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When Engineering Goes ‘Artsy’ | Amy McCleney | TEDxPaloAltoCollege

when I was six years old I wanted to
grow up to be an astronaut
ballerina dolphin trainer now I don’t
mean I wanted to be those professions
individually I wanted my job title to be
astronaut ballerina dolphin trainer
because why wouldn’t any adults not want
to have that rock star occupation well
besides the fact that this profession
doesn’t actually exist as I grew older
in the reality of the world desensitized
my six-year-old dreams I came to the
realization that I should have a job
that was a bit more realistic so
fast-forward 10 years this is me yep
that’s me wearing a marching band
uniform that looks attractive on
absolutely no-one now as a 16 year old I
think I was a pretty good student I
enjoyed reading and was really good at
math but those subjects were hardly on
my radar as my love for marching band
overshadowed them all I mean I loved
marching band so much that in those
moments I wanted to grow up to become a
professional marching band field show
creator yeah to me that was a profession
that was going to take me to some
incredible places music was my life so
you would think that having such a
strong passion for a creative outlet
would have transcended with me into
adulthood well to be completely honest
with you it didn’t quite go according to
plan at least not how I pictured it
would be because instead of becoming
this marching band field show creator I
now stand before you today holding a
doctorate in mechanical and aerospace
engineering yeah not so much really that
music professionally thought I would
have but in reality the characteristics
of what I loved when I was 6:16 and the
person I am today are really not all
that different in today’s society we
were all taught that we fit into these
separate black and white boxes of
personality and professional types as
either being left brained those
individuals who are more analytical such
as scientists or right-brained those
individuals who are more creative such
as artists or there’s really not this
great type of area of capabilities in
between the two but maybe that’s just my
perception so in order to providing the
most accurate information as possible I
set my family friends a survey and
received around a hunter responses to my
questions asking them what they
perceived or the personality differences
between an artist and scientist and what
they think these individuals do on a
daily basis so first let’s start with a
scientist beyond the bill nine
Mythbusters and Big Bang Theory of
references I actually did receive the
top five summarized responses what
others perceived a scientist does on a
daily basis include they’d like to work
in a lab they like to dig in the dirt
they like to mix some chemicals they
also enjoy wearing a lab coat as well as
writing on a clipboard and finally they
like to analyze large amounts of numbers
and try to draw conclusions and remember
as we go through these art don’t
responses now for the personality types
they are logical and structured there
are analytical critical thinkers and/or
data-driven it can sometimes be nerdy as
well as socially handicapped in my
absolute personal personal favorite
response they are insensitive robots
now moving on to an artist the top five
summarized responses what others
received an artist does on daily basis
include they are creating a vision they
are expressing emotion they are
practicing coaching doing ensemble work
they are at rehearsals in doing
performances and they’re practicing
sculpting music King normally does this
being accomplished in someone’s basement
for some reason and now for their
personality types they are creative they
are cure freed or laid back they can be
passionate or emotional they are
outgoing individuals who love wine and
finally they are eccentric kind of like
Bob Ross eccentric
so maybe my perceptions you really
weren’t so different from everyone
else’s that we all get placed into these
separate categories is either being
left-brain those individuals who have
more characteristics like a scientist or
those individuals were more passionate
such as artists but what if I told you
there actually does exist this happy
medium where both of these worlds
collide into one beautiful equally cited
braid we’re both arts and sciences come
together to inspire each other now being
a scientist myself I’m about to show you
a world where an artistic approach to
saving solving scientific problems
exists but first going back to those
people who believe as scientists is all
about analyzing large amounts of numbers
and trying to draw conclusions I’m not
telling you that that doesn’t happen
because it definitely does an engineer
will spend hours staring at a computer
screen trying to draw conclusions from
data files that kind of look like this
yeah that looks absolutely fun right so
instead of trying to draw conclusions
from data files full of numbers I prefer
to solve my engineering problems using
non-traditional creative methods such as
this idea as exploring the world around
us through image processing and flow
visualization much like this what you’re
seeing here is a still image of a
fluid jet that is injected into a
stagnant tank of water this what you’re
seeing is what happens when you have a
velocity difference between two fluids
this phenomenon is known as Kelvin
Helmholtz instability a theory that was
developed in 1868 which describes how a
Jets boundary layer will roll up into
these absolutely beautiful vortex rings
although this is something that was
created in a laboratory setting this
phenomenon is seen everywhere in the
for example in the planet Jupiter’s red
spot and most importantly in our cloudy
sky here on earth which is what is that
what is what inspired van Gogh de penas
infamous starry night painting in 1889
Oh cream I just showed you a pretty
picture what does that have anything to
do with data analysis quite a bit
actually first I’ll tell you how
something like this can be created or
captured then how we analyzed it so all
you need to conduct image analysis is a
camera a light source my personal
favorite being a laser and finally if
you’re doing flow visualization you may
need a flow tracers such as a dye or
particle marker any flow visualization
effort results in a unique image
sequence that is dependent on external
factors such as your camera resolution
