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Relationship between consumption and need | Manuela Atanes Garabedian | TEDxKids@PortoSeguroSchool

hello my name is manuela and today I came
talk about the conscious purchase of a
new cell phone new need the
You really need a question.
new cell phone need to buy
device with defective memory
outdated system few features
battery addicts impulses at the time of
the new model of beauty status situation
financial size desire of the newest
adult use usually needs to be
a more up-to-date phone with more
but it depends on the child
The important thing is to know that the cell phone is not
not only for games but also for
to talk with family and
friends can be a simpler cell phone
care in choosing
Have you ever seen a cellphone advertisement?
soon after buying and then realized
that he just did the same
things than his old one and his beauty
He may be more handsome but not always.
most useful usage time of each
equipment according to a survey
this table shows the percentage of
people who switch electronics
in less than three years
one in three cell phones are
replaced for lack of operation
81% of respondents exchange their cell phone
before going to technical assistance
to see if you can fix them dangers
skateboard the environment
equipment including accessories and
Batteries can not be disposed of
for in them the trash substances
toxic substances that harm the environment and
to humans
these substances may contain metals
such as mercury lead and cadmium
which causes soil contamination of the rivers
and groundwater
this image shows a stack if
decomposing in the soil leading to substance
toxic to the groundwater
many farmers use this water that is
to water the plants that end up being
This water also goes to the water tank.
of the city
disposal of batteries
Do you know where to dispose?
in the stores of the
some supermarkets and trash found
in orange color finish evaluate your
priorities needs have been
really will buy a
another device skate your battery
phone correctly
o always by conscious consumption
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