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Quelles sont les qualités des leaders de demain? | Sandrine Tolegano Jourdren | TEDxChambery

I ask you to applaud Sandrine
legal rate to say hello to all
and to all
I propose now to make a
exercise for 20 seconds
I invite you to think of nothing
are ready here we go
the 20 seconds have passed
this exercise is over maybe
this exercise has been easy for you to
the majority of people with whom I
works to think of nothing and very
difficult one and customer told me sandrine
it was the longest 20 seconds
in my life I will never do it again
our mind is made to think like
our lungs are made to breathe
we can note it’s soon over
this exercise a thought of the future it is
very interesting the previous volume
a thought of the past it’s fascinating to
understand how our brain our
mind works this exercise we
remind one of my clients stephanie
stephanie came to me because “
she did not feel up to it
her work from her family she’s losing
confidence in her
when she was at work she
went into a thousand projects
when she was at home with her
children doing homework
she was thinking about her job was not
really with them she was helpless
deal with this spirit that jumps from branch
in branch like a little monkey
unable to settle for a moment
naturally our mind goes into the
passed in the future we judge ourselves
we compare ourselves and we are
rarely in the moment
now the moment is the only one and
the only moment we have for
fully live this connection to
the present moment allows us to take
awareness of the reality of our lives from
our needs and our leadership
here are several dinners year I lived
a crisis both personal and
professional I exhausted myself at
always do more always better
disconnected from who I was really my
body expressed its need are unhappy
that moment and I was not listening I took
I had eczema
so I had a choice of nothing
question and see this
crisis may be getting worse care of me
connect to reality and live a life
fulfilled I made the second choice in
learning full meditation
today I learned to live in
the present moment to connect with my
body to my emotions to my aspirations
day after day I blossom and I
become the leader of my life today
I accompany women and men to
develop through the meditation of
mindful of their leadership
so what is leadership
for a long time I believed that the
it was to lead or motivate
people to do what the leader want
That he does
it was about showing authority
more or less disguised be a leader
still today is associated with
so-called masculine values ​​of always
the more his qualities are not just
attributable to many men
women have also developed their
we all have in us a part say
masculine and he says feminine share
these are human qualities
universal and then at some point
our history his masculine qualities of
report authority performance of
force was needed in the world in
which we lived we had to do
facing a violent tribe or an animal
who might devour us being in
this logic of always more and is
necessary for our survival
because we lived in a world of
gold shortage today our brain
automatically reproduces his diagrams
he does not observe one does not do the
difference between the tax of a lion and the
remonstrance of our managers
he sees this as a threat
reacting as an attack in us
putting into rapport or creating
stress we keep ourselves in
this logic of always more we
consume more energy
fossil we intensified our
agriculture our industry we have
divided the job is rare chizé for
more performance strength is from
find that leadership at the jack
welch no longer works a study of
maximize shows that 77% of the leaders
think is good at motivated and engaged
their employees, while 82% of
collaborators do not agree we
live a collective crisis 300 million
of people around the world are in
making it the main cause
disability at work
moreover the situation of the man is in
peril of consuming 1.7 times the capacity
of regeneration of the planet
the answer to this crisis
she is more inside us than
the outside the leaders of tomorrow will be
reconcile male values ​​with
female values because in excess this
male energy creates stress a
imbalance then what are the
feminine qualities we are talking about
qualities of interiority to take care
self and others
meditation helps develop the
skills the leader of tomorrow has
irm studies have shown that the
meditation allowed to thicken the
gray matter of many parts of the
thickening of the prefrontal cortex
indicates in particular the best
problem solving regulation of
emotions is also improving
positive thoughts
what is the meditation of
mindfulness or mindfulness and
well it’s a training of the mind to
to be in the here and now then for
practice your skills
I invite you now to make a
exercise this exercise I called it
I invite you to sit down
comfortably on your seat
and then maybe feel the touch
feet with the ground
the first step is the p take
a tone I stop that I can feel
my sitting game to inspire inspired by
the nostrils maybe feel the air that
enter the lungs then exhale through
the mouth a second time I inspire and
then I expire by depositing the body
on the chair
the second step is the top of
observed I observe how I feel
in my body ted
the tensions of lapses how do I
feel at the level of emotions such
that I’m happy to be here maybe
relaxed perhaps tired
the third step is the care of
I take care of myself I can
maybe ask me the question of what
I need there now maybe
I need to learn
maybe rest how does that make me
connect to this need even though the
unsatisfied then the last step
it’s the environment e2 I take care
of my environment
if I opened if I have my eyes closed
I will be able to open them
maybe be aware of the room
from my surroundings
maybe I know my neighbors
maybe not maybe exchanged a few
cross looks of smiles
it’s over how do you feel
there now maybe you feel
soothed happy may be indifferent
the intention is to welcome what
is here for you here now to be
fully present to oneself and to one’s
environment is necessary to be
the leader ton tomorrow needs
the leader of tomorrow will be connected to his
emotions to his talents and his limits
its qualities are still little valued
in our society
we are afraid to appear fragile of
show our emotions
however we find that by denying our
vulnerability our humanity
we become fragile and when we
are scared
our responsiveness and isolate ourselves from
to separate us from ourselves and others and
we lose our leadership because we
have choices to let us lead
by our ego our greed or
to be responsible and take in
account the larger dimension of our
mission of life and the environment
I would like to tell you a story
it’s the story of an Indian chief who
tell his little boy his little son
I have two wolves fighting in my
the first place wolf and timorous
vindictive envious spiteful and sneaky
the second wolf and benevolent magnet
generous sincere and peaceful is the
little son one says to his grandfather but
what is it going to win and the Indian chief him
says the one you feed then as
I had the choice a few years ago
we all have the choice is like a
seed if we the infant she gets
because tomorrow is being built
today that it rents will you do it
choice to feed thank you
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