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Step to the outer limits of your comfort zone | Jody Miller | TEDxOakLawn

so there was a time in my life when
everything was farmer my health may be
rich in myself
and I needed to find a way to rediscover
me but I needed a big idea to help get
there well the last thing I ever thought
I’d be doing was flying in a tiny plane
I hate you flying over hundreds of miles
of green forests that looked like
bunches of broadly and then land on
ridiculously small stir with dirt in the
middle of the Amazon suddenly I was
surrounded by jumble everywhere and
people that wouldn’t listen naked but I
got to see the freshwater pink dogs
didn’t really exist and they’re a
beautiful shade of baby pink and I will
continue to specimen night with
alligators alongside of me and then I
swallowed this exotic the toxic
concoction medicine man like a real
medicine it’s crazy I mean it was really
crazy but it was life-changing for me
and I have to tell you we would do it
again tomorrow
maybe the will stop my turn for the
medicine man is a discipline model but I
would go to the end as one again
what about all of you if you ever felt
as though your life is falling apart or
maybe you’re just stuck stuff in the
singing or routine kind of like one big
round and that’s when we start to ask
yourself questions it’s this all is
really what is my life’s purpose anyway
and why do I do what everyone else wants
me to him and not what I want to do and
like you were hoping for
hanging in happy I’ll include the sneaky
questions like this for the past 14
in my corporate and career strategy work
with PhDs and the A’s and lots of other
smart people but here’s the thing
underneath it all they were on time and
as part of my work I fall lots of
studies and rules about happiness and a
recent Harris poll reported that we are
too somehow moving blaster that sounds
what do you think right two percent but
when I saw another one with 31 to 33 our
last two thirds of us are still
miserable I really believe that
unhappiness has become an epidemic in
our society and I want to find cure so
years ago I started doing the research
on ways to get people out of her daily
ground which is grinding them down into
place purpose passion and happiness and
that’s when I discovered something
really interesting
I want the over happy I found people
getting inspiring minds and inspired
others I mean if you think about their
it’s the defining moments it’s the
significant events that define you
but define us and definitely these
people they did something remarkable
that changed the course of the night
sort of it
and that remarkable thing is called
Saudi and expelled and I guess which I
actually thought it was a sushi room
when I first saw your bitter but it’s
I’m a Saudi actually started centuries
ago as an ancient Japanese Shinto ritual
of cold water purification and once
after you undergo something like
climbing the tallest now we’re spending
days in prayer then you step under this
waterfall that’s so it’s like being in
in the middle Quinton’s any you are
really Paula that you are really wet but
the idea is that this pasty water washes
away or shops really the old you and
then thermogenesis which is our body’s
natural working mechanism kicks in and
then certain end of you and your common
sense of your place in the world you can
still do this ancient ceremony today but
you can do it with a modern twist let me
tell you what it was Sookie it has
become a long time it’s something
intentional that you plan it takes you
outside the outermost limits of your
comfort zone and beyond the realm of
what you saw as possible so it’s not
setting a goal like normally of the gym
it’s not taking off something on your
bucket list like skydiving and it’s not
even stepping if it outside your comfort
zone which many of us are afraid to do
anyway and if we do the joy doesn’t
always last
why because we’re not maybe big enough
we’re not stretching enough I’d like to
think of misogi as the big reach so what
do I do with that looks actually really
easy to tell if you’re on track to your
Missoni because there’s only one way to
roll and that is it has to have a 50% or
greater chance of failure which also
means it has a really good chance of
success and in there couple Michaels
can’t kill you in 18 of her motors I
know the idea sounds a little crazy kind
of like my Amazon experience but if it’s
not big enough then you’re not invested
enough and chances are you immortal to
that that positive lasting change that
we all desire in our lives when you do
it was so Dean you gave the sense of
calm the sense of knowing clarity about
your place in the world to gain
confidence and more courage and
in this fashion lasts and the best part
is that what you achieve achieve your
Soviet or even come close it becomes
part of your new comfort zone and then
you’re going to do another I’d love to
share the stories of a few people that
have done the Saudis that have changed
their option of it now we’ve all heard
of Michael mentioned the Ray wooden the
celebrated Curtis in history tomorrow
well I’d like to share a story about my
potential you may not have heard of
Michelangelo was actually a tortured
soul II took on projects that he didn’t
want to do because he needed the money
as the abandoned projects if you really
wanted to do because you needed money
well one day he was presented with the
17th hood piece of rock many sculptors
had attempted to create an epic piece of
art out of it
every one of those failed but as
Michelangelo student from this nicely
this is overwhelming you know he gave
deep in his soul I hope this is supposed
to be it’s usually the first time
Michelangelo has stopped listening to
the opinions of others and he listened
to myself this is a key element of my
new year was so deep ignored the chatter
and listened to you and so my plan to
elaborate upon challenge and at the ripe
old age of 26 he started to chisel away
he didn’t even hear the dirt and his
colleagues or the jealousy that fall
behind him because him conviction and in
two short years two years Michelangelo
on get on with David one of the most
famous pieces of art I’ve ever created
and if you haven’t seen it go to
Florence Italy communities okay so what
happened next
we do know if that light went in to look
at never thought of salsa painting in a
few short layers he painted the Sistine
Chapel no big deal
I believe that Michelangelo through his
misogi was able to redefine possible
does some of you may be thinking okay
I’m not to be sexed I’m getting up there
month about Nami like it’s too late for
me it’s more too late and it was never
too late for Harlan Harlan dropped out
of school seventh grade and he Jolla
hopped his way through life until he
retired with little money and little
