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Silence to LOL | Annie Harvey | TEDxAdelaide

how are you feeling right now
on a scale of one to ten where one is
really bad and ten is on top of the
world think to yourself right now
where are you anxiety is the most common
mental health issue in the world one in
four of us will have some sort of
anxiety disorder in our lifetime
chronic stress underpins anxiety and in
a world where stress is a fact of life
we need to be equipped with the tools to
deal with its effects the enemy cortisol
but we have ways to lower the cortisol
level in our bloodstream we all have
this inside of us and today I’m going to
give you one of those tools in the next
few minutes we’re going to retrain our
brain to live in the present moment just
for a few moments at a time it’s mental
fitness and I call it the still effect
I’m going to slow it down for you so we
can do it together and then we’re going
to repeat it together
still st is for stop stop right now
where you are you may be leaving your
home in the morning you could be waiting
for an elevator or you could be waiting
for the kettle to boil just stop
I is for inhale so I’m just going to
invite you now to inhale and exhale just
feeling your inhalation feeling the
sensation of your breathing perhaps
noticing the gap between the in-breath
and the out-breath reconnecting with our
breath gives us that mental pause
L is for listen so as you continue to
breathe naturally now just listen to the
sounds around you both near and afar
just letting them come and go in and out
of your awareness and the last L wait
for it is laughs so we’re going to feel
what it likes is like to laugh together
this universal language we’re going to
release breathless laughter laughter
gets to work immediately it’s impossible
to have a negative thought whilst
laughing and when you laugh
intentionally and on purpose our body
doesn’t really know the difference so
you might as well have a go anyway just
to reap the benefits
so just to feel what it’s like to laugh
together I want you to connect with the
people around you the people next door
to you shake their hand and laugh out
loud for five seconds and then stop
you’re right sir you’re okay in that
short space of time we’ve reduced our
cortisol level released our endorphins
are happy chemicals and we’ve shown our
body and our minds that we’re alive
something we should all be grateful for
we all have this inside of us we just
need to be willing and open to trying it
so we’re going to try it one more time
and everybody’s going to join in this
time and instead of shaking hands what I
want you to do is to zoom out so you’re
going to throw your arms out without
hitting the people in front of you
preferably laugh out loud and let’s see
if we can lift this ceiling still stop
in home
listen and our fat loud off you go
and that’s the still effect but it
doesn’t stop with you think about all
your friends and family and colleagues
that you could share that simple tool
with to keep in their mental back
pockets we can work together to reduce
our collective stress hormones in the
world we just have to zoom in to zoom
out please feel free to share this far
and wide no lisense be required thank
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