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The Impact of Technology on Communication | Grant Dillard | TEDxBrentwoodCollegeSchool

yo what up and I’m back thank you very
much for those of you who were unsure
about the object Curtin Lee shown behind
me you were all staring down the barrel
of a fully loaded revolver much like my
friends and I were this past June see it
was at this point that all hopes to
start the summer with a bang completely
diminished that was not the type of bang
that we wanted to start nor and our
summer with now as bad as I wish I could
come up here and tell you that the
reason the man holding this weapon did
not shoot us was because we had a civil
conversation with them we talked to him
in a civil manner and he simply just put
his gun away
I also wish I could tell you that the
reason we got to this mess in the first
place was due to the sheer insanity that
this man possessed and that my friends
and I did not provoke him whatsoever
but as you can imagine that’s not what
happened so what essentially happened
was this so I live in Portland Oregon
born and raised out on my basketball
court is where I spend most of my days
when one particular night a man who was
seemingly up to no good started making
and so this man approached the fence
that separates my basketball court from
my yard and started spewing gibberish at
us while we were trying to play and like
most rabid teenage boys we were always
on the ready to force our masculinity
down the throats of our enemies or
really anyone for that matter and so
this man approached us as we did him and
hence began the hostility and it turned
out surprise surprise he wanted to party
well we essentially told him that were
not interested in were also underage and
that he should get lost yet he stayed
very persistent and I’ll admit
regardless of my extensive debate
background this man seemed to always
have and equally if not more powerful
come back to things me and my friends
had to say to him kind of like when we
said well dude we don’t really trust you
and so he assured us that he had only
done cocaine is shrooms together three
times very impressive very reassuring
and so as you can see he usually just
responded with the things that we had to
say to him with how he approached us
which was may I remind you gibberish and
so getting fed up with each other we
began to argue and this argument quickly
escalated to the point where he reached
into his backpack and pulled out the
revolver that you’ve all become so
acquainted with the past couple of
minutes and let me tell you there’s
something very sobering about having a
loaded weapon pointed at your face as
much as I wish I could tell you the
thoughts running through my head during
this time work which diehard catchphrase
should I say once I disarm this fool and
put him a wishi finger hold it wasn’t
all I could really think about was how
badly I wanted to run back to my room
and hug my mom and so he ran and
thankfully as reality hit us it hit him
and he ran the complete opposite
direction I guess somewhere along the
lines he sobered up a little bit too and
realized maybe I shouldn’t shoot for
seventeen year old kids on their
property because they want to drugs to
me I don’t know whatever is reasoning
I’m extremely grateful
but it was lack of civil conversation
that resulted in this dangerous
situation no one attacked us and held us
at gunpoint
there was no pre-existing anger fueling
this man’s desire to threaten us or for
us to hurt his feelings yet none of us
nor the man had the verbal skills
necessary to come to a solution that did
not conclude in violence and this began
to make me wonder why this was why when
thrown into a foreign situation where
neither of us knew each other did we
immediately jump into arguing as opposed
to discussing and why did we resort to
the most unnecessary form of resolution
which is violence and I began to think
of all the other situations that could
have been solved simply by talking
things out see humans have been given
this phenomenal gift which is the
ability of fluent communication granted
we’ve deducted that we are not the only
species capable of communicating our
thoughts with one another but we know
that no other species has the advanced
communication abilities that humans
naturally have stored in their brains
and with that natural ability the
previous generations have continuously
blessed us with de creation of language
and the 6500 languages existing today
have vastly evolved and then tailored
towards us what I mean by this is that
through the centuries through the
generations we have exponentially
developed our languages to the point of
max capability in my opinion and
hopefully the opinion of all of you and
many others verbal communication is a
gift that we are all privileged to use
to express her most intricate
complicated and complex thoughts and
so what is this what is this
please tell me that man had ejected me
with some of his loopy syndromes I feel
like I’m having a bad trip with all
faces staring down at me I mean really
people Harvey going backwards because
correct me if I’m wrong but don’t these
look a whole lot like this oh yes
these are hieroglyphics and for those of
you that don’t know what they are it’s
what the Egyptians used to communicate
over 4000 years ago hidden hook of
course when I say this I’m not saying
that emojis are bad or that they are the
sole reason that our generation largely
refuses face-to-face communication with
each other not at all nor my thing that
I don’t use them heck yeah I do
I love them but when we are using emojis
to express over 30 to 40 percent of our
thoughts and feelings with each other
each and every day come on our leaders
for instance used to always address us
as if we were intelligent at home like
this the Gettysburg way and now we’re
supposed to merely be satisfied with
dating has progressed to the mere action
of swiping your finger across the screen
we end and begin relationships
constantly through our devices we lay in
bed and argue with each other
staring up at our phones at some point
we need to think did we bring this upon
ourselves now all of us realize that
when it comes to our future whether it
be long-term employment or relationships
that communication is key and not unlike
what our teachers tell us we know that
we cannot snatch hat our way into our
career but what I fear most of us don’t
realize is that verbal communication is
not just the ability to speak
intelligently what many don’t understand
this is a skill like any other that must
be practiced
take for instance training for a
marathon you will never improve
if you cut every practice short the
equivalency that this in communication
is the act of DMing or texting snapchat
whatever have you see well the previous
generations have had their entire lives
to practice and perfect the skill of
verbal communication we have become
largely reliant on communicating through
our phones and technology now this would
not have to be a bad thing if the
trade-off wasn’t our ability to
communicate with each other thoughtfully
and clearly but it is take for instance
I don’t know you are going on a date
with the person of your dreams or you’re
on the job interview for the job of a
lifetime you’ve always wanted it maybe
your knees are weak your arms are heavy
maybe there’s vomit on your sweater
already and you begin to realize they’re
not gonna ask me for my Mac snap streak
score or for me to define myself at 140
characters or less we cannot allow our
phones to disconnect us from each other
and therefore dampen our skills of
communication and I’ll admit I’m a huge
hypocrite most of you know that I am a
huge hypocrite me standing up here and
talking to you about this is BiBi
huge hypocrite and I’ll even go as far
as say that my phone has blocked me from
morphism conversations than many of you
in this room but I’m working on it each
and every day I’m working on I’ve been
working on it for years and me standing
up here and talking to you about this is
me working on it and yet Peck I have my
you gotta hate how with the new phones
you just you look at it and it just
turns on especially when you have so
many notifications you know yeah my
buddy Joe my best friend fur back home
he’s life’s you mean this right now he
snapchat me for those of you who know me
you know I’m not one to leave people on
red so if you don’t mind really quick as
I love that pardon me one second what a
low-key in TED talk TT yl pardon me
excuse me that was as you can see I have
this issue many of you have this issue
whether or not you were willing to admit
it and if you don’t think it’s an issue
now I challenge you to think into the
future maybe a couple years maybe
further maybe when the iPhone 12 comes
out or the galaxy s 20 as time
progresses there’s going to be more in
more ways for us to communicate with
each other face to face less and less so
please let’s find the joy in talking to
each other face to face with those that
we share this wonderful world with like
humans were designed to do and I promise
you you will even have fun doing it thank you
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