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Аутизм – новые возможности | Жанат Каратай | TEDxYouth@AbaySt

Hello, I have already presented married
Karate I am a happy mother of five children
one of my children is autistic we are now 20
years I took place as a woman
I have a wonderful husband in my family
lovely children I had to leave
one profession create another now i
business woman i do social
an entrepreneur
but such happiness was not always me
tell you my story first child
born hyperactive very much
time occupied us and when born 2
after 2 years he reassured me he sat in
Corner was engaged only in their own affairs
he was comfortable baby then born
he needed a third child
attention he was born with incompatible
developmental disabilities there was a series
operations and here we are at the age of two years
when it became this special realized that
something goes wrong he’s not going with
we are not what to talk about us not
pay attention he immersed his world and
here we started to sound the alarm I left
I am a programmer by profession and
a series of diagnostics here
there is immersion in this concept of autism it
it was such a misfortune for us because
we understood
18 years ago, none of the experts
could explain there what autism is and what
wait for him
we were immersed in an atmosphere of misfortune
but there was no way out and I had to take
all the rehabilitation of his son in his hands
we of course visited defectologists
speech therapists psychologists they have something with her
did based on their experience based on
their knowledge but all this was lacking and
intuitively we understood that all the same
child needs to be given something else
besides these classes
we are an active family we travel a lot
we are athletes and
from the age of three we started to immerse our
special son in the world of sports
first it was had a swim then
big tennis
on to add box, we found
from dozens of different trainers in addition
the only one who could understand us and
feel the potential in the child then
did not take up such children they did not see
potential our family we all ride
downhill skiing
all of our children are from the age of three
are trained in this wonderful sight
winter holiday
but that’s it with Ali Bek that’s the name
my son
special with autism with him was
problem we could not bring it into this
he was afraid it was terrible coach
instructor they did not understand what I want
from this child who is demonstrating
well, very difficult and its development
he did not speak with them he did not obey
running away
I was afraid of everything, but at about 11 years old
very lucky we found such a person and
little by little he began to teach him us
skiing did not work he liked
snowboard that’s when he started to ride
skiing, I realized that this is what we were looking for
I noticed that its deficiency and development
steel by
slowly melting it began to study better in
the school he finally mastered it was the fifth
class multiplication and dividing it
I began to read and understand the text slowly but
unswervingly its development has gone forward yet
I want to go back a little bit
besides sports we still had some
the enthusiasm of the gap is not his paperwork
somewhere here from two years old he if see
Here is such a paper begins her
how small environments break the whole house was
covered in big mountains of garbage
at first it was then he had the paper
suddenly switched to plastic bags
it ‘s their ripping but at this moment we
noticed that he was somewhere two things
will take the most like that
like and
plays constantly with her and for a very long time
plays and sneaks next to the eyes in
at some point we decided to see what
does he make these papers unfolded
rather bags and saw that it is accurate
marine animals we opened the atlas
sea ​​animals and saw that this
blue whale this megalodon this
a dolphin, that is, from this pile of paper
bags he made art objects
business for ourselves, we understand the toys
direction in his development and started him
offer to play with plasticine we
probably got over a dozen different
consistency plasticine of and finally he
chose what he likes he overcame
his disgust and started doing
sculptures sculptures him gradually
improved we filled his life and
life of our family with new experiences
traveled a lot as I said we
drove to spain showed him
architecture gaudi showed cathedral
Our Lady of Paris in Paris where
decorate unknown animals gargoyles him
I liked it all and we fed
his art objects we visited the Louvre
the vatican when we arrived we looked
all how much heat told Michelangelo
and the great sculptors of the past to him all
I liked it very much and I saw how
this atmosphere is acting here
variety and saturation of different
travel and different experiences
every time he came to a new one
he adapted to the new environment and he
saw how big and diverse the world is
war z helped
in the end he became self-taught and started doing
plasticine animated cartoons
when he is 17 years old from the floor
went vancouver international
Autism Achievement Festival
event 1 year takes place and
its founder is a woman at tesco in canada
Leonora Gregory cavour she collects
artists from around the world then were 26
countries represented and our son for on 2
place in art
I must say that everything is in school
lasted very difficult its nobody
understood nobody understood that in order
to learn the material and to hear
teachers he needs to hold in their hands
a piece of clay and permanent memory
this is called self-stimulation in this
time he can better concentrate
be someone of you here noticed that
when he is listening to something or here on
lectures sows something priceless scribble it
roughly the same but only we do
it is somehow acceptable autists are
different it looks very strange and
causes confusion in individual
cases even the aggression of others
for example they very often appear in
team and
shake hands to calm down or
able to concentrate they can
here and so do someone spinning
around its axis
but this is a necessary action
scold for it now
certain approaches that help
these children adapt to society
if you create a certain environment since
about we had in the family
about the atmosphere of making an understanding of creation
favorable medium
and rich in various activities
then these children are able to manifest their
talents open them open up and bring
benefit to society
I also wanted to tell you that
using my experience with our son from me
Have an opportunity
three years ago we opened the ski
the base
not far from Almaty it is an abandoned base
of the Soviet type, I realized that in
the development of my son helped skiing
