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“The buggers are legal now – what more are they after?” | Mark Stenhoff | TEDxKingstonUponThames

I’m gay and I’m comfortable with who I

am for most of my life I would never

dreamed that I could stand up in public

can make a statement like that i was

born in 1955 into a briton that was

hostile and oppressive for gay men I was

conceived about the same time as the

suicide of Alan Turing the war hero and

his story is very well known you’re

probably aware of it he was convicted of

a sexual offense with another man he was

often the option of prison or chemical

castration who chose the latter and

through depression he killed himself

like cheering and many other gay men of

my generation and older I’ve committed a

sexual offense I have experienced

homophobic bullying what we now call

reparative therapy and struggles with

anxiety depression and alcohol which led

me to hit rock bottom when I was 45 I

hope that sharing my journey might help

heterosexual people to understand

there’s a little better and also help

gay men maybe a younger gay men to have

happier more fulfilling lives I remember

1967 very well I just joined senior

school and made friends with another boy

but at some point for reasons I really

couldn’t understand he started calling

me names queer mummys boy didn’t really

understand this at all and then one day

I spotted a sick former in the shower

and suddenly understood word queer

seemed fit me wasn’t good feeling very

shortly afterwards I saw a television

documentary with my parents old man

alive broadcasters you see in june

nineteen sixty seven this was a bleak

and desolate piece of documentary

writing the people interviewed were a

lady whose husband had committed suicide

just before appearing in court for a

sexual offense with another man in a

laboratory a promiscuous hairdresser

whose frequent forays into various

for furtive sex he said were a really

hope in search for love he was beaten up

in a public toilet a gay GP whose

professional life he said was unaffected

but who effectively lived in isolation

without contact with others simply by

virtue of the fact that people said so

many horrible things his words about

homos the only example of a couple

movies gentlemen at the top here had

been living together for 26 years

happily well there’s no mention of love

they said that neither of them really

have felt porn name to love that they

never fall in love with each other they

were simply living together and doing

the best they could and in common with

many other people in the documentary

they said that they would have liked to

have been normal and that they then they

tried to disassociate themselves with

other homosexuals who were shallow

finally this most enigmatic interviewee

who never faced the camera was a

gentleman from a market town somewhere

outside of London who used to come into

London frequently in the hope of meeting

gay people he used to go to the debtor

hope that if he bought a spare ticket

somebody might be available to take it

up never work for him he spent a fortune

one day in real desperation in wishing

to meet somebody in a real sense of

loneliness he went into the public

lavatory he was arrested and as a

consequence of his arrest he was put on

probation he said in his defense in

court well I was just trying to deal

with my loneliness and when he was 15

his mother told him that she really

better pack his things and leave four

years later I furtively bought this book

homosexuality from the school bookshop I

say furtively I spent weeks trying to

build up enough money to buy half a

dozen copies of different books I didn’t

want in order to put this month stone

and I still remember the moment of fear

and the English teacher who ran the

bookshop turned the book over and just

do it haha

this is written by psychiatrist and

criminologists Dom Donald West and I

really bought the book because even at

the age of 16 I thought I might find a

solution to my problem I might found

find out how I could get fixed what sort

of treatment was available for me but

all Wes told me was that being gay was a

mental condition without an effective

cure and on that basis or he could argue

for was tolerance I learned a lot more

from the book until 1835 buggery which

is anal sex or sex with animals if you

needed to know that incurred the death

sentence we put hang for it in 1885

legislation was passed to add a new

offense to the law to the statute books

gross indecency which was just described

as sexual activity between men short of

anal penetration in other words anything

else that gay men might want to do it

legislation in 1956 classified such acts

as an unnatural offences and they it

also made it a crime for men I have to

quote this persistently to solicit or

impa tune in a public place for immoral

purposes thus giving the police can’t

launch to arrest people just for

chatting each other up or having a

conversation and arrest like that

continuing until the 1990s Alan Turing

and Oscar Wilde from both victims of the

gross indecency caused by the way okay

in 1967 same year we had the sexual

offences act led to a television

documentary was rendered on as a public

service facility by the BBC to help

people to think about what needed to be

done and this was eventually pass

through Parliament so decriminalization

not really because these are the

restrictions of the app it didn’t apply

to Northern Ireland or to Scotland it

was just England and Wales he had to be

over the age of 21 you had to commit the

act I think it’s the expression in

