point amount
sir well don’t worry about it we’ll see
you’ll find out you’ll find out but it’s
not me I’ve asked my colleagues a minute
hey guys what would you put me on the
list it’s like a random whatever that’s
a thing people do you rank your
coworkers a come on but we’re all the
best workers here well yeah otherwise
how else would I would we have gone in
20 million subscribers you turn it off
not wrong yeah everybody here works
super super hard and it’s true like
Juilliard multi of 2013 doesn’t show at
all right I feel like that was sarcastic
I mean I don’t I think you need to sleep
in so yeah so Maynard says new there is
the biggest night of May fun
Ashley ear aside from Ashley was not
here I think that’s me though Reykjavik
yeah no I don’t know man
you guys fight actually on the right I
think I think you argue that Amy found
the right competition there’s a little
bit but I think you have the edge over
me actually now that I think about it I
really didn’t you went to Japan so you
automatically are if I win I’ve been to
the mecca yeah yeah he wins it’s pretty
good what else yeah okay I was just
talking about this but Sibley guinere I
don’t I think I spotted that name how
does it feel how is it to have twenty
million subscriber weird it’s weird to
want look it’s like if you think about
what we did the math on how many words
I’ve said right yeah so when you think
about how many times are how many people
have heard you’re yeah yeah really weird
yeah that’s that’s probably the most
mind-blowing thing is people listen to
me talk but then you see the comments
and the the videos of the people who who
are like so touched by our content and
it just it feels really good and
rewarding you know and although I
haven’t been here for as long as you
have and just I if there’s like a sense
of accomplishment and like you know
we’re grateful yeah that’s how I feel
people get
sentimental yeah yeah that’s what today
is all about any more questions I feel
like you’re not Elizabeth Clark asks
have you seen a ghost oh I don’t want to
talk about this I honestly I really
don’t want to talk about it this is
making me really uncomfortable really
have you got no I just don’t like
talking about this kind of stuff
I believe in ghosts there I said it
Internet I ain’t afraid of no ghosts no
I totally am who’s afraid of ghosts
that’s very I have never seen a ghost
I don’t think I was I’ve been afraid of
the hotel the The Shining hotel yeah
huge Stephen King what’s the other
Stephen King movie were the guys in a
hotel it’s with John Cusack and he looks
at the pool where I I don’t want to see
the movies until after I’ve read the
books that’s smart
that’s why I’ve seen that movie when I
was younger with the hewed Game of
call the books I said Stephen King oh
just even came yeah just didn’t write
Game of Thrones in the contrary no I
know because I don’t know I haven’t read
Game of Thrones okay
I watched Game of Thrones yeah oh so
it’s also good but um no it’s
exclusively a rule to just even say V
King because I’m a huge student King fan
so Farrah and I’ve read like half of
spiced miss any of so many books here’s
an interesting question from Finn Jensen
why does WatchMojo use honorable
mentions what do we so people don’t yes
our I mean originally I feel like we
added them to be like look guys we know
there are other things we didn’t forget
about them yeah we just wanted to
indicate like there are other things
mm-hmm and we don’t forget that was I
think that I yeah that was redundant and
a terrible explanation but that was the
original thought now it’s kind of I feel
like they’re almost like unsung heroes
yeah in respect like we don’t want to
again there’s just so many people with
so many opinions it’s not all gonna fit
in Henry sheathing is why yeah because
we don’t want it to be a 10
no I’m kidding well I’m not really no
but it’s like it’s nice to know that we
haven’t forgotten about some things that
are important to other people if didn’t
make it on the ranking okay
we’re thinking about definitely it’s
also a fun like little drumroll to the
number one no I love that oh that yeah
anything else Jim Nexus rep says you
guys are really running out of ideas
aren’t you
never never that’s why we’ve been in
business as long as we have we have
twenty because I haven’t seen that
comment ever before slash suggests oh
yeah you’re running out of ideas how do
you make that know do you Lord here’s
another kind of like it says here call