the type of camera lens that you’re
using your light intensity and the
subject of the image for this case is
our jet flow structures now that we’ve
taken a picture or an image we can now
analyze it an image or picture is
actually considered a 2-dimensional grid
distribution of pixels if you zoom in on
an image a little bit further you can
see this a little bit better inside each
individual pixel is a single color which
represents the light intensity in
computer software these color get
translated into numbers where the
brighter the pixel the higher the number
it receives so a picture can be
recreated in two units or patterns of
units that can be mathematically
analyzed so image processing is the
process of taking an image or a video up
pointing this into computer software
which can translate it into numbers the
computer code is then developed to find
changes or patterns within these numbers
to extract meaningful information now in
the case of the fluid jet you can get
information such as tracking how these
vortex rings travel downstream over time
or their frequency of formation by
conducting a spectral analysis it’s
absolutely incredible how much
meaningful information you can obtain
from just one single image alright so
what I showed you was something that was
captured that confirms a theory that was
developed in the 1860s what about
discovering something new well my
friends here you go what you’re seeing
here may look like a bunch of random
sparkly things moving around the screen
you are correct actually these are a
bunch of random sparkly things moving
around the screen
however these random sparkly things are
actually particles that are tracking a
moving fluid and these particles are 30
micrometer in size which is
approximately 1/3 the size of a single
strand of human hair this video only
represents two seconds in real time but
was captured at 2,500 frames per second
which is a hundred times faster than any
action-packed movie you’ve ever seen now
once analyzed with computational codes
to track how these particles move this
video provides information for what we
know today as the energy cascade
turbulent flows are made up of Eddie’s
of different sizes and the energy
cascade describes how kinetic energy
gets handed down from these large
Eddie’s to these smaller Eddie’s to
these even smaller Eddie’s we’re finally
energy gets dissipated as heat through
viscous action however this energy
cascade you are seeing here is unlike
any other energy cascade out there as it
was the first of its kind to be captured
for a multi-phase flow this video full
of random sparkly things provide
information that helps us understand how
blood can get damaged on the cellular
level while going through a heart pump
or a dialysis machine and at the exact
same time this video provides
information that helps us understand how
we can destabilize fires that are
trapped in buildings as well as how hot
water plumes at the bottom of the ocean
floor transfer nutrients that allowed
deep sea life to prosper and finally
this video full of random sparkly things
provides information that can help us
better design safer containment
buildings for nuclear reactors and that
was all captured in this one single
video that lasts only two seconds long
now that’s a pretty powerful artistic
approach to solving more than one
scientific problem now the video study
showed you are not the only image
analysis that are happening in the world
today there have been amazing strides in
industry such as the space industry the
creation of self-driving vehicles
improving medical device designs as well
enhancing performance of Olympic
athletes just to name a couple so if all
these amazing discoveries are occurring
with image analysis why isn’t everyone
aware or accepting of it well people are
cautious of what they consider outside a
standard or norm image analysis is a
softer approach to solving a hard
scientific problem and one in which does
not traditionally fit into this idea of
what we consider data analysis because
of this it’s sometimes hard for people
to understand or accept however I’m a
firm believer in the saying that people
believe what they see if we were able to
analyze data this way it adds this
additional layer being able to quantify
what we physically can see using math
and that’s pretty powerful
so this misconception of whether or not
this is a valid analysis approach stems
again from those separate black and
white boxes of personality and
professional types that the world has
designated for us and one in which the
steam movement is trying to overcome
steam spell
st EA is a movement that is promoting
both the Arts and Sciences into one
hence STEM science technology
engineering mathematics plus the arts
however there is this notion by some
that there still should be the
separation between the Arts and Sciences
to prevent any time and resources being
taken away from STEM education this
perspective is mainly fueled in part by
the fear that our country is falling
behind in the STEM fields and that we
are not attracting enough for the
younger generations to want to become
our future innovators of tomorrow
however the steam movement is not about
lessening any efforts on enhancing the
science fields to make room for art it’s
actually about sparking the imagination
of the younger generation that allows
them to apply creative thinking and
design skills in their lives it’s about
getting them excited about science so
they actually want to become our future
innovators now it’s important to know
that image analysis is not the only
creative approach to solving scientific
problems that exist today but it is a
fun and imaginative way of conducting
analysis so the next time you see a
picture I want you to think of it more
like a piece of data but with an
artistic soul and maybe knowing this
creative approach to science exists it
may inspire someone out there to pursue
something they never knew as possible
breaking through this misconception
between the division of Arts and
Sciences maybe it’ll inspire someone who
is neither left or right brained but is
equally analytical and creative maybe
it’ll inspire someone who’s kind of like
me who loves music but is also really
good at math or maybe just maybe it’ll
inspire someone who is 6 years old who
wants to grow up to be an astronaut ballerina dolphin trainer
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