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Why you should be searching for pain instead of happiness | Marc Kirst | TEDxYouth@Maastricht

hi I feel like my mom gave me the
greatest gift she could give me and at
the same time the heaviest way I could
carry with me it all started with this
story that she would tell me over and
over again since I was a kid one day the
final stage of her pregnancy when I was
almost ready to rock the world she was
resting on her bed when suddenly she
felt this deep beautiful feeling through
her body and her skin she touched me in
her belly and she looked up to the sky
and she actually felt like I was
speaking to her yeah weird and she heard
that she would give birth to a very
happy very successful human being that
not only would spread light to the world
but would even might become the
country’s president yeah I managed to be
caught even before I was born I still
don’t remember saying that and my mom is
quite crazy actually
but I find it amazing how when we are
kids our parents really are like the
main or the only reference for us to
understand reality and understand the
world so even before we have our own
sense of identity we believe anything
they tell us and they contribute to the
foundations of the sense of identity we
are gonna develop later on so of course
as a kid I believed her story and
respecting her I honored that story and
that’s how my life quest trying to
become with this anxious feeling that I
should and I was supposed to be happy
and successful and enlightened that that
was my life quest now so I asked you how
many of your standards and your own
definitions of success in life come from
whatever or whoever you chose to listen
to at some point of their life and to be
honest it can get even stronger later on
for example when my brother he learned
the two main first things that you
celebrate at home right because now he
had more autonomy and he was more
independent and he had more freedom what
are these two things walking and talking
awesome like now it’s almost like if he
could become whoever he would want to be
it’s just like now that baby that did
nothing before can go around somewhere
else so like don’t lose him please and
what are the questions and the answers
that she’s gonna come up with like we
were curious about it cool so what
happened when he just started school
what were the first two things that they
took away from him walking and talking
now it’s time to listen to the ones who
really own the truth and don’t you dare
making personal or emotional questions
so in some way we start believing and we
are taught that knowledge and wisdom are
kind of like fixed final Sciences that
we get from others and that in some way
it seems like my personal experience and
my feelings have no value compared to
whatever my teacher and my parents would
say this is how I learned to make my
first decisions first my mom told me I
would be successful then in school I
learned that others would tell me how to
be successful so of course I learned to
decide upon others opinion I would try
to make my parents feel proud and my
teachers feel proud with my grades and
well I wanted to compete with my friends
to see who would before perform better
and all the ladies yeah girls I would
crush me so much because I would be so
like if they would reject me or they
would like me that would make the whole
difference in my life like I can still
remember how I was crushed when my first
ever love was holding hands with that
so it’s it’s hard we really feel the
need to belong and this is something
that comes from back then very old story
like we used to need to belong to the
group otherwise we would die alone in
the wild but that’s scary like survival
technique right but I need you guys
please don’t let me out here freezing so
please please accept me even if I don’t
know who I am for you to accept me
so my question here is how far are you
willing to take this survival technique
nowadays when you’re not under so much
danger are you really willing to
sacrifice who you are in order just to
feel left that’s exactly what I did for
some years
first I changed my haircut then I
dropped out to dance classes because of
course boys should play sport
I even kissed a girl I didn’t even like
just because my friends told me I was
late sorry for that and I even chose
Business College just because was broad
so more companies would welcome that
degree among many other examples so what
are the things that you are doing right
now just because of others even if in
daily life we say we’re not gonna do
things just because of others even
further what are you giving up on doing
in your life just because you think no
one is gonna support you I really felt
like I had to wear masks one mask after
the other and the closer I thought I was
to belong
the further I was because how come I
would be long
by wearing masks that were not where I
really was and this is like kind of
obvious right like how could you really
belong in your essence by who you really
think you represent in this life by mass
but we do it right who’s doing it on
Instagram today so I got scared I looked
around myself and I saw the same people
I saw all my friends at some point they
all look the same
everyone liked the same things everyone
wanted to get to the same places
everyone was buying the same products
even if they didn’t need them but the
main issue wasn’t that they were buying
or being the same the main issue is that
on top of that they were unhappy they
were doing the same patterns over and
over again and being unhappy and
complaining about everything else
leaving like this weekend kind of
culture where you get on Friday and
you’re just celebrating because you have
a way out of your own life that didn’t
make sense to me that got me scared
because I realized that what was
bothering me about others were exactly
the same things I was noticing about
myself and if I wasn’t doing something
different I was part of the problem and
that scared the out of me like am I
gonna waste my life my time my energy
with things that I don’t even like just
because of the fake feeling of belonging
fake one no I don’t want to live a fake
life so I knew I had to do something
different right otherwise I would get
where everywhere everyone was so when
everyone was looking around and trying
to get advice from people on what to do
and what would be the right choice
what’s the right path
what’s the right decision to make and
when we look for advice outside because
