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Uno a uno | Michael y Alejandro Smith y Vallejo | TEDxPuraVida

good night the truth that is a pleasure
be here my name is mike gustazo
this we ask to talk about what is called
to 1 what is the level of development of
the big question probably if
we had a guest
international we take you to see
cutting edge real estate developments
etcetera etcetera
Gandhi was saying that the level of
development of society is measured as
the treatment of animals
what is the treatment we give to
resources to life we would take
have invited the river virilla for example
because that’s the attitude and a lot
indifference and how we
we behave with respect to resources
this is the level of development of
our society
we will take someone to walk
to win equal to carpio we are
indifferent we are doing something to the
respect because from the bases from
where the society of this is built
Saturday be sensitive is built
we believe in him making us
We believe that maybe the product of
Years of working
we believe in practical experience
we believe in less talk straw and are
making things
We believe that collaboration and
participation generates a feeling of
We believe that the user and the environment are
the real protagonists and not the
pitifully many of his colleagues
week designers for glory and believe
that the office architecture is for
above many things city
really we are only one piece
more of the gear the designers what
What we do is give a service too
we have to think
sadly the academy times educate to
the boys are told that when they
graduate rent the office put a
phone to call to design a
airport a hospital and we all know
which is a reality of which the
most of us
We all know that 99% of the possible
possibility of work beyond that
1% in which we are orienting the
academy and the practice of design and
we are also walking towards that 1%
and let’s understand that in Latin America
there are many collectives like ours
little ones who understand that the
designer is what we do is provide
a service to a million of the
world population
below the 80 percent poverty line
live with less than two dollars a day
If you present this information in Europe or
in the united states, everybody is
it is scary
you know if you present it that coast
rich in latin america those ten
dollars stretch and shrink
we know that quality of life is not
can quantify we are talking about other
things 50% of the countries of america
latina has its populations watching the
50 percent below the poverty line
more or less in costa rica we talk about
25 percent but at the end when it
works with families with people
these numbers are irrelevant is said
that 200,000 people migrate to the city
three quarters of what has been
built on the planet has been done without
architects and if normative frameworks
this is a phenomenological aspect not
I can say if it ‘s good or bad, nothing more
let’s understand that this is how they are
building our cities that blemish
Awesome latex
he says that a trillion settlements
informal mix more concrete than
any developer says it a
person who lives in settlements
informal in all parts of the world and
it is here where the
city of tomorrow
we are working here our
society is currently working and
where cities are doing or
we continue with these false speculations
of what is the development model
unfortunately for example the 90s
the neoliberal governments of turn
viviendistas that exchange houses
by votes they had to put them to everything
world the same recipe the same little house and
do not take families into account
needs and what they did was
disconnect it from access to health
education services and what was going on
this had a total disconnection
then families preferred to return
to the informal settlement here the little house
or to a large extent that analyzed and this
he has widely passed all america
we believe in the social resource
we believe that one has to
learn a collaboration for example
I tell you the story in the office
we have two projects that
they feed us and those who give us
It’s that simple and we work dotted
typical red when you do not graduate
little red dot call him aunt seemed the
little house the little white dog alejandro
and I shit at the time we do not
we have no family or the owner of
construction companies the middle class
pressing the as they say true then
It’s time to go knocking on the doors to the NGOs
to the government private companies to what
take into account to design us
how and
I took into account for equipment and
end of the day there is no more satisfaction
to do something because this one is born
because he’s passionate because what you have to
do to get paid a weight to
change to do it then what happens
A series of projects start to come out
that are ad honorem but that start
quote them to put us inside a network
that in ten years has been consolidating
that the projects that they must replace
absolve it way or if it starts to be
a whole plot that in ten years has been
consolidated to the day today we have had
meetings with government people in
different administrations companies
private ask us for criteria this is something
that I ‘m growing as management points
aims to move a lot this work that
undertakes mike is talking and takes me out
It was the work that we have been developing
not only had a political color not
we are really interested in what they
interesting is to have a contribution within the
society within the government
a topic that we talk a lot that is
build country we work this
manual that laura chinchilla has in his
hands the care network manual that was
a secret program but the president
of working in marginal sectors of the
population and we achieved with
several institutions unicef ​​the bread and the
mister is mystery halo occasion
door to work on this in this manual
and this manual gives us the opportunity to
work in different areas as they are
those of the care network of nicoya the network