the question
David sage asks what do you think made
mojo all-caps successful hard-working
individuals multi-talented individual
solutely that I don’t know the fact that
I don’t know it’s yeah I think okay
legitimately I think okay we work
believe it or not we work really hard on
fact checking to make sure that these
are professionally produced good quality
top tens and I think the format and the
quality of our productions in the format
and the just like the explosion of
YouTube at that time was just luck and
skill and a lot of stuff cool fans yeah
super fans
good answer Phoebe super fan maybe the
real answer of Phoebe questions do I
have any questions let’s see here funny
one see um why do you put up very
controversial choices in your rankings
just to piss you off
it’s controversial to anyone like
there’s always somebody that the better
rank is controversial to we do our best
yeah like I was super mad that the the
tootsie roll owl wasn’t higher on top
ten ELLs on yeah that was a tragedy that
was a modern tragedy put the only right
now will at the top of that list right
head weight hungry I don’t actually know
what number one and I think it wasn’t
was it Hedwig any won’t cancel because
somebody’s in the video right now some
let me know in my chest I don’t remember
there’s another one that it could be and
I don’t remember what it was another owl
yeah there’s ten it’s a good list I’m
not lying about I also think it was my
idea so if you want to get come at
somebody about top ten fictional owls it
was me I will catch you later
cash me Elsa cashier at blah
let me see what happens when someone
dislikes one of your videos Alex Johnson
asks they’re never heard from again I’ll
be taking about back music we take them
into consideration yeah and we look at
why they didn’t like it yeah tell me
what time way like who’s number one on
the owl’s I need to know I’m getting G
Jets but they’re not that I need to know
what number one on it anyway Henrik head
it’s probably a week it better be
seems like the right choice all right we
have yeah number one is headway again
yeah Archimedes from so the sword in the
stone stone and then the owl from Winnie
the Pooh hmm told me to count them cuz I
can ya do it
great Morten the great owl mr. owl Big
Mama friend owl Big Mama what Big Mama
from always from the Fox and the Hound
oh that movie
mr. Alice from the Tootsie Pop
commercial loved it Sauron is from the
legends of the oh it’s a great list
multimedia is boo boo from Clash of the
Titans and Wan Shi Tong from Avatar The
Last Airbender yeah well okay um legit
but silly ques is what I haven’t labeled
here I’m a mum now we pretty much went
all through what do you what is the
weirdest thing you had to explain and
stuff Olivia chambers like on WatchMojo
yeah like okay I mean I already said the
answer to this before in the video I
really didn’t want to make and I won’t
repeat it
oh well one time I had to do top five
fetishes and I was working on my
computer and someone came out behind me
and was like what are you doing I was
like right that was awkward always
really awkward when people come up
behind you and you’re working on
something that’s what it’s like not you
can have to work on so many enemy lists
and I’m just like googling all these
these pictures these very like
not-safe-for-work things pop up on
Google and like I just want a thumbnail
I don’t want I don’t want to all right
are we getting any more questions no I
mean the questions are
they’re coming all right well let’s move
on to some more thank yous we have some
thank yous here from our office mates
who would like to extend their gratitude
to you guys for helping us get to 20
million so let’s check that out
hey guys just what say thank you for
helping us reach 20 million subscribers
we literally could not have done it
without you my twin brother there Lim
Len yeah I love life he’s the best oh my
god so that was our office if you would
like to see more of that we can actually
break it down for you a little bit thank
you videos Joey that’s good news please
alright so here we have the design team
on the left and this is the jr. Mojo
team on the right to love whom are
producing directing whatever you want to
call them right now so shout out to
Miriam and Alex and also we’ve got Noah
in the middle they’re giving us the
double feed side Josh and Angelina
they’re so talented they’re so amazing
and the design team also made this
