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Small Things, Big Changes | Caelin Niebergall | TEDxYouth@LincolnStreet

what do you see when you look at me an
athlete an average high school student a
small little girl what you don’t see is
the girl who spends her year saving her
money to travel to India or the girl who
has a family halfway across the world
today there are 17 point 8 million
orphans 805 million people
undernourished and 36 point seven
million people worldwide diagnosed with
AIDS growing up my mom traveled the
world she would tell me stories of
exciting places like Guatemala I heard
about the people and the culture and
when I was 10 I decided it was my turn
to experience this on my own so I signed
up to take a trip halfway across the
world to Pune India I begin my drain to
India nervous not knowing what to expect
I never been out of the country let
alone to the opposite side of the world
while in India I visited Sant Bona
a home for kids with AIDS pulling up in
the van on the first day I was
overwhelmed with emotions I felt ashamed
I had so much I took it all for granted
this trip to India opened my eyes to
what was out there in the world
I saw the sick I saw the poor I saw the
need for change but it didn’t only help
me see the need in India but also in my
own community I had never noticed the
suffering and the pain until I saw it
for his hand I knew I had to do
something now a lot of people would have
told me no no you’re only 10 years old
what could you possibly do but I didn’t
let that discourage me instead I worked
harder to prove them wrong
I saved my 2/3 money did extra chores
and how the lemonade stand every year
saving my money surely this was not
enough to travel back to India yet
but two years later I had fundraise
enough and embarked on my second journey
this time to ms rom a state in the far
eastern part of india here I found DRI
belong GaN Sabra GaN Sabra is also a
home for kids of AIDS I believe we are
not family with people by blood but that
love and compassion is the true base of
a family I found this in the children of
God Sabra I found hope and joy and kids
who have been sick their whole life and
kids who have gone through things we
can’t even imagine
and to think 36.7 million more people
worldwide are suffering from AIDS I
can’t just stand here and do nothing
thank you for giving me the time to
share my story and how my eyes were open
to see the world differently to see
those who want as privileged as we are
who aren’t as healthy as we are the
thing is there there they always have
been there all around you so how do we
do something about it we as people are
Peter supposed to think we can’t either
we don’t have the money to end hunger or
the knowledge to find a cure for cancer
but that’s not the point the children at
this home have been rejected abused
forgotten and I say if I can put a smile
on their face or teach them what it’s
like to feel love then I have done my
job and let me tell you there is
tremendous value and Sothis ly caring
for others it won’t be easy
and they bring pain at times but small
things make big changes caring for
others may bring sorrow whether it’s a
sacrifice a story that’s hard to hear or
reality you must accept for me it was
the deep sadness of accepting the death
of a baby boy named Moses I met Moses on
my first trip to gone Sabra when Moses
was born his mother put him in a plastic
bag as if he was garbage head to the
I hear stories like these and wonder why
does this happen and then you meet him
and he’s one of the sweetest babies
you’ve ever met he never talked but his
eyes to tell you he loves you and his
smile would light up a room and then you
think how how does this little boy have
joy after what he’s been through there
will be tough times but I guarantee you
there will be more joy happiness and
fulfillment than you can even imagine
and that little boy didn’t die knowing
that love he died with a sister and
Hillsboro Oregon who he taught to have
courage and to be joyful my experiences
have shaped me as a person some of them
I wish I could erase at the time like
the one sitting down with Teresa she is
my age around 15 and we’re sitting there
with tears rolling down both her cheeks
as she’s pouring down her story her
story to me she goes on to tell me how
both her parents died from AIDS and she
was left with the only existing family
being her uncle her uncle was afraid of
her terrified of her disease he locked
her in a cage with their only human
interaction being two plates of food
slid under the door twice a day and I’m
sitting there thinking Teresa is just
like me she just happened to be born in
India she is my age and been through
things I wish never existed in this
world it’s moments like these they give
me the bravery to share my story it’s
moments like these where you can step
back and put everything into perspective
I now see things differently
I’m a different person because of God
Sabra the children at this home are so
full of life that you would never guess
in a million years that they had AIDS
I’m now more careful in the way I see
people and I admire those battling
through struggles I would also like
telling a story of a little girl named
peki is a seven-year-old and suffers
from AIDS
when pecky was little her mother brought
her to a daycare for parents who worked
during the day but never came back for
her she was then brought to GaN sabra
where I had the privilege of getting to
know this sweet yet spunky little girl
on our last trip we brought confetti and
it was our last morning and instead of
being sad we all agreed we wanted a
celebration so we did what anybody would
do and had a confetti party here’s how
it turned out now that that is pure joy
right there that’s why I go I don’t go
to care them others their disease I go
to make their life a little happier
I go to show them what it’s like to feel
loved because maybe they’ve never felt
it before you could do the same well
there’s 30 kids halfway across the world
who just need a little happiness or your
neighbor who just needs someone to talk
to or a stranger who needs a warm meal
now those are things we can all
accomplish there are thousands of
opportunities in your own community to
do something one person that’s all it
takes you you could change someone’s
life and the thing is you may never know
the magnitude of what your actions may
do you don’t know who you may inspire by
doing a simple deed so here is my
challenge to you I want you to look
around look at your neighborhood or a
nation or possibly the world and allow
yourself to see the opportunities to
help to see what the people on this
earth may be going through who deserves
the confetti party every single person
in this room has the capability of
witnessing something life-changing
because you decided that seventeen point
eight million kids to serve families an
eight hundred and five million people
deserve the right to necessary nutrition
and that thirty-six point seven million
people deserve a day with no illness and
I have an opportunity for you
today to do something we have postcards
one for everybody they should be located
at your tables and you have the
opportunity to write a letter to a child
that gahan Sabra the words of someone
who cares is the most valuable gift to
these children and I’ll be able to
deliver them when I return back in
August so here’s the first step
something as simple as writing a letter
you have heard my story you have heard
gun saw the story now it’s time to make
your own thank you
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