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What if I don’t know what my passion is? | Margaret Shenken | TEDxTelford

you know the court by Steve Jobs that
goes do what makes my heart sing I don’t
like it now don’t get me wrong it’s not
the sentiment I don’t like it’s floating
language you might have noticed I’m
and we see it like it is so here’s what
I prefer do what puts a fire in your gut
get more gritty but here’s the thing
what if we don’t know what puts that
fire in her gut where do we find it or
talk to my young age to use external
benchmarks as a gate so let me take you
back 20 years and tell your story about
someone who looked for their passion and
the externals as Monday morning it’s
9:00 a.m. and a young girl was sitting
at her desk in her office
she’s done Elaine down a sheet of paper
hated law prose and once aid and coins
and the other but she knows how this is
going to play out because she’s done it
before there’s only one corn and it’s
that something’s missing something is
not quite right and it’s bizarre because
everything up until that point had led
to a career in law she followed all the
same external benchmarks that all our
friends did that everyone did she saw a
job with a good income one that her
family and her school advised was
desirable and one that she was exactly
fitted to on paper she was always going
to be a lawyer so I know only three
years three short years and a legal
clear was she wondering what’s missing
what’s wrong what are going to do no it
took me two decades and three careers to
find the answer to that question and I
want to share that journey with you
today and the lessons I’ve taken away
from it and hopefully help you or maybe
somebody that you know here’s what I’ve
learned about the Xterra knows why oast
admittedly a designer suit yeah feels
good feels nice not this one
I feels good as does a title but it’s
fleeting it’s transient happiness it’s
like an elastic past Plast
that covers over an empty gap but it
doesn’t fill that gap that’s not where
we find fulfilment and I’m not lagging a
title it’s quite seductive it brings
anything create ability when you tear
some do you work in a profession so do
you remember when you graduated from
university that made me somebody and
your family and the gained an instant
new surname let me give you a tip it’s
usually on a profession so John the
doctor my son Jim the lawyer and my
daughter G in the dentist the parents
the grandparents they love to boast
don’t they but actually I don’t think we
fully recognize the effect that that
feeling puts upon us and how difficult
it is that albeit we know it’s not
pervading passion it’s really hard to
step away from it and leave it behind
but what I found more interesting was
that and Elena my skills and strengths
to what I thought was the ultimate clear
for me
I didn’t even faint passion the earth is
there can you think of a sport or a
scale or even a board game that you’re
really really good at but you hate it
and I mean hate it you’re like no I’m
not doing that ever the same rule
applies in work as it does in life and
this came as a surprise to me probably
many of you just because you’re good at
something and you could do it and you
could do it really well doesn’t mean
that you should do it so if we accept
that we’re not necessarily and probably
wouldn’t find the answer and the
externals weird to be luke dancers
fairly obvious internally to the gut and
for some that may involve a bit more
self-reflection self-awareness Jordan II
it can be a bit icky it can be a bit
difficult but that’s a whole other talk
and an Elio that’s been covered vastly
by others so we’ll put that to one side
right about now that’s just weird
expecting a big citizen tit the reveal I
found the key to finding your passion
and I did here’s the secret I phoned her
I thought I was going to see a process
with you – I saw firmly thought that
there was a secret or a process if you
know that I thought okie looking over
looking back over the two decades I will
find a process I was unwittingly
following and I’m going to deliver that
to you because that’s what everybody
wants is it you want to take away you
want a three-step process a quick fix a
magic pill it’s like the health and
fitness industry is booming we all want
a quick fix we want to throw money at
something and that will give us the
answer have you ever looked up what
might be the best killer for you or even
done a taste there magazine or a quiz
what asked people that you know what in
the pub well my research shows that most
people have done it at some point in
their life and that’s because you and we
and all of them believe there’s a quick
fix and the danger and that is it can
really hold you back from getting to
your passion sooner it can draw your
attention are we from the flickering
flame that’s there
and worse it could make you completely
lose it all together you may not fame
the passion at all so where to go no
there isn’t any quick fix there’s no
magic pill I found some answers some
videos I hailed three really strong
assumptions about how it was going to
play out when I found my passion because
I always thought I would faint at
somehow and I’m fairly open-minded
person I’m fairly flexible web at all
but actually these assumptions were
really ingrained they were deeply
embedded within me and again these
assumptions I can no see they cost me
years of not finding it sooner and for
many I know it actually completely
prevents them from finding their passion
I have assumptions about how it would
happen how it would feel and how it
would look when I found my passion
and these assumptions were completely
about wrong and it turned out to be
myths so here’s the reality I thought
that when I fade my passion and you’re
gonna laugh it’s a bit embarrassing I
would wake up one day and I would have a
light bulb moment and I would know with
absolute certainty who I was meant to do
on this earth and I would walk towards
that and I would do it for evermore I’m
a better romantic at heart we all are a
wee bit sometimes but that’s the dream
were sold by the media by social media