awesome shirt the other shirts which you
can get in the description there’s a
link check it out do it plug plug bug is
all right let’s move on to the next one
here we’ve got the I don’t know we’ve
not like happy listening some of my
peoples Jojo plays in half video editing
team yeah so on okay well I got Justin’s
jacket right
happen is Dave who works on mojo plays
welcome we’re in the live chat awhile
ago okay oh hey guys and we have Tim
who’s like you know looking very awkward
in this photo and we have Emily and
Elise who are two of my closest friends
in the whole world not very talented
looking very happy saying thank you I
found they talk I’m gonna be revenged
wearing or WatchMojo t-shirt ooh love it
she’s always wearing watch murderer
mismo Joe shirt she’s a die-hard just
that’s not what I meant I mean like
she’s a big fan like she loves WatchMojo
name is mojo I love it yeah all right
now here we’ve got Oh again and Liam
who’s also helping us produce the show
so thanks Liam got us some very good
water thanks buddy
Dario who they’re part of our video
editing team more part of our video
editing team as video games so
technically matching her right
technically yeah I feel like there’s a
motif and it’s like the motif is the
hotel from The Shining the motif yeah
uh-huh uh-huh it wasn’t a roast at all
let’s move to the next one
all right there’s Matt Campbell Kira and
Jim that’s labeled tuinal M or happier
tween I don’t know I hope you look very
evil to me yeah maybe you already have
twin who knows team Fernando and Alfredo
you know of course yeah and they’re very
excited to see us and Dave Mack is
behind there somewhere raconteur okay so
this is my dream and what it like well I
don’t even know what team I would call
this so mismo Jay we got Lisa Emily and
Emily behind there’s my sister there you
go and then Mike was the really loud one
he’s the one that’s very excited in
is Nick and then to the left you can see
part of Eliza who is watching so high a
high level Isis I know she’s amazing
she’s so good at writing and right here
we’ve got Rafa they knew who I said
before it was one of the founders
there’s Raph on the right nadia is
behind him yes she’s all hidden just see
her hair see she’s a WatchMojo Ashland
we’ve got Rosie and Chris who are part
of I don’t know what team is that sales
would you count that sales videos yeah
yeah I never know it’s Carosi is an
amazing wonderful personal everyone is
but Rosie I’ve known for a very long
time and she’s amazing all right let’s
move on all right
the horse the horse head is a running
gag for some reason and that kills me
never one employee
Dara gallon I do and Christine who is
also a founder and is that it I think
that’s it the team are we on that’s the
team in its all 75 people here it’s a
lot of people in there’s ice and then
there’s us we were not in the video
Oh actually you know who else wasn’t in
the video actually Ashley so let’s check
out we actually have a little video from
him and a few of our other contributors
so let’s try that out hey Anna Mae and
WatchMojo UK fans at you boy Ashley
saying thank you so much for 20 million
subs we couldn’t have done it without
each and every one of you and I’m sorry
I can be there for this live show but
I’m sure the gang is doing fine is 220
million more 12 billion views over
16,000 uploads over 10 years of the
making and now with 20 million
subscribers i’m todd haberkorn amazed
and thrilled to be a part of the team
guys I am so excited I’m giddy
I’m so excited to share this you see how
I’m wearing this t-shirt you see what it
because in Hollywood you see if you’ve
got the t-shirt and you’re wearing a
swag you are associated with that brand
I have been addicted to watch mojo for
like ten years if you don’t subscribe
yet what are you waiting for there’s
like addictive seriously
hilarious sarcastic videos of everything
pop culture best Bond girls best Star
Wars Easter eggs best villains in Star
Trek movies I’m just making stuff up
right now because I’m just so excited I
get to narrate for them at least twice a
month these sarcastic funny snarky
videos I just have one on Cartoon
Network 90s I did one on vampire movies
and I did one on best movies of the 80s
that ruined our childhood Furman’s
subscribe boom
hello everybody Clifford Chapin here
voice of many enemy characters including
kotsky bak ago from my hero academia
along with my dog cubby I just wanted to
say thank you so much for watching the
