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The Benefit of Circumstances | Norberto Orellana | TEDxYouth@Miami



from the moment I was born the

department of orthopaedics and the

operating table have been a second home

to me born with right spastic hemiplegia

cerebral palsy I required many

procedures to correct issues with my

right leg in fact my most recent and

final procedure was this past August it

was a complete success and the key point

is that I never let it stop me in fact

it served as a catalyst because it is

because it is my intention to become a

and the key point to that is don’t let

anything stop you we’re going to face

many hardships and obstacles in our

lives but if you take faith in the fact

that if you believe in yourself there is

nothing that can stop you believing in

yourself is the key to being personally

effective and that is the key to success

let me share with you another story at

this very moment right now I am homeless

I do not have a home homelessness and

poverty are often seen as the two big

obstacles that will prevent anybody from

achieving their dreams but I’m here to

tell you otherwise before becoming

homeless I remember living a pretty

normal life but then I remember coming

home from school stuff was slowly

getting packed away the TV disappeared

the bed was dissembled I was sleeping on

a mattress on the floor all of a sudden

I find myself in a five-by-five box

security guards rummaging through our

things whenever we came in security

guards bursting into our room in the

middle of the night with flashlights

fist fights in the hallways during my

first weeks of being in the shelter it

was a very big shock to me and the

biggest obstacle was education I had a

gigantic stack of books and a laptop

that’s a red flag to the security at the

shelter so I had to modify what I did my

strategies for achieving I did even more

than that I decided to take virtual

school classes and I put myself two

that was two and a half years ago

unfortunately as of june of last year

I’m in my second round of homelessness

but the thing is it’s really about your

attitude and outlook as you can see this

past summer I wanted to take some

college classes at miami-dade college

now I live in homestead so logically I

would take these classes at the

homestead campus but they weren’t

offered there so I made the bold and

completely voluntary decision to take

them and miami-dade College wolfson

downtown Miami 40 miles away bear in

mind that I was homeless so I took the

bus and the train five days a week i

woke up at 4am didn’t get home until 10

to 11 some nights I also took some

virtual school classes to fulfill

graduation requirements it was a very

tiring exhausting experience but an

exhilarating one and it proved that I

have the resolve and the belief in

where am I now well here i stand with 72

college credits that’s more than an

associate’s degree and i’m still a high

school student here i stand one of nine

students selected to attend colorado

college on a full-ride scholarship as a

here at Stan taking organic chemistry to

a phenomenal achievement for a high

school student and here I stand the

first high school student to be invited

to participate in undergraduate research

at the homestead campus of miami-dade

college what I’ve done is extraordinary

but i always say at the same time it

isn’t and i say that because i know i

have the power to do extraordinary

things i know there’s nothing that can

stop me but that isn’t unique to me

because you have that power too you have

the power to do unimaginably great

things it really is all about believing

in yourself and your capabilities so the

key point I wanna drive here is explore

the possibilities chase your dreams

kimball your passions and always know

that no matter the circumstances you can

and will always find the path to new

heights of achievement thank you [Applause]

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