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The education we need | Akshat Arora | TEDxAPU

would you ever know what reflection is

had you never seen a mirror yet we’re

part of an education system which often

forgets to show us a mirror but expects

us to know what reflection is ladies and

gentlemen my name is Akshat Arora and

I’m someone who firmly believes in

making education better not only for

myself but for my fellow students as

well now let me ask you a question if I

were to ask you how many different ways

can you use an umbrella

what would you say maybe you’ll come up

with five ten maybe fifteen different

ways but someone who’s good at this can

come up with 200 and why can they do so

because they question the basic

fundamentals does an umbrella need to be

the way we know it or can it be

different can it be twenty metres tall

and be made out of steel or fried

chicken it’s about us questioning the

fundamentals in a longitudinal research

that was done with elementary school

children 1500 of such questions were

given to them and if they score above a

certain score they would be considered

divergent thinkers or someone who can

think and differently an approach a

solution through different ways rather

than just one these kids elementary

school children they did this test and

what percentage of them do you think

what divergent thinkers 50 60 98% of

them but because it was a longitudinal

research it continued and after five

years the same kids were tested again

with similar questions but this time

only a 50% and after five more years

when the test was happened again it was

a mere 30 percent what do you think

happened well according to Sir Ken

Robinson a famous education enthusiast

they got educated they were told that

there’s only one right answer which is

at the end of

the book when and where you can’t look

you see it’s like we’ve been put on an

assembly line we move from one

institution to another over the years we

as students are produced in batches I

will be batch of 2017 you might be batch

of 2018 or 19 every 60 minutes or 90

minutes a bell rings and we as a batch

are moved from one place to another and

it continues for eight times a day for

health sake we even have best before

date to ourselves best before sixty

years old and after that ah well we

don’t know but it’s this education

system really for the future is this us

thinking of the best or is this a cry

for us to think of the best you see we

have come to live in an era where a

degree is just a piece of paper biggest

organizations big corporations in the

world have stopped having a degree

requirement for you to in order to apply

for them people have started realizing

that your academic abilities don’t

really equal to your abilities and in

such an error there are people who still

wonder why a degree is important and why

someone’s true potential still goes

unnoticed now I do not say that a degree

is not important or education is not

important but all I’m trying to say is

that no longer in today’s era does it

guarantee success a practical approach

to learning is very important in today’s

world especially when half the theories

we learnt we memorized aren’t even valid

anymore we have come to live in an

economy that’s changing every five

minutes how can we rely on stuff that we

just read we need to get out in the real

world outside and experience things for

ourselves you’re a marketing student

great now go out and help a local

business help them get a bigger audience

and see how it feels to face these

real-life challenges see how it feels to

be in those shoes of a corporate leader

that you aspire to be and see what it is

that you still lack and what is it that

you need you

it’s very important to run after

excellence and success shall follow now

I talked about all of this but one more

thing that really plays an important

role in shaping us as an individual and

not just as a speck in the society is

the institution that we’re a part of it

is what we’re surrounded by that makes

us who we are that shapes our world and

this is where our institution plays a

very and monumental role

let me give you a personal example for

the last two years I’ve had the

opportunity to work with one of Japan’s

leading educational companies through

which I’ve been able to interact with

hundreds of Japanese kids from different

parts of Japan and when these kids come

to our camps they’re our friend they’re

shy and they don’t know how he will

react if they were to make a mistake and

it is at this crucial moment what it is

very important for us to tell them but

making a mistake is okay that is how

they will learn and that is how they

will open their wings and soar high in

the sky but you compare this to the

educational system here a part of where

a simple mistake a simple misquoting of

someone can lead you to ruining your

academic life is this really an academic

institution which is helping you grow as

a student or is it an institution which

is penalizing you and not letting you

understand from your mistakes learn from

your mistakes and go ahead with it you

see it’s a very basic concept of

organizational behavior if your

employees or your students feel safe

they will perform better they will do

better and they will get out of that

comfort zone to expand their boundaries

always remember a current education

system treats every student the same

irrespective of their condition just

imagine how big a disaster that would be

if a doctor did the same so ladies and

gentlemen if you were to ever feel

worthless because of our current

educational system

don’t chances are you just unappreciated

so go ahead outshine yourselves think

for the best and don’t be afraid of making mistakes on a test thank you

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