collab videos on WatchMojo they’ve been
a lot of fun to be a part of keep an eye
out for more and congrats to WatchMojo
well thank you to all our contributors
the the one I actually think in cat
Cressida was the one in the middle of
their the loop the woman and I think
it’s her birthday today so is it I think
so she was if not happy birthday yeah
and she’s one of our voiceover
contributors and she was actually the
voice of DD on Dexter’s yes I feel I can
go to where I’m to be crazy you crazy
IMDB page but it’s super it’s a big
honor for all of those people to be yeah
doing voiceover thank you guys so much
the birthday is actually March 1st what
it was an early birth oh it’s close its
close very close very close
good well I’m happy almost birthday
what’s the opposite of belated
early happy early birthday fine happy
early yeah yeah yeah um all right so I
think it’s about that time that we
choose a winner to our topic
yeah oh my god gonna be tough so it’s
gonna be tough in case you missed it
because you just tuned in we start a
contest where if you go to our community
tab and comment on the post about top 20
and we choose your idea for a top 20 we
will make it and you can appear in the
intro in the video on camera isn’t that
exciting I’ve seen it’s pretty exciting
I think it’s exciting
thank you that is the indicator of
excitement um so we are gonna make that
choice right now so if you haven’t
suggested an idea yet go do it right
right go right now right in the live
chat as well I’m gonna read them all
right good all the kinds of different
options we have okay I picked a few mm
because you guys can’t because you don’t
have access to this I do know so we have
Walking Dead Dan who says top 20 most
influential pop culture fans of all time
which is something we discussed
I love okay it would be a good one it’s
a given oh sandy Cameron says top 20
most memorable video game moments and we
have a lot of those we have a lot of
moments yeah a lot of moments we do get
a lot of moments the Michael City maker
says top 20 animated Disney villains
therefore using the criteria to kick me
out of the competition
but we can cuz we do that secret Rawdon
reborn says top 20 most unforgettable
anime moments again that would make a
good list I think potentially Christian
Hayes says top 20 superheros I was just
I was thinking that too when like top 20
it was like why don’t why wouldn’t we
wrangle a top 20 superhero actually I
think that would be a very very
interesting comment section so then we’d
have like anything we’d have a
conversation you know and I think what
really that was my choice I like that
one I think that’s like such a fun it
seems like pretty it’s like almost like
to be top 10 movies yeah exactly
top 20 sorry does that mean we have a
winner I don’t know do you what like do
we have I like that one
I mean that’s a heck of a list I know
I’m gonna get rose I know what number
one is back so don’t worry about it well
go in this ago right it would be like
the fence
we’re actually got Marvel and DC as well
it’s gonna be wildly who’s our winner
alright that’s Christian Christian Hays
Christian how did we discuss this how
are they how are we come how are they
how are we getting in contact with the
Christian all right Christian where are
you what’d you get Marty I need you to
go to my mojo which is wwii slash suggests and I need
you to create your account and right I’m
gonna just make a suggestion for your
idea top 20 superheroes and just put all
your suggestions there and then I need
you to send me personally an email at
watch at and then will not
have to contact you and I’ll know it’s
Christian or not so don’t don’t try
sending us emails through how I’ll know
if it’s Christian or not I’ve done this
okay cool so I cannot wait to debate top
ten superhero that’s gonna be fun
actually we should just have a show
where we do that
ooh that’s good do we have like a
bracket and we can be like breakdown
bracket live I am that okay let us know
in the comments if that interests you
also thank you um I think we’re wrapping
it up it’s lunchtime oh I want to eat
you know all right thank you guys again
for helping us get to 20 million
subscribers I don’t forget to check out
our new merch page it’s in the
description um I got nothing else we’ve
set it up so I said no thank you
yeah yeah thank you thank you yeah see it 50 everywhere not 50 million
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