of nandayure care and consolidate
a structure a building that
had the necessary qualities to
those children can work there
then you come and work and the
subject matter of trying to search
with the same resources as the
government to be able to change the
sometimes it happens that the government wants
do jobs that are luxurious
macheteros that replicate a project in
different spaces and the same for the
lemon project that for the project in
san jose and the only thing he does is
change the color
so how do you really engage
essence and the logic of these of this
type of architecture a project for
us that is our little horse
battle is called test light says willy
on facebook of the carpio in a beautiful
sky becomes a reality is a dream
a project that to start talking about
he has to start talking about
entrepreneur statutes maría estela
leader of the foundation suffers in his
country and achievable social fighter
the carpio this crazy entrepreneur part
They come together and invent itself
country that is an integration system
social music through art
we here are only one piece
more of the gear they invent this
project five years ago we
we knock on the door and we can
collaborate with the architecture part
daily and more than 150 volunteers
presented at the national theater the
winner of the national youth goya
trains and in the end is a carpio
project that had a series of
significant transformations remains in
what is called the cave of the before
called which toad according to the press
amarillista of the consumer society but
places to I do not know where they killed drugs
today it is called with the light and that cave of
light as will be commented won the
last year the architecture biennial
clearly wins the biennial and day
next in some architect and I for
there chopped calls the college architects
how is it possible to win that project
if it is illegal it is effectively a
illegal project is a winning project
the final the next day does not call the
school that happened good not then
processed the permits and already legal to
next day
What does this mean
I will not be so happy to say that the
project is illegal had the go-ahead
to the pop of the municipality all the
management that did the ifai maris stella
but that this project was projected its
questioning of a case
citizenship you may be managing
city a citizenship that pay the
passengers coming from europe states
united does not apply in the city and everything
have to swallow this is people who are
is moving is people who want
change people who are empowered and who
wants to make a change then it
they begin to concatenate a series of
important actors in this project is
a country project is what it is to be able
invest more than half a million
dollars in an informal settlement the
Largest building in Central America
in laminated wood
that’s the question it’s crazy and something
very important that this is work
which is made of the best technology to
the spaces that need it most
what else do they require
then it is very important because
we really what we think that
it’s a collective dream we are a
a little bit of collective dream
that they undertook marisela and alicia keys
in a thousand in 2010 they were only 10
people and at this moment they are over
900 children and 150 volunteers working
for this project the carpentry
imagine what you can do
how a project can be the detonator
to be able to make such a social change in
a space that required the
architecture becomes the excuse
perfect to build relationships
this project is born of architecture
born the people had not finished
and all weekends had that
people doing the dance workshops of
karate cetera is a project that is born
with life is born with soul and you can
see hear or high-tech workshops
digital music manufacturing
in short order also won the
biennial iberoamericana design madrid
and as we are not fundamentalists anymore
from the same but it was material
wood just like simple honest
then he talked a little about this
project that is managed from the base
something important and let’s go that was part
important to be able to seek resources the
project not only to design it but
search manages the resources we did
three grams the laminated beams are left
for the building and we put them both
most important shopping centers of
country and less than a month we have raised
more than $ 50,000 the people who
what was he doing
come on we made a grid it became a
router and there people could sign and
donated then it became very
interesting because afterwards people
I could get to the building and see what
there was the pig cattle so then
it really was the whole structure of
these little pieces where everyone
really want to do dream part
group photo that kills wonders
write the country is the picture of this
minister where are entrepreneurs where
Community leaders are in short everything
all exchange visits we have
formed part
each in his own way therefore in this
we believe in participation
we move quickly we make a
model a three-dimensional model up
undertake those listening processes of
undertake with the communities that
we work listening to work towards
participatory design that they created
foster an atmosphere where children
adults can review and so we
all agree and understand what is the
community project that you want
after that we do a workshop
validation this workshop means that if
the oxygen project is not approved
So far all the projects that
we have always done they do not approve it in the
first evaluation session but not
we are talking about science of the nasa
obviously if you include the users
in the design process it is very likely
the approval
that’s why sometimes he does not understand how
some colleagues complain and pass complaints
of the clients
in that sense
how not to work in a team to be able
achieve to build their collective dreams
is the indigenous training center
cápac side and a project that we did in
