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What Parkinson’s Taught Me | Emma Lawton | TEDxSquareMile

Translator: Aiman ​​Bajaber Auditor: Ayman Mahmoud
Welcome, I’m Emma,
When I was 29 years old, and four years ago from now
It was diagnosed cases of Parkinson’s disease.
I can not display here control chips because my hands were shaking a lot.
Therefore, one of them doing the job for me
It’s you, I need to look at you. Thank you
I’m going to this whenever you need to change the slide. (Mean hand movement)
Thank you
I would like to tell you what taught me Parkinson’s disease
During that time.
It is very unnoticed
( Laughter )
It was diagnosed four years ago
When I was 29 years old
I did not expect to have Parkinson’s disease
Not in it on age.
If you’re a girl at the age of a particular
I expect that it is very rare for women injured by
Inevitably, it is rare for women at the age of 29
I felt for a long time something strange in my right hand
I could not install something in place
I ignore this.
My father finally told me
“Go to the doctor, and I know what it.
It has become important to know what it “
That’s what I did
And they took me to the rays of the brain
And then I said to myself, “Oh, if it is serious now
It is somewhat the danger zone “
But I still think it
Perhaps a nervous spasm, or that the carpal tunnel (neurological disease)
I did not expect it to be more serious than that
For the rays of the brain
While I was waiting for the results, they told me
It might be Parkinson’s disease
Or disease Huntington, or perhaps Wilson
And Kojb what you can expect one
I wish to have Parkinson’s disease
Because other diseases lead to death and I was not ready to die
This was the date of diagnosis of the disease in the end
I’ve taken a little matter of time to find out
It was a critical day for me
Not a sad day.
It was the day in which I knew how I in my life
And how things go beyond
It was also a day when my family and I found around me
We went in a family fun day that day, because we were with each other
We had in mind that we are here all day let it be fun, then.
It has become the day that I knew where it would find the ones supporting me
They were around me, they’ve been around me to help me .. Forever
Each message I received, I got them a lot of support.
One assistant at work sent me says
“We trust you to get the disease ….”
( Laughter )
We went back to the normal situation directly.
There are currently 127,000 people in Britain live with Parkinson’s disease,
I am just one of those.
But I was given the opportunity to talk about my story many times,
I think that this is because I am speaking point of view in the matter
And is positive
Easy people will inevitably be reduced,
But the point of view has made it easier to cope with the disease.
Because in the end, I was dealing with this big old fate
And spam from Parkinson’s disease, and I thought “how I am dealing with him?”
I had to know what I will work with the disease to make my life good,
And strong, and I take decisions for myself
Absorbed by the fact
I will not be able to change what happened to me
(Compound dopamine formula)
I lacked the presence of dopamine in my body
This was something .. it was a serious discourse
Perhaps aware of their knowledge about Parkinson’s
That Parkinson’s disease causes a drop in the rate of dopamine
A compound chemical in the human body controls the heat and mood and movements
The way in which the brain communicates with every muscle in your body
So you’re locked in a battle in front of your brain
It will not win.
But I thought that I could re-assemble all this
I’m working for brand marketing I can do that
And it made it convenient for me and even enjoy it
And I still deal with this
But I deal with him in a way
Make me more positive and happier in the end.
I would like to share with you
The way in which I found the happiness
It is in the size of Parkinson’s disease.
And part of it is what Pair.
Sure, it makes me happy.
So I’ll share ten percussive to find happiness
When it is really difficult to find.
These are the ten ways in which I looked at my case
And I discovered myself,
And made it something I am happy and proud of him
Not looking for happiness
Originally, if you are looking for
You will not find anything in the long term.
I looked it in the men on white horses
They are carrying shields and things like this.
I looked it deep in the ice-cream cans Haagen Dazs
I searched for and pass the pages down in the device (see the comments).
I looked it everywhere.
In the end, you will find happiness in passing these things
It actually comes from the inside
And I know that this idea is very consumer
It is Mahtmml that every person echoed thousands of times
But if you are happy with yourself and how you
And then publish this happiness among others
And therefore I will go back to you seven times
The people around you will be happier as well.
Do not bring with you what the offer and in Settle dawn you are infected Balbarkinson
Your people will not trust.
It’s okay to say that your day is very bad
It’s okay to be your day as well.
You can count on the old saying that I like a ..
“You can add luster to the feces, but it will remain Brazza”
If you have bad days, you’ll encounter good days
If you feel not happy
You’ll feel happy in a good day
It is the good things that happen in your life
It must be news to the people that the daily bad
Being honest with them,
Being someone talking to them about Parkinson’s disease,
I am the darkest of all,
If you’re talking about as a matter of stunning
As if I Ozanh from the top
It is not. It is very difficult.
But if you’re honest with people, you will know how to treat me,
You will know what I expect of them, and what I want and what I do not want to help me.
It will make it easy for all of us.
For every time I tell someone that I am sick Balbarkinson
I know that this little break their hearts
Perhaps I have told them that ten times
But like the first time they hear it.
Be a little patience,
With yourself, not with others,
Because it will not bring happiness to a never.
Be a little patient with yourself, and do not settle.
It was very easy to secluded himself in the corner of the
I do not do anything for the rest of my life.
No one can be Aatbna to do so
Because invalids too big
But I do more now than I was doing before
Because I feel that I have nothing for him to lose.
What is worse is possible to happen? That hit Balbarkinson? I did it as you know.
There is nothing wrong, then.
So, because of that, I go out and do more than what I was doing before.
And I encourage others to do so.
