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Why we need to rethink how we fight extreme poverty? | Rahul Nainwal | TEDxEicherSchool


so what now TEDx is your school hi you

guys ready for a change and just pay

attention to the screen this is what I

propose to everybody who is in this room

and is getting a salary that from

tomorrow onwards your salary comes in

some contribution to the Provident Fund

there’s some vouchers that you will get

for food you will get some petrol money

and money to send your kids to school

irrespective of whether you have a car

or you have kids compulsory deduction

into medical insurance and then at the

end of it you will not have any money in

your hand to spend on things that you

want and I also want to tell you that

this particular salary slip has been

designed by the best experts in India

and they are your well-wisher would you

like to accept this change how do you

feel does it feel like childhood but

this is precisely how we are treated

treating 300 million ultra poor people

in India its people like you and me who

decides how the money which is for their

welfare is going to be spent they are

plethora of NGOs government agencies

political parties aid agencies who

basically allocate all these resources

for the poor on their behalf if they

decide whether the poor needs a toilet

or they need a school whether towards

should go and do vaccinations or

something like this have you also

wondered when it comes to giving things

why is that people are always handing

out an old piece of clothing or they are

giving something which is they don’t

need it’s their crash because in our

country when it comes to working with


and you know helping them our benchmarks

are really really low we believe that

something is better than nothing and no

wonder so many years after independence

we are not able to lift extreme poor

people out of poverty I work in the

social sector and I thought that

organized aid an organized way of doing

development work is more effective but

that is really not the case on any

development project which do you see

whether it is giving cows and goats or

it’s a cow in a good kind of a project

behind every one such cow or goat they

are consultancies project overheads

worth four cups and sometimes you have

to stop and ask this question is the

value that we are adding into the

project more than four cows maybe yes

maybe not now when it comes to working

with the poor in the world they’re

basically two big groups yeah one group

things that the poor are poor because

they’re uneducated yeah they make really

really poor decisions yeah they cannot

be trusted yeah so they need us to tell

them what they need yeah and then we

give it to them and not only that we can

trust them with a cow yeah we can trust

them with a training program what we

cannot trust them with money on the

other hand there are some people who

believe that poor people are just like

you and me they probably unfortunate

yeah they are intelligent they really

know what they need so instead of giving

them a cow if we were to give them money

and the choice to decide what they

should do with this money so maybe

they’ll go and buy a cow or maybe some

of them will go and start a small

business and earn an income out of it

some of them might decide to put more

food on the table or spend this money on

education or

or something yes so these are the two

distinct groups they are the ones who

are basically forming how the work

around poor and poverty elevation in the

earth for the ultra boy is going to kind

of work out so now in India in a state

called multiple dish Siva and UNICEF

actually did a pilot and what they did

in this pilot was that they identified

families and they gave money to each

household member yeah and then they

stopped and they then measured what

happened and to the surprise they found

that you know the income generation

activities in the village you know went

up um the money was given to both men

and women so women had more our

decision-making when it comes to doing

you know things in their in their

household they also found that there was

no increase in the consumption of

alcohol or gambling or using this money

for for tobacco elsewhere in the world

like in Africa of this a pioneering

charity in the u.s. called give directly

they’ve been running large cash

transfers or you know giving free money

to the poor in in Africa and they have

found that that every thousand dollars

at the giveaway yeah there was

substantial increase in income savings

the well-being of the family year on

year closer home in Sri Lanka when money

was given to small entrepreneurs as a

grant yeah the returns on that grants

after five years or close to two hundred

percent so not only this seemed to kind

of work this is also sustainable enough

for a moment I want you to think as to

what does it feel to be really poor now

imagine that you’re you’re doing

something really really important yeah

maybe you have an exam or you have a

presentation to make or something like

that but your mind is constantly

somewhere else yeah you are not able to

focus yeah you are really worried about

where your next meal is going to come

what are you going to do today will you

get some pages today or not these are

the things that you’re worried about you

really cannot focus on the future you

cannot attend the training program you

not a capacity building program or do

something else it’s almost like a

computer which is a fairly good computer

but you have too many programs that this

computer is is running so the screen

freezes this is not a bad computer so

you cannot thinker with the software if

you now want this computer to work maybe

it is time to add some memory and

hopefully the computer will start

working again in the context of the poor

money is that memory so if be able to

give them money maybe that will increase

their bandwidth now they are not worried

about here and now they can start

worrying about future how should they

come out of poverty how should they

really really improve their lives yeah

so I have spent about 15 years in the

social sector and and I have really

asked this probable proverbial question

to myself am i worth more than four cows

is the value that I add into the whole

system is it more than 4,000 and it

seems like at least in this case uncle

is not buddy then pass it seems like

four cows are better than one of me

actually doing in the something in the

field so I believe that giving money for

free to the poor it’s a very very good

idea yeah economies call it with a very

very fancy name it’s called an

unconditional cash transfer I believe

that poor people are very very

enterprising they trustworthy they

precisely know what they need they don’t

need me to tell them what they need and

then give it to them if we were to give

unconditional money to the poor over a

period of two to three years three

hundred million Indians then they will

find out innovative ways to to come out

of a poverty so this is what i am trying

to experiment through this initiative

called cash reef which is about giving

unconditional money free money no

strings attached to the poor people so

what we are going to do is we are going

to give 96

Ruby’s to every household in a village

this is equivalent to their two years of

income over seven installments we will

not tell them how to use this money yeah

we will probably step back and then see

what happens yeah and maybe you know we

are in for a for a surprise because we

believe that poverty is really not a

lack of character or ability it is lack

of cash so it’s high time that we fix it

we give money to the poor unconditional

thank you very much [Applause]

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