private which in practice didn’t just

mean behind closed doors it meant you

couldn’t use a hotel you couldn’t use a

student will of resin

it couldn’t happen in somebody’s home if

somebody was in another one of the rooms

at the time and finally the armed forces

and merchant navy were excluded from the

decriminalization and there were far

more arrests after the 1967 act than

there were before it 1971 saw the

publication of the Gay Liberation Front

manifesto which examined the oppression

of gay people families in schools have

considered responsible refreshing like

young people into gender conformist

behavior and in doctrine doctrine a team

into a patriarchal set of values the

media the church and the employees were

also accused of reinforcing lead than

using and supporting both public bigotry

gay people experience shame with their

fat within their families many of them

weren’t out to their parents soon as

we’ve heard already some of them were

actually thrown out for being gay gays

user absent from the school curriculum

including sex education and sources of

oppression also identified as homophobic

language and homophobic violence which

in those days were referred to as queer

bashing the manifesto envisioned a world

where sex same sex attraction is

considered normal and valid and not as a

sexual deviation or a perversion the

authors argued for a broadening of sex

education and an equal age of consent

and the society free of police

harassment so that people will be able

to kiss or hold hands with the same-sex

partner as recently the seventies

publications were prosecuted for

carrying gay personal ads and simply on

the basis they conspired to corrupt

public morals and the manifesto demanded

an end to this when I was 19 I had a

relationship with a boy my own age in

heterosexual terms and sexual activities

were limited to heavy petting but

because we were men they constituted

gross indecency the acts took place in a

student hall of residence and in a

shared flat not in private we were both

below the age of consent of course and

when I subsequently sought medical help

for depression or is advised that I

committed a crime a psychiatrist and

then a hypnotherapist tried

unsuccessfully to

me of my homosexuality I got off lightly

because other people who saw the same

psychiatrists were referred for aversion

therapy I’m this hour from that all I

gained from therapy was a reinforced

believe that I was a pervert and

incurable the World Health Organization

only Declassified homosexuality of

mental illness in 1992 by the way I

began teaching in 1977 in a boys school

where all the teachers were men many of

them gay there was a feeling of safety

in numbers so I became cautiously more

open about my sexuality to a small

number of colleagues and occasionally

where appropriate to pupil to have their

own questions about their sexual

orientation I was very careful never to

proselytize about that but one of the

peoples who’s recently celebrated its

50th 30 has written to me especially say

how much this has helped in but

attitudes deteriorated towards gay

people in the 1980s with the Asteria

around aids not helped by the

government’s scaremongering

controversial public service

advertisements which appeared on

television and in the papers there’s a

massive storm about the same time about

the use in one state school of a book

telling story of a little girl who had

two fathers there’s a picture in there

which showed the three of them in bed

the two father sitting either side in

the little girl reading a story book of

them highly offensive stuff so in 1988

margaret thatcher’s took the government

succeeded in passing section 28 of the

local government act forbidding the

promotion of homosexuality I was like

that idea of promoting homosexuality buy

one get one free and also going on to

make other clients prescriptive

statements such as not promoting the

acceptability of homosexuality as a

pretended family relationship but just

in case you thought aids wouldn’t get a

mention nothing in that section above

should be taken to prohibit wasn’t doing

anything from the purpose of treating or

preventing the spread of disease so it

seemed to me the message was pretty

clear being gabes a lifestyle choice

could lead to AIDS and gay relationships

were a sham I change schools the

following year although I took part in a

public demonstration against section 28

I confess that i re-entered the closet

until section 28 was repealed in 2003

game people had no employment protection

that time and as a teacher in a boys

school a male teacher in a boys school I

felt too vulnerable to be out so just

going back about bit this is me as a

happy four year old I know cute in 1959

not a care in the world but how did

things change by the mid-1970s I learned

that I was incurable and immoral and

condemned to a life of loneliness and

despair I’d internalize the negativity

of anti-gay legislation and the

hostility of the government the media

and public this understandably cause

shame which led to anxiety depression

and severe abuse of alcohol and this

photograph was taken first january two

thousand which is my last binge and

pleased to tell you i just didn’t want

to live so moving on thanks to

campaigning by various groups such as

stone wall and individual activists

there were significant changes to

legislation from 2000 making a very

positive change to the lives of many gay

people and these are probably from an

issue gay people can marry get you can

adopt we could have pretty much

everything that everybody else can do so

