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10 Things That Would Happen If the World’s Ice Melted

a real-life Waterworld would be even
worse than the movie welcome to it is this topic fascinate
or terrify you
well this list was actually inspired by
the team at unveiled check out the link
below for their take on the melting
IceCaps and the growing threat of
climate change for this list we’re
looking at the most dramatic
consequences of the polar ice caps and
glaciers suddenly melting of course
thanks to climate change the ice caps
really are melting but at a gradual rate
we’ll be considering a hypothetical
nightmare scenario in which they
completely melted overnight number 10
and Arctica might become habitable for
humans there’s got to be a silver lining
in all the devastation right as sea
level surged countries around the world
would lose livable area well and Arctica
would emerge from it’s icy covering and
become an archipelago while still arid
and challenging it might eventually
become habitable for humans at least
compared to its harsh extreme current
environment future humans might well
look to colonize the region even if only
to mine and drill for resources then
again it could also make a pretty
exciting getaway who wouldn’t want to
own a cottage in Antarctica number nine
Australia would get an inland sea with
all our ice melted sea levels would rise
an estimated two hundred and sixteen
feet Australia would be one of the
hardest places hit given that around 80
percent of its population lives on or
near the coastline as a consolation the
dry and dusty central regions of this
vast and sunburnt country would gain a
massive Inland Sea reminiscent of the
landlocked ocean that existed there
abouts millions of years ago of course
that wouldn’t exactly please the towns
and wildlife left underwater the return
of all this water would be a blast from
the past but at a devastating cost
number 8 Atlantic inlets in South
America the sea would also make
significant incursions into South
Zil would have to kiss Rios beaches
goodbye as much of the South American
coastline would wash away lonely Christo
Haydon Thor would be left looking out
over a new archipelago worse both the
Amazon and Paraguay basins would become
sprawling inlets of the Atlantic Ocean a
devastating blow for Earth’s
biodiversity and a fatal one for
Argentina’s capital Buenos Aires both
the Paris of the south and Uruguay’s
Montevideo would be drowned as the sea
rushed in and continued inland into
Paraguay number seven droughts in Africa
Africa doesn’t exactly need more sand
that’s what it might get if the world’s
ice melted in terms of rising water
levels most African countries would be a
little less affected but there’s an even
bigger problem ironically more water in
the world would lead to weld less in
some areas without the ice caps to
reflect sunlight the average global
temperature would rise worsening the
severity of droughts especially in the
sensitive Sahil and Horn of Africa that
isn’t to say that the sea wouldn’t also
claim its own victims most of Senegal
would be washed away and Egypt’s
pyramids would become Islands number six
wild weather increased temperatures and
sea levels would wreak havoc on the
world’s weather systems all that
freshwater would disrupt ocean currents
like the Gulf Stream which could trigger
cold snaps and severe storms across
Europe the loss of ice in the Arctic
could also worsen winters in the US the
changes would scramble precipitation
patterns worldwide meaning that some
arid regions would see heavy rainfall
and vice versa plus with water levels
higher and more of it storm surges would
be more powerful flooding coastal areas
that escaped the initial devastation
number five the world’s biggest cities
gone as the sea rushed in the world’s
largest cities would become real-life
Atlantis’s in the US alone cities like
San Diego Seattle New York Boston and
Miami would be completely submerged in
fact the entire state of Florida would
be wiped clean off the map as would
densely populated cities like Shanghai
Mumbai and Bangkok Europe would lose
Istanbul Venice Barcelona London and
Copenhagen just to name a few for the
most part only
in national capitals like Moscow New
Delhi and Canberra would survive the
deluge number four the disappearance of
whole countries
we’d also see whole country swallowed by
the sea small island nations are
especially vulnerable to rises in sea
levels the Maldives Marshall Islands
cannabis Tuvalu and the Bahamas would be
completely gone much larger countries
would disappear to low-lying Bangladesh
would become part of the bay of bengal
and the wind mills in the Netherlands
would spin with the currents on the
ocean floor some parts of Denmark would
still peak above the waves especially in
the Jutland Peninsula which would become
an island but most of the country would
vanish number three a worldwide refugee
crisis as cities and countries drowned
never before seen numbers of refugees
would be forced to seek food and shelter
elsewhere no government on earth would
boast the immediate resources or
infrastructure to handle such a massive
influx of people especially since even
the countries and cities the sea
wouldn’t claim would be dealing with
their own wide-ranging environmental
social and political problems and so
Anarchy would rule at least at first
with millions of people going it alone
desperately striving to survive the
unprecedented upheaval could completely
transform national identities borders
customs and histories number two global
chaos with Humanity in disarray and
agriculture and manufacturing disrupted
the global economy would quickly
collapse and war would likely ensue as
nations turned on each other in an
effort to secure what was left of the
world’s resources and while this may
sound like the lead-up to another Mad
Max movie the reality might be less
Charlize Theron kicking ass and more you
just got drafted in many places the
slide into Anarchy would be sudden as
government’s crumbled borders were
withdrawn and people began to battle
over what remained number one mass
extinctions of course we humans aren’t
the only ones who’d be in severe trouble
we’re the world’s ice to melt many
earthly animals would straight up go
extinct and that perhaps surprisingly
includes a variety of marine species
changes in currents and decreased
salinity levels would lay
to establish habitats some species might
be able to adapt or migrate to more
suitable areas but many would simply die
out it would be a global cataclysmic
mass extinction event in the world would
never be the same thankfully of course
the idea of the world’s ice melting in
any substantial way is just a fun
consequence free and hypothetical
scenario not like you know an actual
eventualities oh wait do you agree with
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