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The Science of Combat. | Franklin Joseph | TEDxSarjapuraRoad

my name is Franklin Joseph
specialists in combat science and
special tactics
oh yeah we’re not in a zombie movie
why I say I had to see it dead people
now let me explain that a little bit
imagine this there are two parallel
universe and one entity is in between
that universe and in one universe that
entity chose to become a artist you saw
the other people speaking about those
things and in the other universe he
chose to become a dentist
you all do that we make choices I want
to do a small exercise with you close
your eyes relax your arm relax your arm
down close your eyes
and think where you are today in your
life think what you are what kind of job
you are in what kind of people you are
surrounded with the family
your lover neighbours wife neighbors
husband okay
now think of that choice that particular
point where you made that choice to be
where you are today
and think of that alternative choice
what if you chose to be somebody else
what if you chose the different lover
what if you chose a different job
different boss now open your eyes look
at me now when I was preparing for this
talk I was looking at all the ways to
look friendly like open your hands like
this smile a lot I can’t smile because I
see dead people
and it’s not fun why because my life
started literally at the age of four
when I was sexually abused by a girl age
eight yeah girl now every time when I
say that some girls actually laugh
they’re like oh you should have enjoyed
yourself no I didn’t enjoy it
in fact I suffer sexual abuse for 22
years and I was born in the slums of New
and if you are born in a slum of New
Delhi it’s a blessing to even speak some
weird English my wife keep correcting me
all the time the syntax is wrong this
meaning this your dependents are not
good okay but wrong in the slums of
Delhi I learned how to survive 23 to 25
years of street violence where I was
involved in gangs my job was to beat
somebody up and you look at me today I’m
a little healthier fellow but at one
time I was a skinny guy I don’t have any
photographs of that and I used to beat
people up
and how I used to do it not martial arts
because when I see martial arts it’s
very good in what it does it teaches you
lot of very good things there are very
good teachers out there who are teaching
martial arts but what is missing out is
the concept of combat science
when you see the terror attack I think
recently there was a terror attack in
the city and you see that let’s imagine
there’s this room through this with this
hall falls down we die today we chose to
be here right did somebody put a gun on
your head let’s go to TEDx
okay but imagine this if there’s a
terrorist that comes into this room and
is about to shoot you you know what to
do yes yes or no yes now imagine if your
family is with you imagine if your lover
is with you imagine if your wife or
husband or or your daughter or your son
is with you you know do they know what
to do do you know how to protect them no
that is why I say I see I can’t hear you
yeah some sleepy people also okay so I’m
going to wake you up a little bit
I’m going to teach you combat science
now the first question comes into mind
is okay why not martial arts again is
very good what they do but martial art
is very old it has not been refined it’s
not been upgraded properly
modern prime let’s say sexual harassment
of a girl in an office
she can’t go and start punching the boss
and ask for a next day will come hey man
are you doing
as a schoolboy who’s been abused by a
he can’t go and punch the principal
because that boy is really small and the
abuser who’s a 40 year old principal
he’s big and one punch of the kid cannot
match the punch of the 40 year old
abusive and remember he’s not going to
go 1 in a violent rage towards that kid
he will come with the chocolate how can
you fight a chocolate you can’t do that
remember we talked about the terrorist
who enters his room what will you do
matrix you can’t do that
the compared science is about learning
how not to focus on your weakness and
all every time martial art is being
joined by people they assume that hey
I’m weak and people ask me what if I’m a
40 year old guy they literally give me a
resume hi Frank I want to do this I’m 40
year old I’m single I tell him boss
I’m not marrying you I’m already married
so he doesn’t understand he’s like no no
I’m telling you what I am
I said crime doesn’t care who you are
Prime doesn’t care if your 40-year old
crime doesn’t care if you have
crime doesn’t care what miniskirt you’re
wearing crime doesn’t care if your hands
and arms can do 40 push-ups or not
crime doesn’t care a criminal will not
ask your resume
the combat science is focusing on your
strengths whatever you are if you’re big
good you’re small good the tall you’re
you’re a girl you’re a good boy or a
good and you can use that not tricks use
yourself and your brain that’s why the
science part comes in how to defend and
escape from the situation now when we
talk about self-defense already people
assume that you’re gonna do some tricks
I remember the first time I was doing my
workshops and I went to a venue like
this and I was dressed up like this and
the emcee came to me and said sir where
is your pyjama I was like like what
pajama you’re talking about Rowe who is
the name no you guys wear those white
pajamas where is that I said I don’t
have pajamas man
okay I just about having a food with you
guys and I took this out okay I will ask
you is this dangerous
is this dangerous it’s made of plastic
so I made of steel can this be dangerous
yeah okay I need a small person can you
help me out can you please come here
god bless you bro okay now you can see
this I know it’s very small you can’t
see it but I think you can please sir
come here okay do you want this in your
eye sure well I’ll give it for free
don’t worry
sure relax relax come here don’t worry I
will not cook it on your eyes what about
your neck no okay just just feel it yeah
it’s sharp its sharp but it’s made of
plastic why are you scared of it it’s
very sharp here thank you thank you go