meaning and in this review time which he
in a lot he served in think back to his
childhood about the things that brought
of joy this is another way that you can
find your miss Sookie go back to
childhood think about right now all
those things that need to happen before
all that responsibility kicked in and
what made Harlan happy was cooking with
his mom they had come up with this
recipe for chicken it was out of this
they’d made it many times people loved
it maybe the money we have conviction so
to sheer worm determination he wants
Kentucky Fried Chicken and 70 years
later he sold it for millions and
millions of dollars and then Colonel
Harland Sanders became happier and
wealthier and the beautiful never ever
when I came back from the Amazon I
started to write a lot about happiness
about work happiness about life
happiness and in my last book I
highlight the stories of everyday people
incredible people really who’ve done
remarkable things to change the
direction of their lives for the better
and one of those people is my friend
Darren whose story is a testament to the
power of the city so when Darren was 19
he wanted to become a professional
I mean he was potentially a good but a
sudden snowstorm accident left him a
paraplegic instead he’s pretty depressed
and after lots and lots of therapy his
doctor said Darren you have to move to
the worst of climate for your lungs
working half
so Darren and his caretaker he needed
24-hour care he still does to this day
we moved to Maui where Darren became
really good friends with world famous
wind surfers and a famous windsurfing
board chamber and what me Darren was
sitting around these guys they said you
know I such a desire calling really to
be the one with the ocean into winter
thank you guys but I know for me that
that’s impossible
it’s his friends didn’t think so so to
trial and error they built an adapted
vessel that enabled Aaron to experience
wind surfing across the channel from
Maui to Molokai and Darren told me in
his own words Jody
it was the happiest day of my life the
happiest this is another element of a
successful Mississippi surround yourself
supporters and don’t naysayers are
allowed because they you’re trying
experience the same positive lasting
effects of your Mississippi named it was
a big high five day for all little
dinners start thinking if I can windsurf
across the channel the events are
painting again if he had learned to
paint as a kid but obviously we were
challenging now but Darren realized that
he had some movement in his right
shoulder and he was able to take duct
tape of all things and it’s sort of a
places on paper this became the court of
his paintings and then they had someone
put a splint on his wrist with the
paintbrush they would turn the paper and
he could sort of ministers today
Darren’s paintings covered famous
restaurants throughout Las Vegas and a
number of TV show production sets are
major television networks darren is
happier and more fulfilled than he’s
ever been in his life
I can’t wait see
so regardless of your condition your age
or even your financial stats if you want
to create this new positive change in
your life and this movie could get you
there and here’s how you do it first you
have to unplug we have to unplug from
this hectic crazy 24/7 like we leave and
that means people you have to put your
cell phones away for a while and I know
that that can be a mystery for lots of
us then you get in touch with you go for
a walk in nature sit on a park bench
meditate your misogi will come to you
and you will know it without a doubt
then you need to commit to your Saudi
and surround yourself of those
supporters I’ve talked about and then do
your selfie and whether you achieve your
misery or not the effects will be so
blasting that you’re going to start to
believe in the impossible is actually
it’s an amazing process and I recommend
it for everyone
I started by telling you a story about
rediscovering lead by going to danceOn
and I’d like to share one more with Sony
with you that’s very personal and I’ve
actually never talked about so I had
three children in three years which for
some people quit Davis MB and my oldest
son Christopher is is significantly
delayed he’s a rooming house left behind
and several years ago I was at a baby in
the school with the teacher the
principal all kinds of customers and
then proceeded to tell me the Chris well
Jodi Christian talk he only speaks in
vowels and if you can’t communicate well
then he kicked him out with the other
kids so we all decided that Chris will
talk my computer well two years
narrative of my eyes after
and I just cried in front of everyone I
mean I think I was bawling but through
the pain and the tears this Thunder
hooves boys hit me in the center of my
stomach I will teach a person to talk
and I told them they all just shook
their heads and said that’s impossible
classic moment denial so left the
meeting went out to my car and I thought
oh great I have just committed to
something impossible and I had no idea
how I was going to do it but what I
didn’t know is that Chris loved to sing
and I always sang with my kids because
it was fun so I got in contact with the
speech therapist and I said what are you
working on
she said all working on the blues sound
cuz that’s how you form the easiest
consonants at the front of the mouth
when they do they do speech therapy I
said okay so I went home as dinner time
knows when they do chili and I started
to stir it I made up this song it was
around holding time about stirring the
room and the chorus had which dovetails
what he was working on and all of a
sudden I heard Chris say to be sound I
stopped in my tracks and I’m sure my
other children heard it too and I
thought I want to go I wanted something
so I made it a song about going to the
zoom and Chris had the Z song and after
about a hundred songs and working with
his therapist Chris could talk and now
is the young man he is the happiest
person on this planet
why because he’s understood and what mom
couldn’t be happier than to know her
child is happy and understood in this
world okay now it’s your turn
are you ready to find your Busoni I can
tell already by looking at some of you
that are thinking about it what they
reach could you do this year that would
be a benchmark event in your life that
would take you way way way outside your
comfort zone to a point of positive
change is it a trip maybe you could have
chocolate in the right and turn the
piece for is it a physical feat how
about cycling across the country
balance is it a mission maybe you’ll
help find a cure to an incurable disease
when you are born your life had no
limits so don’t leave it it lies about
doing the survey go for the big reach and I promise you only compliment
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