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От колбы до организма | Elena Zelina | TEDxGorkyLibrary

ordinary first at acquaintance than me
they ask what I do and where I am
work before the delivery of inexperienced
I immediately responded that
synthesize new MRS 1x cut two for
a helix of 350 m2 and a mide waltower and received
always about the same reaction in
answer sometimes even specialists later
we minimize to the specifics i
formulated a broader
the definition that I am working on
new methods of obtaining biologically
active molecules which subsequently
can be used to create
innovative medicines and
so innovations are biologically active
molecule synthesis of substance is very much
words that you probably still do not know about
than do not speak also all this to connect with
medicines so that you
just buy in pharmacies let’s
let’s try to figure out what’s what
drugs are many components
they contain the active substance
actually through it man
and heals and recovers
excipients that ask
color smell size taste the task of chemists
create an active substance
biologically active molecule with
develop this structure to come up with both
do this how you can do it
compare with the exciting game in
constructor, that is, we do not have this
structure is
initial building blocks our task
come up with
conditions for these blocks to shine
specifically for this molecule
that is, the condition of time
catalyst solvents well and many
Other factors that will help to blind
these pieces into the poor and also do it
How to choose these conditions can be compared
tasks from a children’s textbook developing
northern know how to cook soup know
how much do you need a potato of carrots like
It takes a long time to warm up and what will happen in
the task of chemists to think through
the ratio of the original components for us
many points are not clear to
create something specific like time
solvents or by trial and error
we disassemble find the method of obtaining
biologically active molecule, but even
if we got the molecules developed
way of its synthesis, she never and not immediately
will fall on the pharmacy counter and probably
when you are not buying medicine
think about how long
laborious and expensive process of creating
medicinal product
everything starts with a scientific idea goes further
stages of development of research that
roughly occupy from seven to twelve
years and here’s the process as a laborious
very expensive to create one
innovative original
medicines that are in the world
not yet seen leaves about 100
billions of dollars so the scientific
laboratories all over the world are in
A constant search for the development of new
methods of obtaining biologically active
molecules that would be economically
environmental benefits are also justified between
the more effective are the complex problems
requiring the combined efforts of chemists
biologists of medical technologists and many
Other specialists in our
laboratory covers the first stages
creation of a medicinal product
The active substance is the synthesis of new
identification of evidence of the structure and
purity of modern physical and chemical
methods further fate is decided in
laboratory of experimental
where it is already clear how effective and
whether the molecule is necessary whether any
further modifications of the transformation for
In order to improve its parameters, the sphere and
drugs is high
innovation sphere
on the level of innovation, it probably
Is not inferior to either space defense
industry and sometimes even easier
to launch a satellite into space than to create
new drug so
annually in the world
synthesized somewhere around 40 50 new
molecules and only half of them
is effective and only a quarter
of them comes to the preparations by the twentieth
century, French scientists published
such an observation
that humanity will become obsolete every minute
for 45 seconds this indicates that
life expectancy is increasing and
in economically well-developed
life expectancy directly depends
of how much
The means of time of this very basti of science
molecules and many are being developed 50
molecules per year we who they are in general such
how to find them right from the school
program you know that the principle of
The studied object chemistry is divided into
organic and inorganic
organic chemistry of such hydrocarbons
hydrogen compounds of different
derivatives with oxygen and nitrogen and
halogens it all together seems
yourself organic compounds title
historically people stood out
the world around us and
plant and animal organisms
various extracts which in the main
have had
organic composition hence the name
why are they so interesting all
thanks to remarkable abilities
carbon atoms form
he has such a variety of connections
the soul of the bastard company wants it
contact other atoms as opposed to
introverts and as a result of this close
friendship of close contact occurs
a huge amount of new organic
connections to their many they are around us we
sound we need organic chemistry in general
the opportunity to raise a question is none
Modern civilization could not
to arise without organic synthesis
We need the plastic masses we need
fiber replacing wool silk we need
monomers of matter with specified properties
then we have a lot to do with every day
more and organic synthesis
armed with a multitude of strategy methods
easily copes with practical
tasks one of them is almost the same
important is the creation of medicines.