Live your life as the last chance for you to do something.
Say Yes for more.
I say yes a lot, but it seems I need to say no a little.
Because I never sleep.
But a great opportunity to experience new things
When suddenly fall in a situation
And deal with the new things.
Remember that each person has something as well.
Perhaps it may be trivial for you, but great for others.
In fact, Vbikunk friendly with others
And Baltvkr that the person who pushes you away and you are standing in the train
It may be over a rough day at work,
A woman who left her baby crying in a corner somewhere
And you look at it Deprecatingly
They may have lost one of their family.
You do not really know what is happening in their lives.
Ptsamg with others
It will be much happier.
I Asptoabt coincidence, as someone who lives in London, it is a fast-paced city.
Where all people rush to go somewhere or do something
And others pay their way.
It’s nice to take some time to understand what others feel.
This tolerance Sterd you,
Because if you are tolerant with others Vanma are similarly Saaamilok
Perhaps it may take time
It may not be the same person who is well done to him
But it will return to you in the end.
Wear flat shoes, I can not stress the importance of this.
If your feet is happy, you have a mind is not happy,
That’s all I can say.
I wear a short heel today, but I feel like a very delicate
It bothers me a little
Wear athletic shoes whenever you can, because it ..
When you are infected with disease like Parkinson’s
she’s amazing.
But some people roam around the city all the time heel
I feel sorry for their direction
I feel sorry they were wearing these heels all the time
Because no one is happy and is worn.
no one!
If they say the opposite so they are liars.
I like to say this sentence to myself
Because I think I am very fortunate people who are around me
But I found the port of the storm before the wind comes
I knew who these people before Oanajhm
This means that when I researched them and found them directly.
I knew I was strong and supported.
Sometimes I think people will be with you
But you are not 100% sure until you need them,
Probably did not help them in the past
Maybe they carried a grudge.
The presence of supporters when you face a crisis
Or a good thing
very important.
From great to experience it yourself,
But it is important that there are people around you as well as
Chant for you.
Do not grow up
I do not mean death, for example, or something else,
We will not be in this melancholy
But what I mean, do not behave like adults age.
Make and do whatever you want.
please yourself
By the way, I discovered that wearing a sports shoe helps in it.
People do not laugh on the adequacy of the stupid things
I laugh a lot when you mention the name of Trump
Since I got this disappointment.
I feel that I only do it
I hope that others will do it every time too
Great, those women agree with me.
It’s like running on the grass when it is supposed not to do
Or do stupid things,
Or wears a blouse like this when it is supposed to behave maturely.
When suddenly dealing with a large order,
You understand that you can not be ashamed of yourself again
But you have to know yourself and do what you want to do
It is already editing for yourself!
But I think that the children understood this well
They put what they want to do in their minds
Then enjoy doing so.
All that we grew up, shaken this ability to have a little
Stockings this man Tmlina joy
Because man loves colors.
We should wear more colors, and be happy, and like children Ntmlk hearts.
Do not bother Besgair things
But as much as the small things you can do
Bamkanna say that I have never appreciate fixed by hands, strong handshake
The ability to speak clearly,
So these things have become difficult for me.
So do not stop at the small daily problems
If you can afford it,
But as much as the things granted to you.
People now have Incubate but I feel as if Sohagmeh
I hugged him as if I am looking for a weapon or the like
It’s nice to know that you may enter into a meeting and you feel confident
And display what you have and you are confident of yourself
But with something like Parkinson’s you can not sense it
But I now appreciate the things that I can do so much
More than I was before.
Small things that left me and that I still can do it,
The ability to stand in front of people,
These things Tmlina happiness and joy because I can still do it.
And I will not care, I’ll do it as long as I have the ability!
Look for your reason,
Which makes you advance in this life
And proved it.
Causal somewhat narcissistic, because Parkinson’s disease.
I mean that this is a trifle,
I should be looking for other reasons as well.
But the fact that, before the disease my injury I was not trying for anything.
Now I’m fighting for my life and my existence,
And what I want in my life.
And fight for others.
I speak somewhat tongue if these people
That made me understand
There are other reasons I can think of them
And I can do it more for these people.
Perhaps not of being a narcissistic
But I did not have before
Any passion or interest
Did I volunteer did not do anything like this before
Disease my injury made me aware
We have opportunities to help people.
Our tongue, and hands, we can help people to these things.
And finally, what I want from this is:
To stand before you like anyone
You may feel the tension and fear.
Perhaps it may seem a little something hidden
If you’re in London and you see someone shaking
In an age at the time of
Everyone can know what anyone else is doing
And continue to keep tabs as well as
But if you look into my eyes and Samatamona talking,
You will know who I am, and Strona as a normal person
I have the opportunity to talk about my story.
And people know me.
But there are a lot of people do not have this opportunity
It is known that the body is just a pot of good things inside
Brain and heart, where important things happen
It is a kind of magic.
It is considered in the eyes of the people and you’re talking with them,
It is being more tolerant of people
And knowing that we are all equal in the end.
But I left with this beautiful piece
I’ve made of the package that was given to me at the beginning.
It is not the expulsion of various
For that which was given to him to begin with.
We have given Parkinson’s disease.
I have not changed it or try to escape from it there is no way to change that was originally
Installation of the disease is still chemical like what.
But the way I see where the disease is completely different
I feel the way in which the disease is completely different
The way I see the world is completely different
I just want to urge you to look into my case,
To know what can be done to make yourselves happier
Because the feeling of happiness is amazing too
It is certainly, in your hands
thank you
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