back you see it anybody of you saw that
when you were eating your food
did you see that no you were eating your
food I was saying this and there are
people like me because I was born in the
slums when my job was to hurt people
like you that is why I say I see dead
people how many of you are prepared to
deal with real-life terrorism real-life
sexual abuse real-life kidnapping sexual
harassment robbery so I’m going to ask
crystal to help me out make you
understand the combat science how to use
your strength not focus on your weakness
okay now I will use this little later
I’ll start with the simplest crime let’s
say I’m a bad person
I’m the principal who’s abusing the kids
and this is the kid we’re talking about
okay and I will grab her hand can you
see that I’m just grabbing with my four
fingers and my thumb and let’s say I’m
dragging her to my vehicle to assault
what can she do to protect herself
come on tell me shout okay what else sit
okay what else bite me okay what else
pick my knee
she’s very specific she can write an
essay on that okay I will kick the knee
first then I will go to the mm-hmm okay
now really think about it okay it looks
great in your mind right what if she
bites me what she kicks me punches me
and the movie star is born certainly no
no it cannot work like that why because
I’m an uncle or I’m a father or I’m the
now in her mind she respects me okay and
she fears me that’s in a mind no here
but here I remember I was not attacking
her with the knife I was attacking her
with a chocolate and love and here the
high beta how are you very good you’re
beautiful okay come with me come on no
no no I can’t come okay so let’s say she
tries to pull herself away okay cool
yourself come on he was a strength very
good remember she can punch me as you
said kick the knee kick this I can do
the same to her isn’t it
now let’s learn the science part of it
let’s leave the fantasy of the right toe
fingers one thumb okay so she is
focusing on my weakness not her weakness
my weakness is the thumb my weakness is
the wrist so she grabs her arm in this
position so she’s making a triangle
triangle is the strongest shape she’s
using a full body the muscles being
stomach muscles back muscles and thigh
muscles all of you have that she’s
focusing the energy from the elbow
coming towards me that’s it it’s a turn
nothing else now see that in real-time
go and she’s out simple science we
learned that in school and she’s using
that to get out let’s see if the same
science can be applied to different
crime situation one two now the power
has increased you can see both the hands
coming toward can the same science via
the science we applied here
no okay same thing wrist wrist grab the
wrist up push the elbow in mass into
acceleration is equal to force do it and
how it pains because the force that is
being applied comes to my weakness and
remember if she is 42 kg is 5 feet 2
inches and let’s say she is going with
an acceleration of at least 10 meters
per square inch
she’s giving 400 kgs per square meter
per square inch force on me that is like
for people like me jumping on a thumb
that is power and the power is coming
from her brain okay so I will create
more problems now remember we were using
one hand we will use two hands so go
ahead get out real time 1 & 2 okay let’s
say I’m not in front of her I’m behind
her on this side okay so I’m grabbed her
okay come with me
1 2 and she’s getting out let’s not use
arms okay I’m using neck same principle
is being applied here but now the threat
is more real
okay now the neck is being applied in
this position okay I’m holding the neck
raise the arm turn the body mass into
acceleration and she is able to get out
of course after this she will be able to
punch and kick me if needed so all she’s
using his science now let’s take a
robbery situation now previously we were
talking about sexual abuse where I was
trying to kidnap her or rape her or
murder her
let’s say a robbery situation okay
remember we did this and he did not like
it so I’m gonna use this on her come in
front of me okay so I’m using this in
this situation okay
how to get out can she punch me and she
kicked me and she screamed no so now the
threat is very real
okay so what she’s doing again applying
her science then knife is very close so
she is pushing the knife though you
raise the hand from this position and
pushed my hand away push the hand away
so you can see the knife comes out now
grab my knife or the hand okay now turn
inside and out now if you notice that
she is able to get out of this from that
position she can target my weak points
thank you
so you decide you decide you want to be
a dead person or you want to be a life
person because when you’re alive
you can do things like what other people
talked about dream and travel you all
love to do that I love to do that too
okay yeah so first be alive focus on
your mind focus on science so that
things like this don’t scare you okay
I’ll finish it up with a simple story of
a lion and the lioness in the lines
fried the line is very strong you’ve
seen lines of like woo and lioness are
bearing the kid sometimes they’re
getting assaulted and raped by other
lions but the lionesses are so actually
strong that we don’t we do see some kind
of assaults on these lionesses at some
time but if the lion comes to God the
lioness has come together they form a
team and once the lioness has come
together they the team is so strong that
the lion cannot even enter the pride
without the lion is published
forget about rape forget about assault
and if they’re lyin forces himself on
her all the lionesses will attack the
lion and if you the lionesses feel that
it’s a real threat she can take her
children away and go form her own pride
that shows strength again not the
strength of the body but the strength of
the mind
combat science is how you use your
energy how you use your mind to escape
life-threatening situation so my last
question are you dead or alive by your
dead people I can’t hear you
I can’t hear you no I still can’t hear
are you dead or alive okay enjoy
thank you guys
thank you
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