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The Art of Co-Existence | Khadija Zia | TEDxBeaconhouseKarachi

this myself I’d like you to do someone
who I love the most in this world my
father so that’s his last picture he
happily gave this life for this country
for Pakistan
thank you but when he gave his life that
was on 8th June 1996 I was almost 5
years old
and trust me I used to feel his agony
why did he do it why do I have to live
without a father why did he have to
sacrifice our to everyone and that agony
I couldn’t understand it and now when I
stand here and I look at my life from
that point onwards I’ve realized I’m
exactly like my father all the
assignments of the projects everything
that I’ve done in my life I want to
bring in something for the society
something better even if it helps point
two-five somewhere somewhere in this
country I want to do it for my people
you see I realized that in lives there
will always be two kinds of people one
who have adequate resources
opportunities joy chances and choices
and avenues and the others who do not
and the kind of person you are will
depend on the situation you are in so
you won’t be one type of person for your
entire life
there’ll be times when you’ll have to
extend a hand to someone in need or take
a helping hand and support from someone
and you see those choices if you have
those if you have those opportunities
like it or not you responsible you’re
responsible for helping the other half
two and a half years ago I had that
choice as well so when I graduated I had
to pass in front of me one part the
obvious paths the obvious choice that I
could just easily go on the other choice
was a little different was new to me
completely and that choice was well now
P D P now P D be completely changed my
now PDP is an organization that works
for an inclusive society an inclusive
society for the world’s largest minority
group such a minority group that any one
of us can join at any time
a minority group that makes upon 18
percent of the world’s population at now
PDP we work in the areas of education
empowerment through our two dedicated
programs the store and again you see the
15 percent of population that I’m in
referring to that accounts for a billion
people so imagine for a second billion
people who have who were persons with
disabilities if you apply that
percentage to Pakistan that would mean
well imagine this the entire Karachi the
entire population of Karachi having some
form of disability though I mean all of
us sitting over here would have some
sort of disability I would have some
sort of disability now do you think if
the entire population of Karachi had
some disability and the chances are if
you’re a person with disability who
won’t get the same resources the same
attention the same avenues the same
opportunities the same choices like the
rest of the country do you think Karachi
would have achieved what it has if it
did not get all of those growing up my
favorite childhood story was of the
rabbit in the turtle and that sounds
really true and I can relate to it
really well in the social sector now the
classic version of the story we’ve all
heard right everybody enjoyed it so the
classic version of this story goes
something like this once upon a time a
rabbit and turtle got into an argument
they got into an argument regarding who
was faster and they decided to settle
the argument with a race right so the
boats picked out a route and started off
the rabbit shot ahead and he ran he ran
he ran until he realized that the turtle
was really far behind so he thought well
why not let’s rest all right Souter
decided to rest but soon fell asleep now
the turtle overtook him and finished the
race becoming the undisputed champ later
the rabbit woke up and realized he had
lost in the moral of the story that was
told to us was slow and steady Wednesday
and that all conference can be a deadly
quality now do you think that classic
version of the story can really hold up
in the 21st century that slow and steady
always wins the race does it or that
when you lose a race you won’t try again
and again and again so the 21st century
version is a tad bit different in this
what happens is the rabbit realizes that
he made a mistake he realizes that if he
hadn’t been careless overconfident or
lacks he would have won easily right so
he chalices the turtle again his anklet
students again and they started off
again and this time the rabbit ran and
ran and ran and won the race and now the
total was a disheartened he thought to
himself that he can never win this race
the way it was currently formatted so he
challenged rabbit and this time the
daughter picked out the route and they
started off and the rabbit keeping with
his self-made commitment from before he
ran he ran and ran until he came across
a broad river now the rabbit did not
know how to sue so he said they’re
pondering of what to do by this time the
turtle caught up the throttle got into
the pool swam across it and won and now
by this time the rabbit in turn evolved
became friends they like you know what
let’s do it together this time let’s
give it another shot but together so
they started off in the last race again
and again this time what happened was
that the turtle the rabbit took the
total put him on his back and he ran he
ran he ran until the river came where
the turtle took to rabbit on his back
and swam across and won the race
you see such is life the two types of
people that I was referring
the two types of people that was
referring to this is the situation
sometimes you’ll be the rabbit in the in
your life sometimes you’ll be the turtle
in your life but rest assure you’ll be
one of them for sure but you see we all
are different we all have different
competencies you were unique we all need
to create synergies amongst each other
that’s how it’s going to be they say
that traveling is one of the most
enriching experience one can have but
why is that why is traveling the most
enriching experience me because when you
travel you get out of your comfort zone
get out of your city you get out of the
country and experience something
completely different you experience
languages you meet new people you see
new religions completely enriching isn’t
it so that means that differences can
actually aid to broaden one’s mind that
differences are a good thing but sadly
what do we do with these differences we
take these differences and we create a
divide we create a divide such as how
much money do you have versus how much
money do I have how do you look was it
how do I look
what is your religion versus what is my
religion you see these divides cause
conflicts conflicts such as target
killings of a religious group because
their religion contradicts your religion
or bullying by a group of students of
their class fellow because the class
fellow limps when he walks see these
conflicts they breed intolerance into
the society they can be a deadly thing
they breed on the on the norm that has
been created by the majority and the
minority is marginalized just like
persons with disabilities yes possible
disabilities are different yes some can
see some can speak some can’t hear some
can’t walk let alone run yes they can’t
think like you maybe yes they’re all a
but over these two and a half years of
my experience I’ve met courageous
inspirational persons with disabilities
who can retrofit bikes who can drive
rickshaws who can advocate for change
who can talk in front of an audience of
hundreds and largest dog genes mindsets
that’s the hardest thing when you have
to change the mindsets of people that’s
how they are and all of these pictures
belong to the same person my colleague
in Ron country
I imagine if him Ron had focused on all
the things that he can not do what the
majority had said set the norm he could
not have fallen under that what can he
not do he can’t run he can’t walk but
what can he do the longer list of things
that he can do right so we must change
mindsets you know and this is so
relatable to the turtle in the rabbit
story in Ron always gives credit to
where he is right now to his family to
his to his friends also why is that
because in the starting he carried him
he said no get out the house you can do
this let’s go let’s try this
his father trained him on electrical
work is one saying no you’re just like
the other sons that I have you’d also do
the same thing if you have to climb a
stair as a climb a ladder you will do it
you can do it and he did right and there
now Imran carries all the others he
carries the community he carries his
friends he carries his family with him
just how to rabbit a little bit
so you see we must change our mindsets
that’s the first thing so we must change
our mindsets from pity to empathy from
charity to social justice from apathy to
action if we are to coexist amongst each
other we have to coexist exist at the
same time at the same place with these
differences create synergies for today
in ronpa has lent with you of his words
you always see is that you know when you
talk about disability or you talk about
differences does not mean that the
disability is not going to be there
anymore or the difference is what will
just somehow erode they want what will
happen he says but Delta whoever is a
Missouri hot annuity but Delta where
away Neos in Missouri hot on annuity but
Missouri KS us Suruga Tama Huata
and I hope this becomes a reality soon
thank you
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