and I decided to give this opportunity and
other children autism
in our city in the first year we had
only six autistic children
in the second already 27 and in the third year
Almaty city Akimat noticed our work
and decided to hold us last year at
full financial support of 320 children with
developmental characteristics have been intimate
proud of you skiing course
this time we took not only the children
with autism
we took courage and offered
also skating for children down syndrome with
with cochlear implant and for children
visually impaired we have seen that all children
improved communication skills
they have improved with large and small
motility children become better
to focus their attention on them
improved soar this in just
some 10 days of skiing
I am very glad and I want to thank our
our akim from our partners for this
wonderful course this year will already be
400 children skiing
a logical continuation of this program
that is, our children have improved all their
physical and mental abilities for
we really wanted to support another
season and summer we opened inclusive
mountain camp pioneer there is very
intensely interesting program for time
ordinary children of our program is
plugin for all for any children from 7 to
17 years
they have a lot of interesting activities we
discover them talents in music in
drawing they have team games
Relay quests during 10 days of camp
they take the four mountain route
it’s high in the mountains and we end up
rise to the peak of pioneer is the height
3000 10 meters when a group of children goes
all together hiking they rally they
learn how to work in a team they are friend
friend help in vivo
they see that if someone is experiencing
difficulties they help him were cases
when older kids took babies on
back and
yes they carried them to the top as they already
they were difficult to climb
so here during such a diesel
programs we decided to give such
opportunity for children with autism usually three
or five children go through the same
program with individual support
counselor to every child with features
in development we singled out
individual counselor he was like
a guide between a child with
features and another group of children we
connected two worlds of children of ordinary children and
children with features we gave them
opportunity to get to know each other
act together
help each other and this is extraordinary
reveals the talents of all the children we had
case when a boy of 15 years old he had
regressive autism 12 years old he lost
communication skills communication he could neither
eat neither sleep nor sleep parents
saved him had them turn to
specialists and now after three years with 15
still not speaking child came to
rather his parents brought him and carried him out
out of the car on his hands, he walked with difficulty in
He had muscular dystrophy due to
that he constantly sat statically nothing
didn’t do when dad asked not me
I cry into this program I was surprised and
said that i don’t think it is possible
he doesn’t walk like he will ride
skiing but the dough believed on and we started at
eventually slowly he still learned
ski in late winter
say goodbye, I asked to in
the next year he definitely came to
us because he still needs him
can more of these classes
I was very surprised when this spring
same year my father called me and said
what we want to camp we know that you
take autists Vogel I was very surprised
it’s impossible not to talk to him
difficult all right sting
we returned school he learns from him
there was again a speech when he came to
us he did not leave us until the fall, he
Passed in 8 seasons and in our counselors
even had the impression that maybe
being at home doesn’t like it all the time
sleep but the effect was that parents
decided not to stop and somewhere on
the second third season of the camp we noticed
what u started to communicate with our children with
counselors and after another two three seasons
became active participants in our programs
he gave master classes
tutorials on algebra and top
analysis of the analysis for our children
game form and it was very interesting
and understandable to children, I was even more
surprised when my counselors told me the genre
do you know that he knows chinese and
it was a shock for me he learned it in
Internet through youtube abilities of these
children are very tall if you see them
potential and from the lenses create the conditions yet
I want to tell one case not about
child and model a young man to him
was 23 years old when he came to us a
he did not have time to ski us he studied at
New York has a highly functional
so-called autism asperger syndrome
these are autists who are very clever but very
Well say such a crazy professor
and quotes here and on the penultimate course
he got some camp as a leader and she
same scheme with works
then just accepting is just understanding what
man is the same as everyone else that
he needs only the support we have had
in my four or five seasons
he was at first difficult then with more
began to trust us our staff
instructor counselor and he revealed he
stopped being afraid of him he understood very much
many interesting things to the story
he is a geologist by profession and also did
master class teaching children was very
interestingly they got new knowledge and
most importantly they got an understanding
the fact that a person with peculiarities is not
scary you can just show understanding
and all benefit from it at this time
here such
our summer ten-day sessions children
get soft skills like this
called now that is work in
team understanding that there are others
people have a different opinion and what you can
work together in the end
blankets returning to university in the fall
got acquainted with all his campus
although before he did not know anyone and he even
participated in
what is it called presidential election
and the US election campaign just
then at the university in austria held
such debates and someone from local
journalists approached him to take
interview like a student of this
university he said that none of these
candidates not worthy to become president
I said listening and I hope I did not say
what are you from kazakhstan
no I was not asked an honest answer here
such projects such sites where
there are two worlds children relatively speaking
norm and children with express features
contribute to our mutual burnout
I can name a few examples
autists who changed trajectory
human development these are people like
steve jobs like steven spielberg like bill
gates could be someone and knew from you
but I want to say once again that this is the most
world famous autists thanks for
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