preparations how to find them
What does a person need to do to
develop a medicinal product for
really all that a person needs for
preservation of life and health was invented and
created already by the nature of even existing
already drugs that are sold in
at the basis of which lies the analogue that is
natural sources and people
have been treated for thousands of years
from the outside world so why should we
now, too, do not do it why
We are not grown vegetation
Get extracts and continue to be treated
why you need to spend so much money
time to synthesize
some new molecules
this question is analogous to another given
Who cares about why with a man new plays
when so many new and invented
approximately so one of the characters
the theatrical novel Bulgakov imagined
Maksudov, the author of the new play
submitted to the court of the director question
absurd rhetorical let’s try
to understand what is the problem
chemist and how we work that we
make a huge variety
organic compounds in the surrounding
world but to man
only a small fraction is known, and even
if the compound is isolated from natural
source to his
used in a medicine
it is necessary to transform it
in order to satisfy strict
requirement of the presented pharma market is
increased activity
improvement of pharmacokinetic properties
reduce toxicity of side effects
and when this change concerns some kind of
groups of atoms sometimes the molecule changes to
and even if the connection
which are isolated from a natural source
does not require additional transformation
its number can be very small
for the use of medical practice
so for example the connection so sol is allocated
from the trough of his tree possesses
severe color toxicity
can be used to treat cancer
mammary gland
so here in order to get 300
This is one
dose for the patient should be recycled 3
kilogram of crust
1 century tree always seemed that
for clinical trials
to process 27 tons of corr and then well
of course the problem arose
the question is how to get alternative
by this connection and chemists successfully
coped with this task now on
market there is such a drug for
treatment of breast cancer
how to find
molecule how to build a path to it, we do not
we get an incredible set
organic structures in order to verify a
all of a sudden something happens
suddenly some will be active no we
we will stop already on known structure
which is present in nature
sources and get its analogs here
already there can be no error, for example
annihilated pyrrole and are present
natural sources and some
medicines has
a wide range of biological
again , the question may arise why
worry about composing new syntheses
well synthesized already by people well
there are already preparations that are still necessary
to make things simple
humanity needs constant new
medicines systems that
viruses mutate
new diseases appear but also simply
people want to increase
life expectancy and itself
nature gives a scientific idea and motivation
necessity and statement of the problem of chemistry
as a director
design this synthesis and measure
success is an effective synthesis of concrete
given structure, that is, if briefly
then the chemist is the shortest and
Beneficial way to get a concrete
molecule in the course of this way to expand
structural diversity, that is, we have
was the task of obtaining one molecule
but if you change any of the parameters
obtained still do not go hand in hand
less important and sometimes even more
to choose the most promising that
has the most effective
a set of qualities in comparison with other
to create innovative
how to find this
enroll in the Faculty of Chemistry
to study organic chemistry and other
accompanying subjects come to the departments
pharmacology and pharmacy
organic chemistry and
you will be told what to do but if
seriously then the solution of any problem can be
find world literature exists
Press and chemical logs of which
scientists publish their results this
a kind of information exchange
a way of staking out one’s own
scientific distribute its discovery of any
the scientific path does not pass without one of the
These components were written on
it can be go to a circular one
during the research turn around
in the reverse but necessarily passes
each of these items and of course
familiar to the slide and return
to a predetermined structure k
developed a technique I do not want to
tell about my work I do
and syntheses of heterocyclic because they
have a wide range of biological
activity is present naturally
sources and already in some known
medicines but today
there is a problem that is about to them
synthesis is labor-intensive and we
developed a method that
based on the use of
readily available natural raw materials
obtained from products of processing
forestry food industry
implementation of its stages in 1
reactor mode is not specific
conditions and harvesting catalyst is all
we come to save time
money solvents reagents and it’s all
economically beneficial and environmentally friendly
safe in general everyone is happy and
happy parents can be
used to treat breast cancer
Today a lot of attention is allocated
alternative way of cancer therapy
mammary gland
one of them is one of them
is not an effect on the tumor itself
cells it is an auto toxin enzyme that
helps them spread other
bodies are well known that translation
pain is an inhibitor of this enzyme
blocker, respectively, they can be
used to treat breast cancer
glands in the future why we are
do today there are many problems
which we are trying to solve by no means
effective drugs are obsolete
drugs high mortality high
value and our work I hope
future to solve all these problems today
it is possible to say with certainty that
organic synthesis has reached a very
high-level and research in this
region have created there is no coincidence in
many laboratories around the world so
the level of this area has been reached
The future will largely determine
level of scientific and technical progress
any country thanks for attention
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