by the movies and we want to believe it
and actually looking back I did believe
it but that’s not how it happens for me
nor for anyone I know
here’s her actually happened there was a
journey and then there was a struggle
sex years after qualifying as a lawyer
and training in practice I had my
daughter Abby and unlike many offers she
knew for her passions where and what
they were not and unfortunately it was
not nursery she was very sure of that so
I took her to the ER break and ten
months later I had my son Ben don’t see
I’m not efficient and ten months after
that I started letting postgraduate
legal students so how did that happen
look at that for a minute by stepping
both mentally and physically out of the
law I had gained the space in the room
feel out if you will to see that
actually what I’d loved about the law
was the clients no it’s not
earth-shattering news to see I cleaved a
connection it’s well established we all
crave connection to point but I also
loved building the relationships I loved
helping them solving the problems I
hadn’t had enough of that there was too
much deal taemin not enough contact team
so it was a natural progression to go
into acting and help students progressed
from university to working life and I
loved it it was great until one day you
know insomniac showed early a question
that seems innocuous to them and
actually it really sets the cogs going
one of my students said why are you not
practicing law anymore you seem
so passionate and ambitious and driven
when you talk about it and I was because
I was passionate about helping them I
couldn’t answer the question because I
felt like a fraud doodle without feeling
has anyone ever failed to feel sick it’s
like you’re stealing something that you
don’t fully believe in and I’d left a
courier that was no assessing these
students to enter and I’d left it
because I hadn’t found fulfillment in it
so I knew I was getting closer to the
flame because I felt a greater passion
and the teaching and helping students
but I had to find a better vehicle
through which to use that so what do we
do when someone says why your interests
what do you love to do we make two lists
so I set about writing a list have you
ever done this it’s hilarious and a bit
with all the scene I was late I like the
cinema and like travel basically
holidays health and fitness maybe not
everyone’s on board with that and
cooking all cooking and I thought a mate
between azocheer seriously our mains
goes crazy these things are not that
useful so I sat back and I looked at the
list and what do you think I did next I
picked up the phone and I find my old
law firm and I went back to the law
I moved further away from the flame
again the scales tap downwards why why
did I do this it was madness for the
years it cost me because on reading the
list my heart doesn’t sing it doesn’t
feel like I thought it would
visualizing me being in health and
fitness and Steve said my heart would
sag me but it didn’t so I wrapped up the
Western I went back to law and three
years later when I was finally totally
and utterly honored I finally had the
courage to leave the law and enter the
world of health and fitness
and in that time I had Lee qualified
only the ages of working in law and
motherhood and all the fitness
qualifications and had created my own
class called fierce vet and I was
accepted on her Business Accelerator
course a called entrepreneurial spark
and it was there only two years ago from
now that I finally knew it I found it I
knew exactly what my passion was so the
first task were to do in this course was
rate a mission statement have we done
this every business should have one so I
wrote main down and came in my advisor
said no as pants that’s not a goal been
joking I couldn’t even get that right
there’s a theme here isn’t there a lot
of mistakes so I went home went into my
study Dez appeared in my Jason go you
know hundreds and hundreds of sheets of
paper like a mad women dug out all my
old feedback forms for my classes so I
had hundreds of them I’m searching
through them because I wanted to see you
know what ladies need to dress me but I
knew I knew what was looking for there
was one client who had said fuse fit as
my happy place and I love this and I
loved it more than the marketable call
means the ones that said it’s the best
fitness class I’ve ever been to and the
fittest I’ve ever been I’ve lost a stone
and a half people love that but no fuse
FET is my happy place and I realized
actually that finding my passion was not
actually how a thought of it looked
either it wasn’t a grand magical moment
as I thought it would I wasn’t destined
for human rights law
practice in the European Court of
Justice but actually it was something
far less impressive and something quite
frankly that could have been written by
Walt Disney I wanted to help people
become happier
so not just help but help them become
happier in their lives and frankly it
was underwhelming but even though it
seemed under filming at the time as the
days and weeks passed everything started
to click him to police after that find
it and it’s just that it hadn’t happened
to be a thought it would it didn’t
hadn’t felt the way I thought it would
and it doesn’t look as I thought it
would but none of that mattered because
I’d found it I was doing it I am doing
it and I knew what let my fire and I
knew the feeling it’s when a mom says to
me I’ve got my module back and I’d lost
it for years she’s in tears at the end
of my class or a session and I can see
them walking are we raised her happier
not just in wait that’s been I get the
feeling but I don’t feel like my heart
singing I don’t feel like wow I was
searching for I know what mate Luke
liked it
that’s the media frame click picture
hera do feel for me as i get in the car
and i blast a bit of a my name at film
volume and I feel like I’ve kicked the
out of the D and it feels really
really good so if you have not found
your passion yet and it’s okay if you’ve
not let me leave you with a quarter of
my own lose the assumptions fame the
fire thanks for listening [Applause]
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