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The 10 commandments of 21st century learning | Sjef Drummen | TEDxAmsterdamED

I tell you the story of my life
so I squeeze 65 years and 15 minutes 48
years ago I fell in love as a gorgeous
blonde girl she wasn’t student nurse at
midwifery school and I was determined to
share my life with her
so I made in those days fathers demanded
a problems a job for the husband of
their heart of their daughters and I was
becoming an artist because I was
studying at and at the Academy of Fine
Arts and being a painter was according
to the father of the gorgeous blonde no
decent job so I made a plan I started a
second study in my spare time I made 24
exams on Saturdays and so I became a
qualified art teacher at the age of 22
but first I finished the Academy and it
was a really good investment because
that gorgeous girl has been my life and
muse for 40 years now I was born in a in
a great large artistic family my mother
had 11 children the mother next door at
20 a 15 children 50 children and so we
lived in there in a community of a lot
of children and the we were free to
explore the world my father as an artist
said you can do so in this art studio I
could make things
just like I wanted and so my youth was
in learning free learning environment
Ivana later in 1978 I started working as
an art teacher and I was flabbergasted
in a negative way I told my fellow
teachers that uh that I was shocked
about the way children had to learn the
system was oppressive and was deadly for
the imagination of children and my
colleague said chef you are a very nice
guy but you don’t know anything about
education we teachers do and you are an
artist and my idea as an artist was and
is that curiosity is the engine of all
learning and imagination is its fuel so
now ice kept 20-25 years because I skip
it because the time so it is 2003
meanwhile I had become principal of the
school and my school building was in the
bra conditioned just like two other
schools in the board and the board said
we built one new school instead of three
because the number of children is
decreasing and so we built Niki and
nikkei is named after the Greek goddess
of personal achievement Nike and we
three principals decided no teachers
will be involved in designing that
building and so we did and together with
Erics water the architect we built with
three built both interior and exterior
and in 2007 we opened the school and we
won a lot of prizes basketball school
building of the Netherlands and we were
on the list of the ten most beautiful
schools of the world and at the same
time we started a revolutionary learning
but but we were not satisfied because
there was still too much rubbish from
the old way of learning so after six
years we decided we have to clean it up
so we make the pure way of learning for
the 21st century
and that was Agra and Agra is an agile
learning community based on autonomy and
imagination in 50,000 years the way how
the Homo sapiens learn didn’t change so
the pure way of learning we called
learning 0.0 so we’re going back to
prepare for the future and 0.0 is the
way loving parents approach death
children and that means each child his
or her recipe and for instance you’re
the favorite cat of your 12 year old
daughter is killed by a car accident you
probably have to change her recipe for a
few weeks because life of all children
is complex and all circumstances make
the definition of the recipe and my
mother had 11 recipes and the model next
door 15 and my wife and I had had two
recipes and those two recipes are
completely different because as you see
my son and daughter are completely
different but equal and inheriting the
so treat each child an equal the only
label we use is the label children
parents give their children and their
birth their first name
Wesley loop and Roman in 2016 our life
changed completely
we became grandparents and ever had
known what he delights it is being a
granddad I would started having
grandchildren in the first place isn’t
he gorgeous that’s a picture when he was
rough looking at RAF you can see how
learning goes RAF was born as a perfect
self-taught learning machine and that
brings me to the first command fifth
commandment learning is an auto deduct
tick activity in a social context
and the learning machines each learning
machine aims to become good and special
the power button of the learning machine
was activated at his birth
don’t touch the off button the comm
system activates the other button for a
lot of children and there’s a lot of
brain research you heard today and we
all that insight we use at Agra and but
we sent we get there is so much rubbish
from the two-year-old institutionalized
rubbish from the system so we have to
clean up the mind of all people and I am
NOT a professor in in in science but we
all suffer from educational Alzheimer
disease I call it – in the brain at a
garage we abolished school and at agra
we have the AG orion master and we
called the teachers of anger we call
them AG Orion masters and AG Orion
masters are the school parent of a
school family of six 17 children a
heterogeneous cool family mixed in age
12 to 18 and mixed in cognition leather
and we all have – and brains adult
people have a lot of – when young people
last but also so you have to detox them
and by detoxing everyone knows in a
couple of weeks that you will conquer
the world by a lifelong learning by
learning by yourself even in the spare
time you can become can become a teacher
so reject all that institutionalized
educational rubbish it’s very important
and it’s important to mention here that
all teachers even SATs traditionally are
worth their weight in gold so teachers
are very important for the future and
one of the greatest misconception about
learning is focusing on knowledge so
focusing on knowledge decreases
motivation focus on motivation increases
knowledge so focus on on motivational
learning and but 2041 Ravis now two
years then he is 25 and leaves
University I will be 88 then and the
common school system is 20 year beyond
on its expiry date and we have the
children needs the learning of the new
era and that means that it is immoral to
expose children to outdated learning
a kind of child abuse autonomous
learning to explain and freedom but is
not without obligation with digital
student tracking systems we are able to
monitor the learning process of each
child at the our level and children the
only one who can determine what is
meaningful to him or her
esta child itself and meaningful
learning is effective learning and agora
we said ago the learner the students
determines the destination of its
learning the Gorion master determines
the learning route towards the
destination based on the recipe that’s
the way how we do it and the Gorion
master inspire children by revealing new
worlds for the learner and organize
together with the parents over 400
optional master classes a year and they
coach the student by being the
replacement of the prism of the not yet
mature prefrontal cortex of the learner
and they create optimal learning
conditions and the optimal learning and
and when all senses are required when
children are learning the the whole body
is a learning machine so the environment
is very important and there should be no
boundaries between the four environments
Society and the virtual environment so
at Agra children don’t learn from
classrooms they learn from self-made
calm desks and the idea of learning
society is a mix between Disneyworld
Harvard University a Buddhist convent
and marketplace and an art studio and
the optional learning conditions is
happy at home and happy at school is the
optimal learning to yawn faster and I
are the founding fathers of ära and from
the start we involved several agrarian
masters and several universities so
everything we do is based on the newest
insight from neuroscience to technology
enhanced learning innovations and last
May we had the first students who took
the National exam and just like we
predicted all children pass the exam
without homework tests classroom and
teaching teachers and one of the
successful student said I prepared the
last few months for the exam by using
YouTube in the evening hours but without
a gorian masters I would have quit
school after a few months and probably I
would be dead
no our lying somewhere in the gutter as
an addict
so the Gorion master is the mediator
between the student his growth and the
world and the Goron last but not least a
gorian a
Roach has less workload for the Masters
have only 17 children all year and it is
significantly cheaper so and next year
in August there will be 15 agro
communities both in the Netherlands and
in Belgium starts with five schools in
Belgium and for the sake of RAF and all
children will be born in the next ten
like Strauss brother who will join us in
next February start building our
communities all over the world based on
full confidence of the quality of the
perfect learning machine and
unconditional love for children [Applause]
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