love is illegal now but does that mean

that we created utopia that was helped

hoped for in the glf manifesto are we

actually yeah glad to be gay June saw

the publication of this book my Matthew

toward a brilliant book called

straitjacket Matthew was the editor

attitude magazine which is a gay glossy

magazine and very much knows the gay

scene younger than me in his early

forties and this was endorsed the other

day in article in The Guardian by Owen

Smith hi Joan sorry burne-jones and

Matthew Todd I’m afraid to say even as

much young young of me as a life story

which is very similar to my own there’s

nothing special about me

so what’s the problem so but both of

them argue that wildlife has improved

substantially for many gay people for

too many this is not so in a society

that remains deeply homophobic

homophobic bullying continues to be rife

in many schools and homophobic hate

crime is common young gay people

internalized this is shame coming out it

means a traumatic experience for many

many feel lonely and isolated many

self-harm many gay men who are HIV

positive or undiagnosed so having unsafe

sex presents a serious risk anxiety

depression suicide and addictive drug

and alcohol use as a farmer wide strip

of spread in the gay community than in

society at large drugs and alcohol are

off news none unpalatable feelings and

to make people feel more in disinhibited

the most visible option for meeting

others is the gay scene much of it

highly sexualized and the only way some

people can deal with that is to drink or

to use drugs a new extremely dangerous

phenomenon the gay scene is kem sex

which the use of recreational drugs to

have extended sex parties with numerous

partners and this can carry on for days

and of course it carries the risks of

risk of unsafe sex addiction dependency

or accidental death the mobile dating

apps and hook at a hookup apps such as

such as blinder provide anonymity for

people who prefer that but those who

have that intimacy needs met in that way

often expressed frustration because they

easily find sex while tenderness and

love remain elusive such encounters

could be even more dangerous than public

sex in cruising grounds because they

often take place in strangers homes and

can lead to murders as recent cases

confirm what about the world situation

not so good all the 10 countries labeled

in red still carry the death penalty for

same sex act those that are highlighted

in pink 72 of those carry heavy

sentences of course sex acts between

people and same sex so all of this

sounds really dismal but there is some

hope a 2015 yougov survey revealed a

shift in how young people aged 18 to 24

described the sexual orientation more

than half identified as other than

exclusively heterosexual this seems to

reflect a recognition that sexual

orientation is not a simple binary

choice of gay or straight or a sign a

book but indeed it’s design a better

acceptance of diversity when my life

fell apart one way I raised my

self-esteem was by campaign campaigning

for gay equality I became those involved

with Stonewall which had initially been

formed to campaign against section 28 I

worked in schools with quotes and

students to tackle bullying including

homophobic bullying and I’m pleased to

say that while I’m still on a journey I

now feel happier than ever before with

the love and support of wonderful

friends and amazing family when I some

of the confidence to come out to my

parents eventually they were entirely

supportive and I hope this might give

some supports or some help to poke to

others so finally what needs to be done

the NHS must improve support for lesbian

gay bisexual and trans people especially

young people all schools should have a

robust policy that tackles bullying

based on sexual orientation or gender

identity and they can get excellent

support from that pull that from

Stonewall a friend and I have just

finished running an eight-week secular

course for lesbian gay bisexual and

trans group this causes designed by the

charity action for happiness and it’s

called exploring what matters we found a

tremendously powerful and hope the

program can now be made more widely

available the gay community should

release reach out to the isolated or

lonely in Kingston we plan to implement

a buddy system to help lonely and

isolated people to become part of the

gay community there’s need for more

youth groups we must raise away in some

alternatives to the scene and make

people aware of various gays to up

12-step groups that can help you to

tackle addictions and we also need to be

proactively internet with the

international scene by supporting

organizations such as stone wall and

Amnesty International so finally what

would you do about this whether or not

you’re gay

just as you don’t have to be an animal

to support animal rights you don’t have

to be gay too small gay rights if your

head for a sexual don’t assume that your

colleagues friends and family including

children share your sexual orientation

be open to other possibilities and be

ready to accept and support people you

care about I also encourage everyone to

support charities such as stone wall

through donation or volunteering or both

gay liberation is about people feeling

free to be themselves the lead happy

lives it has broader implications for

our society in helping to create a

certain height in free of bigotry

prejudice and demand that discrimination

so be proactive in challenging injustice

discrimination and harassment don’t just

be a bystander thank you [Applause]

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