that’s what we learned in school when
everyone would try to do that I try to
do the opposite and I tried to look
inwards what do I feel is right to me
what do I feel and it wasn’t an easy
easy task to shift that because if we
have learned to leave based on our head
only and we are so used to think it’s
even sad but it takes a while to
remember how to feel but it made sense
to me deep down even if it was harder
even if people around me didn’t
understand it was worth it it was so
meaningful to me that I even got a
business idea I was like well I’m 19
almost 20 I’m in college why can’t I
share these things that are working with
myself with high school and college
students in a way that we can together
find out about life not focusing on the
answers the final answers but the
questions instead and I was so happy
like I was just so excited I was just
like yeah and finally God what I want to
do like yes like I waited for this idea
so long I waited for it so long so I
didn’t hold myself and I went to tell my
best friend and after listening to my
kid I kind of page he made some seconds
of reflection
he looked deep into my eyes and he told
me something he asked me something that
I will never forget
he asked me mark how come you’re gonna
ah no one
it hurts it really hurts and for a while
I was like just in shock but honestly
later on I realized that I understood
what my friend was trying to say we are
highly educated in this social standard
in which we need to constantly be
fighting to reach this unachievable
ideal idealized utopian crazy illusion
kind of status of being how am I gonna
feel someone how am I gonna feel good
about myself if I’m constantly feeling
the pressure to be better faster
stronger smarter healthier prettier and
on top of that find my life purpose
become a huge change maker leader and
save the world
so I understood my friend because he was
suffering for the same things that I was
suffering what my friend forgot about is
that I’m not only someone already I’m
mark since the day I was born and the
fact that I’m mark right now gives me
freedom I can choose whatever limits me
on my own choice what’s possible what’s
right or wrong what is your heart so my
question to you is who are you are you
someone are you no one even more who are
you letting yourself be
who are you allowing yourself to become
or who are you limiting yourself not to
be are you choosing that with your best
survival technique and to your mind
who’s always analyzing what’s right or
wrong who was always analyzing what’s
safe who’s always analyzing how to
create comfort out of chaos or are you
choosing with the true source of your
life that is posting force of nature
your heart that King developed much
before your mind what about the heart
path are you feeling yourself are you
just surviving or are you actually
expressing life itself through the
spreche through an expression of your
own being I choose that path and it was
pretty hard but now four or five years
later after four or five years of heart
path I got that company that crazy idea
to something that employees twelve
people has been giving workshops and
talks and camps in six countries around
the world that I’m feeling just like I
belong to a place like I flow in
something that is mine I I own my own
path and it’s so beautiful because I
have the personal purpose I have the
social success I have the freedom but
right now what struck me is that I
haven’t reached that an achievable place
yet and I will never achieve it because
there’s no right path there’s only
what’s my path and what’s your path and
I used to judge what would be the best
way to go but now after achieving so
much that I wanted to achieve I
understand that they are not the best
choices they’re just made the ones I
made because nowadays when I look at
people who made different choices I’m
even envious sometimes because every
light I’ve got in my life right now I
found out that comes together with
shadow every light creates shadow there
are two sides of the same phenomenon why
are we believing still that we’re gonna
reach heaven and that we should have
wait hell why aren’t we understanding
that there’s no right path because good
and bad are always gonna live together
because they need each other
in the same way life needs death in the
same way my old moon has to die in order
for my new moon to be born in the same
way that day and night so why are we
running away from darkness why are we
running away from our fears our pain why
are we running away from the things that
deep down essentially could mean our own
process of healing
isn’t that what pain is about if I fall
cycling and I get blood and my knee
hurts is because my whole nervous system
is getting a mess in a message saying
there’s something wrong there
take your immune system up you need to
solve that so my question here is what
are you avoiding to heal by hiding or
that you’re not in pain how many
authentic opportunities are gonna miss
just because you’re waiting for the
right choice there’s gonna be based only
what’s the chaos in your life that
you’re still not embracing ignoring that
by embracing darkness you might be able
to find the most genuine and powerful
piece of light
I don’t think great leaders changed
things by trying to change things I
don’t think they wanted the perfect life
I think they embraced so much their own
self-doubt they embraced so much what
touched their heart darkness was such a
part of their decisions and they made
fear and pain such a good friend that
not only pain would come and they would
ask hey what do you have to teach me
today but they would thrive because if
darkness is your friend
so before you chase your dream I’m gonna
ask you to face your nightmare before
you try to change the world I’m gonna
ask you if you’re trying to do that
because it’s your deep call coming from
your whole soul or is it just a way to
escape the fact that your room is a mess
I know it hasn’t been an easy at all
path believe me when I say that pain
really still hurting but in some way I
recover faster and in some way by
embracing it I manage to embrace my
whole self and then I don’t need to
sacrifice myself to belong to others
because I feel I’m belonging to nature
and life itself and I’m just an
expression of it so if you feel the call
to adventure if you feel ready to take
that path even if a hard one whenever
you’re ready please know from the bottom
[Applause] [Music]
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