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“Reimagine Education” | Clive Lee | TEDxLPCUWC


what I was preparing for the talk I

actually has done some research or die

it is how communication of life in 19th

century and is now talking about be your

voice messages it’s about assessing of

information it is how it look like in

the factory in 19th century and now we

talk about machines and robots it’s how

we look side in the office space you can

see lots of typewriters and it’s now

this kind of open office space people

can move around and using computers how

about education is how it looks like in

19th century interestingly it’s nearly

the same perhaps you ask what

attribution difference you know between

this urn hundred years you know the

delivery and assessment properly lately

the same but the contents are carnal

like planted with overflow of

information but why are we still

perhaps which asks a question was the

purpose of Education actually many of us

believe that education and change our

destiny but this is true cincher to you

today 58 million of children are not

receiving education which means ten

percent of the gross

I’m not receiving higher education and

even though you’re lucky enough you know

to go through an education actually

changes explained of youth are not

receiving jobs then totally unemployed

and every year 300 million job CeCe

sisters exist and with a weight of 45

how long a future in this 15 years

automation will frighten you know the

job market including sixty-nine percent

of jobs in India forty-seven percent in

United States as well as seventy-seven

percent in China and then the in the

next 20 years you gave what’s the

situation thirty-five percent of jobs

will be replaced by robots perhaps you

say okay is a question is the issue in

developed countries but actually this

kind of information can has widened you

know the situation between developed

countries at developing countries but

this is only the iceberg of the power in

2014 wh 0 actually issue a report about

health you know of adolescence the top

three cause of death is actually you

know charming injuries HIV aids SMS

suicide every year eight hundred

thousands of people commit to this year

Commissioner design and not to talk

about their many cases of suicide

it actually means one person actually

takes its life in every 40 second one

person is up here and its life in fact

between age 10 to 19 depression is the

number one cause of disability and your

nets and between age 15 to 29 suicides

the nominal cost of your death and you

may question or is it only an issue

about the battle you know countries

high-income countries but actually

seventy-eight percent of youth death

came from low or between countries and

what does this number means it means

that we are not providing enough support

for people facing the life challenges

are we teaching whether than pains to

suffer people to face their life

challenges Oh as a person you know I

have two friends commit suicide right

there in high school I know the pain is

beyond only the person himself or

herself but the family’s the cars made

the communities it means the number is

beyond that 800 options let me make it

clear I’m not talking about the

education curriculum should be changed

we all know that is overthrown is

overloaded and there are lots of things

that you’re talking about education

reform and only talk about we should

think about a place school should

provide some hot

we know to face their life challenges

and indeed in America many travelers who

are providing all-round support for

people facing not only academic charge

it and anything they facing denies I

grew up as a kind of autistic kid you

know from a single-parent family I know

that it’s not only about the curriculum

it’s about to support the emotional

support I manage I was lucky enough to

manage to become the first child you

know to enter University in the whole

family history and I know exactly so

many challenges and we should have our

students overcome my professor speaker

author um it’s actually swiss-born UK

can offer mr. alain de botton he

actually said we should really teach it

something where ever you know in a

classroom we should really talk about

how to pursue happiness in life and

that’s why a platform is really a

popular speech with over five million

views he expected the school of life

perhaps you can imagine that your your

classes your you know your your subjects

are divided into different categories

right but he’s actually teaching

something benefit how to manage

relationship was love how to pursue a

successful career it should be it should

perhaps you ask what kind of you know

you know if I learn about how to manage

relationship is it helping for my career

just listen to fault it’s the top ten

skills that most employer wants

let me share free findings review among

this time you recognize both of these

health abilities we are not teaching in

the classroom um and indeed are when you

see the that hot hands use technical

knowledge only wait number seven and is

actually our focus of educational how

are the other spheres are they should

happened um let me share in case review

from McMaster University Canada they

actually trained their medical students

scenes in 1990s using a case called

pollen based learning because students

the medical student found out that what

they are learning from the classroom a

lot whether it has nothing to do with

the practice so they use real life

problems during the cards and the

teachers can’t like facilitator and

students actually discussed how to

assess the information how they are they

will find us how they will make a

recommendation to one of medical advice

you know about a person about a patient

and this kind of power based learning

are now spreading little for the school

system from gage valve to university the

second point I want you mate is this

ability you know in about of false our

survey disability about using technology

and is very popular you know talking

about STEM education which means science

technology engineering mathematics and

indeed doncaster you know for my use of

a pen he mentioned that in the future

like China years the jobs all the jobs

will be filled in

with technology like prowl Internet of

Things etc and we should all be prepared

at but from our learning from Le

departed landing should not be no

divided into categories but it should be

aborted topic is there an education

model really innovative enough to

include anything that so i would like to

introduce a university to do a new time

of concept another i would say is the

most humid it is humanistic you know

universal in the world they actually

teaching shooting how to process

information how to use the information

and how they will use what they learn to

solve the problems in life and just

imagine that every teacher you know in

the classroom they only allowed to speak

for like at most five minutes so what

happened in the hospital all the

students are have they have the

responsibility to prepare the castle

share their ideas and it is how we learn

the top hence use you know for what it

is how the future of education should be

like but are there any other similar

education models actually eden price was

accepted accepted to go for this kind of

new innovative ideas it will be the

largest education price of the world and

every year 13 million hong kong dollars

we would give it to one the way and we

have two prizes at the design of the

prize is not only about the cash price

but we have an element about project

subsidy to help the Laureus to further

explain the ideas to deepen parts of the

world and we look for we

search and development because

innovation of education is not limited

within the Institute and it can come

from different you know stakeholders of

the society NGOs you know social

entrepreneurs you know even business and

we do hope to bring this brightest mind

to create further impact to the world

just invention over the 50 years there

will be 100 within ideas about education

and to be scare well you know to

extended impacts you know to the world I

think it will be very forward looking to

support the education to transform in an

organic vendome I would like to have a

challenge for of you how you prepare

your future career education is actually

I would say the most promising career in

the next and this in the next 50 years

because we are at a tipping point of

seeing how it transformed and when I

talk about education career is not only

limited to be teachers or researchers

with the leaders of from academia

petitioners government’s business NGOs

social enterprise is Anjali and we need

leaders believe voices of parents

children and as simple as a citizen I

will challenge each of you to find a

career that can leave lasting impact to

people’s life and welcome to the

language of Education [Applause]

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