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¿Y si las vacunas fueran de agua? | Rocío Carbajales | TEDxPuertoMadryn

thank you very much
in my university era it sounded a lot
the national rock and one of those bands
known as the lice he wrote a
phrase that marked me forever
yes blue the deepest mystery
blue are the souls without making
reference to heaven
it makes me think about the water in the
sea in the immensity in the mysterious of
The unknown
I say that something moves in and I
makes you want to look deeper until
where everything started from the water came the
life and is one of the elements in the
that before birth
we were floating for months and months in a
Perfect environment without hunger without cold
no weight contained in a belly
coined by the movement perceiving
otherworldly sounds
being in total balance
why is it that something as natural as
the water element that accompanies us from
the first moment of life stops being
In general, a friendly and safe environment
for the human being
why will it be that unlike others
when we are born, we do not know how to swim
there’s a myth that says babies
when they are born, they swim and dive instinctively
but in reality what they do is
Block the entrance of water with your mouth
open and this reflected is lost to the
six months of life so swimming is
a behavior that you learn how
walk run or jump by luck for
I did not spend so much time until
I felt like in that world again
liquid before birth when
I was four years old
my parents took me to the club
our city so that they learn to swim
as they had done with my brothers
seniors practice swimming so
competitive form
13 years and this allowed me to travel
the country
cross the border several times and
build a deep friendship with my
partners a link that thanks to
so many shared stories became
indestructible as my link to the
definitely my favorite element
on earth
I was born in San Fernando a city
Buenos Aires without sea but it was always
in contact with water through the
pools and rivers when you arrive
to puerto madryn discover a city with
beautifully immense squares whose
main tourist attraction is the
marine fauna
but I was surprised to notice that although
the sea was within reach of the
population was not so aquatiza dani
there were so many pools everywhere
to learn to swim like I had
imagined because although many times
You heard the phrase to want a
pool having similar sea to the side
I can assure you that it is not the same and
not only because of the cold of the water in this
in this part of the planet but by the
sudden changes in winds and
currents that can drag us
we are just a little away from the
also as port madryn in the capital
national museum
I believe that many more people practice
this activity at least in a way
recreational and who know how to swim and do it
in pools and in the marq outside something
common and although there are many people
that approach each summer to
Enjoy the beaches and the waters
of this gulf are relatively few
those that recognize the risks that run
not knowing how to swim or do it
and that is that a low percentage of the
population has access to classes of
swimming and this is alarming
there are statistics of the
world health organization
objectively crime this problematic
who does not know about borders
It is estimated that about 360,000 people
drowned per year in the world
in fact drownings are the third
Cause of death due to trauma
intentional and affect to a greater extent
Boys with easy access to the sea
in the midst of such a problem in
against the possibility of teaching
swim through the start-up
of a project that offers classes of
swimming to children and adolescents
free way
It was only then that I began to feel that
I could contribute my bit or
well I droplet of water in this house
then many guys got some
with medical prescriptions because the
health professionals well know of
the benefits of swimming for the
body that is good for the spine
because it strengthens the muscles that the
surrounds that increases lung capacity
that improves elasticity and
muscle flexibility that improves the
cardiac functioning but something more
it happens and this great
according to many relatives the benefits
of swimming are others and that is
many these benefits are seen
reflected in that many students won
trust and are no longer so introverted
or how they lost overweight can
take off the shirt without shame or
because someone allowed him to leave the
medication to raise your hyperactivity
or that a lot of guys started to
spend better at school because with
so as not to miss the api they did
all the duties and above they made us
well there is a story
that touched me very deeply and is the
history of dorita a student of 16
years that feeling overwhelmed by the
number of subjects that I had to
yield to spend their school year
decided to leave school
she told me that she left everything and that
only I was going to do was sleep
but the pyle still exists and he left
realizing how much he liked
swim and how fast it was progressing
later he discovered that there were courses
that would allow him to work in the
future as lifeguard or the
instructorado but that to do it
I had to finish secondary
it was there that he decided to resume his
studies what I needed
dorita was simply a motivation
a purpose that will help overcome
those obstacles that lulled her
only let him strength I’m sleeping
convinced that the eu transforms us into
levels so deep that they are not perceived
at a glance and that leads us to a
equilibrium in metaphorical sense and
literally because of all this I feel that
swimming has not only benefits
physiological but also their
benefits are social
I want to invite you to think about the
teaching swimming as if it were
a vaccine as well as this one applies
within a national plan of
vaccination for free and
mandatory in order for a
have a healthier population but
also to avoid in the future a
greater expense in curing
something similar would have to happen with
those of swimming equip the boys with
the necessary tools to avoid
in the future accidents whose costs go
to be greater than preventive at least
from the social point of view
all this makes me think of a girl
slogan of a security campaign
vial that said if it can be avoided is not
an accident
so I wonder how we can do
from now on to articulate the
rules of the game so that we all
we benefit
there is a theory that I was taught in
the economics degree that says that a
when making decisions and
plan game strategies between
two or more players to the participants
they will always agree to cooperate to
achieve a balance in which all
be favored
these games where it is not necessary
that a player loses everything so that the
another one there is a point within that
mutual cooperation in which all
players benefit with utilities
not necessarily economic
this point where all the players
they are happy with the final result
it’s a point of balance
taking into account this theory called
theory of games and all
players that we interact in this
we would be closer to a point in the
that we are all in agreement with the
final result is to say a point of
if we did not have to teach the
swimming as an expense but as a
benefit whose utility is going to be a
safer population with better health and
more active that we invite in the
future traumatic situations endowing
to the guys with the tools
necessary to defend themselves within the
or aquatic but above all of the world
to make them drowsy and if we manage
spread promote and bring all the
population safely all
those activities that allow us
Enjoy the water and the sea
that space where that fauna is
marine that draws so much attention to
all people from different parts
of the world and that you can enjoy so much
from outside as well as from inside and up
from the depths as with the
the more beneficial from every point
of sight may be to have a
generation of children and adolescents
more awake with more desire to dream
and less desire to sleep
the water activates us moves us
Awaken splashing monkeys on paper monkeys
the face to wake us up like Dorita and
let’s go to own more of those
tools needed to build
a future that although never stop
seem mysterious to be possible and it
about our dreams
thank you very much
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