granada turrialba a single one that
battled tic
we had to use translators working
a single head not then we need
make everything an important issue
if the drawing is very beautiful because the
entered doing the drawing of some
way is doing a drawing as of
other than what he really wants is
try to pass them an idea
architecturally you have to translate it but
I think that part is very important
because it becomes us
really be able to listen and be able to take
the information they need and
be able to address the problem that they
they are willing to work on the project
this is a great spaceship for toxo
the ship is a like a ship arriving at
port at that time was the building
longest wood in Central America
his project that won the biennial of
buenos aires in argentina and it is very
interesting because after this
project is state money and like the
money the state above all 160 thousand
dollars that is what they give for
program projects and multipurpose and how
we see the state that with that money
they can do different things then
it was part of the process can work
this project that was worked hand in hand
very beautiful because it was also tried
look for funds to be able to deliver a
service that was not empty but
which was also equipped
then that workshop work or
computers and a series of things for
that the building will really work
100 percent
another favorite defender was venezuela we
They invited a project called space
of peace to work in favor of
family of venezuela as we know the
situation is complicated in the favelas
this invite several groups of
Iberoamerica we are going to a
Very beautiful community of San Carlos de
We did a participatory workshop with more
of 80 members of the community and
end of this listen this work
collective do not present us this project
that it was a great gym that is
abandoned public infrastructure of
take out Latin America that does not work
for nothing and that are focus of crime
or disuse
in this case the building is seized
raises the intervention strategy and
with the community that is made, it is decided
open the walls for example that people
Know what happens inside a
project that is worked with an ex
convicts with boys who scarce
resources boys who are looking for
money to pay for college
We are already working with people like
now not trained we had month
and a half in Venezuela and training
working in a month and a half we have to
do participation workshops and the
construction but the project really
they do not pay us then it was part too
of that process that has to see what
do with him really and things are
quite complicated in venezuela one
ask for materials at 10 o’clock in the morning
they arrive the next day at four
the afternoon and sometimes there’s no then it ‘s
part also of how to undertake those
processes understand other latitudes but
namely that the project can can
improve the quality of life of many
if you see the project hours and the
people are using it and about the
What they are doing is fighting
doing fighting in the same space
is done in dance , soccer is played
people go out to water the plants is a
totally appropriate project
his collective project where the community
in which life is the bull for
finish we like to talk about this part
these experiences we also work
with our students for example a
project that we have made the canacar
small scale was the case of this one
from a lady who had a little store
where he sold calzones brasil españa
this is wrong in the same
in the same cabinet for then the
girl said to work with her and she
invent as an identity issue of
mercadito made furniture and with
recycled materials something good
important to our students you
we say for the money do not worry
because there is no need to see how
Devils managing resources is a
important part of his training by
example another lady doña elba had
a grocery store the kids make raffles
bingos to be able to arm the popemobile
that was to take them the greengrocers the
opening by the community
then they are small projects
scale a very nice goal children
form a fundamental part of
build city in this case always
they are present in more you are asked
made a dock what do they want to be when
be big and he will say look at the
beginning of these experiences I do not know such
time reggaeton player does not have
nothing bad really ends the
experience then there were perhaps
engineer architect
what does this mean is not that we
we want to move to the dark side what they
we are saying is that the architect is
an accessible person
pitifully the tolerant society
as a luxury and us what we do
is to provide a service there is 99 percent
of opportunities to do things
While we have had to work on issues
they could be called bad design of the
product but look for those problems that
they have the communities also of the
years I had physical problems
engines with a bike from a series of
things where we design with materials from
scrap wheelchair where you can
see the wheelchair want to
bicycle worries you that it reclines da
a series of needs that are
important always like to finish with
this image because that’s a girl
oxygen dependent where what
we did was do a scooter why
because the girl is what it is to be able
work in a space of one meter and
medium and really what is it already
they could play get out of the system is
segregated from the game system but
when we delivered the scooter and she
could put the oxygen cylinder
inside balanced scooters and power
move where she really wanted to be
It became the coolest girl in the place
of the world wants to play with her then
something important here behind this the
design all this is that improve the
quality of life of the mother of them from
granny dad who day by day
they have to take it to the ebais that has
what to bring to school now can
do then playing where
we talk about the design
can solve problems thanks
purely good expressed
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