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Vibrations, The Common Language of Internet of Things (IoTs) | Eric Jing Du | TEDxTAMU

howdy how many four you like Japanese
cartoons so we do have a few in the room
okay great
so where was the kid I really enjoyed
watching Japanese cartoons especially
this one called Doraemon Sodor among is
a robot cat from the 22nd century so he
time traveled all the way from the
future to the present time brought all
the future technologies to help children
today I remember there was one episode
and talking about technology called a
computer pues so this kid just attached
the computer pews to everything in his
room like the TV the fridge you know
there even the books then all of a
sudden these things became smart they
could talk to each other that could
follow the instruction so it’s a it’s
amazing story right the end of the story
was a totally tragedies ol first it was
the coffee machine so the coffee machine
was not feeling happy because the kid
was assigning too many things for them
to do then he shared his feeling with
his best friend the TV the fridge and a
baseball bat they had a meeting and they
decided to star rebel movement you know
to fight for their human rights
so this cartoon was made in the 1960s at
that time the author thought oh this
computer pew technology wouldn’t be
realized until the 22nd century but only
after about 60 years we have it now we
just gave it a different name Internet
of Things Internet of Things is a kind
of technology that connects all the
devices and the things short surrounding
us let them exchange information so they
can make better decisions for us
according to a survey by 2020 more than
50 building devices and the things will
be connected for me a huge network
things that will fundamentally change
the way we live and work
it’s a beautiful dream but they’re just
a very tiny problem like office like
always money most of us are still using
the old second
appliances right so in order to make LT
possible we have to upgrade them to IOT
comparable and according to a recent
research the average cost for you to
upgrade everything your home can be as
high as $30,000 per household and that’s
only the cost for hardware so it’s a
really large bill nobody would like to
pay for that and that’s obviously an
obstacle in the way towards IOT so what
else can we do how can we reduce the
cost how can we talk to the things
surrounding us in a different way and my
answer is vibration you know everything
in our world is vibrating we just cannot
see that the podium the chairs yourself
and even disputing they are vibrating so
things surrounding us are trying so hard
to tell to talk to us and the language
they’re using is vibration so that makes
me to think if we can somehow translate
their vibration into English then we can
make IOT much cheaper right so I would
like to share three IOT projects I’m
currently working on construction
tracking driving safety and bridge
inspection all engineering applications
the two big questions I would like to
ask our first what other things train so
hard to talk to us to tell us what’s
going on and a second how can we
understand them Story one construction
you probably don’t know construction is
a very important part of our economy
representing about 10 percent of GDP and
10 percent of employment but on the
other hand construction is also one of
the most dangerous careers in the world
it is super labor-intensive for a big
project you are expecting more than
1,000 construction workers working at
the same time and because of the
complexity and a uniqueness of
construction projects it can be
difficult to track what’s going on on
the job side like this project on a
screen we can now deploy cameras to
track the construction activities
so at present we’re usually just highly
rely on the manual reporting of
construction workers that create some
huge problems about productivity
assessment and more importantly safety
so what can we do what are the things
trying so hard to tell us what’s going
on on a construction job site
construction tools small tools such like
a poverty Oh hammer Carter cheese sauce
are heavily used in construction
operations for one project I was working
for there were more than 3,000 pieces of
construction tools being used at the
same time so check this map yourself and
don’t worry if you don’t recognize the
tools on the screen because I don’t know
their names either we just need to
understand there are so many tools being
used at the same time forming a huge
Facebook social network and if we can
understand what they are talking then we
can understand what’s going on on the
jobsite so how can we do that vibration
you know different tools are vibrating
in very different ways we are using them
right even for the same – like a power
drill when you are drilling wood
concrete and steel the vibration
patterns can be very different so in
order to identify the difference we
applied on mathematical model here as
you can see X is different frequency
level from zero hurt to 5 K hurt and why
their intensity if you check the
up-and-down of this graph it’s kind of a
fingerprint and then we can project the
fingerprint to different construction
operations so how can we track the
vibration of tools and wait above a
system this is the sensor we are using
it’s very small
but it’s super powerful it can track the
three Direction vibrations at the
frequency of five thousand data points
per second and it’s super cheap only $2
you can buy it from Amazon and so we
just attach this to different
construction tools and it collected a
whole lot of vibrations the last step is
to plot the Facebook social network of
construction tools you know
tools are always being used for the same
operation Sam don’t
it’s kinda like hey the power drill the
cutter and the chainsaw they are good
friends they always want to go all
together right but that hammer is a
weird person nobody wants to work with
him so if you check the social network
of construction tools and as well as
their individual setters then you can
somehow predict what’s going on on the
jobsite where’s all the tool aberration
now imagine in the future there will be
