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Technology Followers or Leaders? | Tara Akhavan | TEDxMontrealWomen

this place are everywhere in our hands

on our rest at home at work in our cars

everywhere how many hours per day do we

spend in front of different displays

isn’t it more than the time that you

spend with our beloved ones how many of

you remember our moms telling us don’t

sit so close to the TV is bad for your

eyes how many well all of us so well 20

years later

I am a computer scientist specialized in

computer vision I’ve always had this

passion of using my skillset and change

the world first I thought I’m going to

do that with my master’s thesis and then

PhD well none of those happen then I

thought maybe I should start from myself

and work on some of my bad habits of

interacting with technology because I

spent a lot of time interacting with

technology by the way my husband and I

have the bad habit of going to bed

using our displays and this is like us

going to sleep every night so the goal

of the display industry is to present us

with content which is as close as

possible to what we see in real world

that’s why we have 20 displays

high-dynamic-range displays curved

displays bigger ones more colorful

holographic all kind of them but at the

end of the day the end recipient of the

displays are our eyes how much do we

know about our eyes did you know that

our visual system is very complex and it

stretches the whole length of our brain

recently a lot of physiologists have

done research on the side effects of

being exposed by displays more than four

or five hours a day there are three main

categories of side effects I’m going to

briefly talk about the first one is eye

fatigue we’ve all experienced more or

less getting fatigued in front of this

place but why does that happen

our eyes are capable of perceiving

enormous amount of information

brightness colors 3d but when we forced

them to focus on a 2d screen which is in

a specific distance from us they are

challenged to fill in for the missing

information that’s one of the reasons we

get fatigued the second side effect is

insomnia maybe you have heard about how

using your displays before going to

sleep will might cause insomnia but why

in the dark our eyes work completely

differently from the way they work in a

normal room lighting or a bright

environment but did you know that our

displays are not taking that into

account they are built under the

assumption that we are always in a room

lighting what happens is we get ya

when you have your displays in your hand

going to sleep like I always do in the

dark our neurons are more sensitive to

the color blue they are more responsive

to the blue and blue light is what

controls our melatonin production which

controls our sleep cycle so when we are

exposed with the light blue our body

thinks it’s still daytime and doesn’t go

through the adaptation to get prepared

for sleep so what can we do up with this

knowledge like now we know about it but

so what can we ask consumers and

end-users voices could our concern and

ask for display industry to adjust for

this the answer is yes in 2015 there

were a lot of articles in conferences

blogs forums about the side effects of

using this place before going to sleep

that’s why some well-known mobile

manufacturers took that into account and

added a mode that turns your displays

into orange at night well there that’s a

consumer awareness that is consumer

pressure in the direction that

technology takes even though that’s a

point solution and it’s not a ideal

solution but it’s a very quick response

from the industry to the consumer

concerned going back to the side effects

the third one is a more severe one this

is what dr. Victoria Dunkley which is a

very well-known psychiatrist calls

electronic screen syndrome electronic

screen syndrome is a dysregulation in

the brain this dysregulation results in

in a Nabeel inability to modulate one’s

mood attention and correct response

environment and children are more in

danger of this risk it happens because

interacting with this place for more

than four or five hours a day shifts our

nervous system into a fight-or-flight

mode in simple words interacting with

this place too much display time

literally damages our brain so what is

the solution what can we do we cannot

stop working we cannot stop using our

displays or cell phones or laptops the

physiologists or the one who did all

these great research on how our eyes

work and the side effects but

technologists are the one who are

building the displays we need to bring

physiologist onboard to work with

technologists to build healthier

products having this in mind I

co-founded a company two years ago with

my physicist co-founder to find the

solution we built a multidisciplinary

team of experts physiologist software

engineers and hardware engineers to come

together and find perfect solutions

early on we did her mind there are three

main influencers on the way we see and

interact with our displays the first one

is the environment lighting we talked

about this and these plays are not

taking this into account our eyes

totally work differently in different

lighting environments the second one is

our personalized visual system we have

unique vision and each of us have unique

visual system our age culture background

gender all of those affect the way that

we see ten percent of men are colorblind

and some women see more shades of color

sorry that’s the way it is

our eyes deserve custom-fit displays the

same way that our feet deserve the right

size of shoe

the third influencer is the technology

itself so we are we are limited to the

technology than the platforms so we meet

the hardware engineers to come on board

with us and adjust our software solution

the personalized software solution to

work on different platforms now I want

to walk you through a real example that

we have probably experienced all of us

in the dark when your screen is adjusted

to the dark you lose the content

visibility so with the current

technology this is what you see in the

dark on a dim display using our

multidisciplinary solution this is what

you see the same story is valid for a

sunny day this is what you see on your

screen in a sunny environment with the

current technology and with our

multidisciplinary solution this is what

you see it will take a couple of years

to get into all the displays and get to

mass production but meanwhile why would

I do what would I do to work on some of

my bad habits so first take 20-20-20

rule I would after every 20 minutes of

working with a screen I would take 20

seconds looking at somewhere which is 20

feet away – I just take a second and

adjust your screen brightness with the

environment it’s simple when you’re in

the dark it should be dark and when

you’re in a sunny environment your

screen brightness should be maximized to

put less pressure on your eyes 3 I will

try to keep at least one winter distance

from the screen 4 I will

well hesitate this one I will try to not

to use my screen or display or laptop

before at least 1 hour before going to

sleep and if my husband managers to do

the same thing maybe eventually we get

some sleep

and five and more importantly as end

users and consumers I want to make sure

that I always have a positive

contribution to the path the technology

takes by standing up and demanding

healthier and more efficient products

going back to my childhood dream of

changing the world well who knows maybe

I managed to change a small part of it after all thank you

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