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What if we could listen to the brains of newborn babies? | William Hutch | TEDxUCC



you all know this sound this is the

sound of the human heartbeat but how

many of you actually know what human

brain sounds like you’ve all seen what

the brain looks like but how many of you

know what the brain actually sounds like

we here at infant the IRA Center for

fetal and neonatal research have

developed a way to listen to the brain

and here it is I bet that’s not what you

thought it would sound like it’s amazing

isn’t it no artificial sounds were added

and that is from a preterm babies brain

but before I go any further how do I

look here today I know I know the things

I have to do seriously though this cap

is an EEG cap it contains numerous

sensors that allow us to monitor the

brains activity in real-time and you

might ask why is this important well

I’ll go into that in a few moments but

in the sense it’s like looking into a

window into the brain beautiful isn’t


she is one of 78,000 babies born here

annually in the country of Ireland of

these 4,800 approximately are born

prematurely or to look at it another way

every 116 minutes a preterm baby is born

to give you some context in Ireland

pregnancy and birth a usually low-risk


150 babies may need some form of medical

intervention and for that reason we have

neonatal cuts like the one we have here

to give you some more context a

full-term pregnancy is usually 40 weeks

on average and the baby weighs

approximately 4,000 grams whereas with a

preterm baby it is defined as a baby

less than 37 weeks and they usually

weigh about 400 grams so if you think

about that that’s staggering it’s like

10 times less than what a full-term baby

weighs or another way of looking at it

is they the smallest of the smallest

babies may only weigh just as heavy as a

bottle of water or another way to look

at it is these babies are so small that

if you took off your ring their actual

whole arm could fit true through it so

there are that small so how can we give

these little ones the best start in life

so to do that some of the smallest

people in the planet begin their journey

in an incubator like this one here and

this incubator typically has a blue

light and with this blue light it helps

with jaundice and this is also temporary

temperature regulated we also monitor

the baby’s heart rate and breathing but

what we do here at infant is we also

monitor the baby’s brain waves and we do

that using this type of an EEG cap like

the one you can see here so contain

sensors and we can monitor the

brainwaves but some of you might be

wondering how have I been left holding

this baby are how have I come to this

career pad in some ways so my

fascination began when I was a fifteen

year old with technology and a few of my

classmates and I came together and we

decided we try our hand at business and

be honest we didn’t fare too badly we

came second in Europe and some of you

might ask well what did we do well apart

from dressing up as men in black at the

time I know this is all the rage back

then but we actually set up a web

development company and I know some of

you might not think that’s very

cutting-edge right now

because eight-year-olds today can write

complex code but at the time we were

always looking into a thing called

Wireless Application protocol or wack

and what WEP is it allows you to send

Internet content from from the Internet

to your smartphone or to your your

tablet like we all have here today and

although WAP has been outdated now it

was the kind of beginning of the

platforms for such technology so then

that got me thinking in terms of how

could I apply this to health that led me

to complete a PhD in neuroscience and to

investigate people having difficulties

with brain disorders and trying to

figure out how can technology solve

these these complex brain disorders and

just to give you an administration what

fascinates me about the brain is that

this is the brain here and the brain can

be divided into two parts

there’s one the first part is this part

down here the lower structures in some

ways is a primitive cortex and what the

primitive cortex does it allows us like

animals it controls our reading and our

autonomic function some ways where is

this part here is the cortex and this

cortex is what separates us from animals

and makes us the most evolved species on

the planet in terms of it allows us to

think in real-time but also what’s

fascinating is it allows us to

understand things and that can be very

powerful and I’ll give you an example

now so this here is the latest artwork

that my sister sent me I got this

message on whatsapp reason and she said

what do you think of it what do you

think of it it could be anything

couldn’t it so what came to my mind

straightaway was I thought maybe this is

Purkinje fibers and Purkinje fibers are

the internal workings of the heart in

some ways and that is what my brain did

used because of a background the

medicine in neuroscience so this is what

I saw so I wrote back to him saying have

you should call this person the Purkinje

fibers and she sadly she wrote back to

me saying this is actually a close-up of

rostoff a chapter that we have at home

so yeah needless to say I don’t know

much about abstract art what actually

struck me was how is it that my brain

could connect one thing to another or

how is it that if you think about it

different perspectives can impose

different perceptions on things and that

is the key to understanding how

innovation can come about so we here at

infant I’ve come up with a way of using

looking at things in different ways

bringing together doctors nurses

engineers scientists all together and

coming up with an innovative technology

to help monitor the brains of preterm

babies and this EEG technology we use

regularly in the neonatal unit so some

of you might ask well why is this

important well when an adult is having a

seizure you will actually physically see

it happening it’s right in front of your

eyes you will know y’all know where as

when a preterm baby like this one over

here they are actually they can be nice

and quiet and still and we don’t know

whether they are having a seizure so the

only way that we can detect that they

are having a seizure is by using this

EEG cap what we look at is a waveform

like this you can all tell me what’s

going on there Kenji it’s nice and

simple isn’t it so what this is actually

showing is showing a spike complex which

composed of two parts it has a duration

and it has an intensity and what our

algorithm can do is it’s an automatic

way of figuring out where this spike

wave is instead of having an expert to

read them because up until now there’s


there is actually only a handful of

specialists not only in Ireland but

throughout the world that can read these

complex waveforms so our algorithm we

hope is a solution to this problem and

one or one other area that we’re looking

into that our future development is

we’re looking into and it’s called baby

link and what that involves is we are

hoping to combine the amazing sound that

you heard at the start of this talk with

the sound with the neonatal algorithm

and we

we’ll be able to send that wirelessly to

our smartphone technology so for example

if a baby is having a seizure in the

unit we will be able to send this

information the nurse will be able to

ring up the doctor and say would you

mind having a look wherever they are in

the world and say could you read the

scan for me please and the doctor will

be able to give a solution so that is

just one of our future developments here

at infant so just conclude by taking

different perspectives from different

backgrounds and looking at things and

different and in innovative ways and

bringing them all together

we here at infant have come up with a

solution to a very complex brain problem

and not only do we want to share this

knowledge with with you and Ireland but

we feel that this knowledge should be

shared throughout the whole world now isn’t that an idea or sharing

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