a huge heat map in front of a product
manager so he can check oh what’s going
on in this area what’s going on in this
area or that construction worker is
doing stupid things now let me stop him
so vibration is the language of
construction tools the second story is
about driving let me ask you a question
how many of you have ever driven on a
bumpy road before great everybody in the
so in fact 22% of the US rows are
considered in poor condition and the
cost to fix our problem is as emitted to
be 170 billion US dollars unfortunately
every year more than 35,000 people die
on the US Road and about 14% of the
accidents can be tied to the pool road
condition so it’s critical and urgent
for us to inspect the road damage right
at this part of time we are doing that
you know heavily with a manual process
we send people outside you really just
once a year
ask them to visualize the damage all we
used a very expensive laser scanner to
build a 3d models but very expensive the
frequency of data collection is not a
satisfactory at all so what else can we
do what’s Plan B what are the things
trying so hard to tell us the road
condition your cars so you probably have
that experience when you are driving on
a bumpy road your car tends to evaporate
badly but if this is news role the
driving can be really enjoyable right so
if we can climb
the vibration of the cars then somehow
we can predict the road condition to
deploy the sensors our Newlands of cars
can be very costly so this time we
decided to use a really cutting edge and
very uncommon technology your phone
everybody is carrying phone Bell driving
right so you’re either through it to the
passenger side put in your pocket attach
it to the windshield our texting while
driving which is totally illegal
so please don’t do that but the phone
has really powerful vibration sensor it
can sense the three Direction vibrations
and it also has a gyro sensor can
correct the posts of that so the idea is
to develop some free apps and a sender
app shared F with millions of us drivers
and ask them to share their data with us
then we have millions of a data
collector every second so in the future
when you open the Google map you will
see another layer called driving comfort
and it if you highlight all the bumpy
roads great in order to test the concept
we have to do some paler study
unfortunately the Texas is doing such a
great job maintaining its road we
couldn’t even find some you know enough
potholes so we were so disappointed at
Texas luckily we found some really bad
roads on campus so we could do some a
better study now so we send out our
vehicles we collected evaporation and
once again we plotted the fingerprints
of the vibrations and try to link that
with different road damages the result
of the preliminary result was so
surprising you know now we are able to
predict four taps of road damages just
based on the vibration of your vehicle
let’s next you have to remember other
forms can also communicate with each
other and the vibration sensors can be
used to predict if you are switching
between two lines or if you are
accelerating so in the future it can be
like this hey dude I’m going to switch
lon and the other car say okay I’m going
slow down so we can exchange the data
among all the phones and all the cars
will be connected it’s a really cheap
solution to the connected of vehicles so
vibration is also the language of your
cars the last story is a very sad story
you’ll probably have learned a race in
the incidentally in Florida about the
road about a bridge claps right
unfortunately it was not the first time
just recently two bridges also collapsed
in California in fact since the year
2000 76 bridges collapsed or closed due
to structural failure 52 people got cute
186 people got injured there are more
than 600 sodden bridges in the US and
it’s critical for us to understand their
current health condition so how can we
track their health condition what are
the things trying so hard to tell us the
health condition of all the bridges the
bridges themselves you know every bridge
is vibrating and their vibration pattern
can tell a lot about their current
health condition and when they would
collapse it just the vibration is so
tiny and we cannot visualize that so
working with my colleague from Arizona
State University dr. ping Bo Tong we are
using cameras to understand about ratio
bridge which is a Tuukka video that’s a
regular video and then we amplify the
vibration the light reflection by 1000
times now I can easily see the vibration
of the bridge it’s the heartbeat of this
bridge then we collect the data and send
it to a computer simulation model now we
are able to predict the health condition
the age of this bridge and more
importantly when this bridge would
collapse so I have talked about three
boring engineering problems you might
think in now so what will that affect my
daily life and my answer is definitely
yes I have done something out of my home
I attached the vibration sensors to
everything in my home the fridge TV and
I documented the vibration when I
flushed my toilet which I didn’t show it
here because it’s not appropriate for
this event but now my home becomes
really smart because it understand what
I’m doing you’d understand if I want to
turn on the TV if I want to just get a
beer from a fridge okay it is a really
cheap solution it’s kinda like the
computer pues instead of paying thirty
thousand dollars
I have a really cheap computer pues just
like what you saw in that cartoon so at
the end of my talk I really want to use
the last slide to show my respect to the
author of the Japanese cartoon Doraemon
Fujiko Fujio
he was my personal mentor he was the
reason why I decided to do a PhD because
I really wanted to realize his dreams
for over 20 years he envisioned and
created more than 2,000 technologies
many of these technologies have been
realized today but more are yet to come
today I’m still stirring his areas where
I’m writing research proposals so next
time if you see am watching Japanese
cartoons in my office I’m actually doing
serious research thank you [Applause]
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