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Quando as fronteiras interrogam a nossa humanidade | Lui Nörnberg | TEDxUnisinos

my eyes do not fit into yours when
borders question our humanity
Have you noticed that the borders
interrogate our humanity
it’s like being in front of a landscape
and wonder how she is
What is the border that interrogates your
the limit that questions my humanity
It’s who I am I ‘m a boy who dreams of
be a girl and wake up in the girl’s body and
lived between two being what it represents
to be or be what you feel to be more than
questioned my humanity was the
signed by the women of my family
yes you are a girl
so you can not play ball you
can not sit with legs open
You can not pet the flu, do not you?
can not
my eyes did not fit on the people who
surrounded and the looks aimed at me
they were always of rebuke and not watch
I thought there must be a way
control my behavior to avoid
this feeling of estrangement
the more I tried to be
loved and accepted more invisible I
made my eyes do not fit in those
people and I do not fit me but
It seems to me that my father sees me.
from time to time he allowed me
to be who I am
That’s the password, that’s my boy, I
I go out with the kids for life.
Good thing when I stop to remember.
of this
It is incredible even after feeling the
feeling of that moment fullness but
it was just moments soon after they came back
decrypt me or devour me before the arrival of
adolescence to my humanity if
made no man’s land and the voice that
echoed on the border was still who I
I am who I am because I do not
I feel good because I do not feel
represent what it represents
harmony that torpor voice in the trench
to insist
you’re a girl
I did not feel like this, I knew what I
was not received but I had no strength
to seek to be who I am and in
doubt the power the line between abstain
If you want to live, it ‘s a long time
asks us to make the
yes that’s right maybe you
are thinking of this kind of body .
girl or leave one ok on the other side will be
that there I could be a boy that I am
will know in doubt I decided to stay in
trench parallel to the common action s
human people as I have
prejudice that this boatman who
of transsexual homosexuals and
people to do this kind of
surveys carried out by an NGO called
Group dignity shows that the chance of
a person who declares himself a homosexual
transgender transgender make and commit
suicide, or to do this kind of
crossing is five times greater than that of
a person is straight
Brazil, for example, is the most
the world’s transphobic 50%
the total number of cases of lethal transphobia
it happens in brazil
in the middle of this unlikely setting
I followed my transvestite walk and
reaching adulthood adulterated
transvestite of woman transvestite of na
area I became a university professor
in one of the best universities
private of this country
it was in an academic environment that I
opportunity to spy life out
of the trench
I have seen other human beings equal to
me and now what I do what the
teacher trainer
how can I soften this kind of
human phobia
do you know that homophobia is a
feeling of revulsion to all that soul
we live in a period in which everything that is
human is foreign to the year
we are concerned about training men and
women not human persons what the
the human person is
and strong is strong and fragile and
vulnerable and courageous
all at the same time now because
all the setbacks are
the academic space enabled me to
strip area
as people recognized the
my work and recognized
professionally the quality of him and I
grew more relaxed would me
saying goodbye to the area
I stopped wearing rings earrings those
Damn scarpa ans and little by little
little by little I also appeared
I was showing students that squid was
a teacher as competent as the
nothing and that just as there is in the area
also believed in the accounting
as complementary differences escape
to constitute a truly more
I knew it was time to make the
I needed to not only totally undress
of the area but I needed to wear louis
I knew to stay in the trench
implied the same risk of dying
I decided to be reborn without having to
dying at the age of 40 I communicated my
family and my family to my
friends from that moment on
I live in peace with my war
Nobody understood, you know why.
invisible until the battles are
that’s when the research professor
I started researching the process
of transgenic treatments
medical follow-up
The more I searched for louis
jumped inside me
it was then that at 45 years
I started the process of
and communicated to the
University of that soon the professor
louis would be replacing the teacher
in the area as well but the universe is very
capricious in July of 2017 I am
summoned to take up teaching and
public university in the south of the state
It was time to say goodbye to university.
who consecrated me to the teacher
For this I chose to schedule a coffee with
one of the most expensive people in the
university for me
member of senior management and during
Our conversation was surprised.
he asks me how is the
treatment as your wife is
feeling half jumbled I felt
need to tell him how I got there
to treatment
in a subtle and gentle gesture and liminal scene
that it is unnecessary for me
I justification that both me
I justified in this life and he asks me
how are you and I say in peace with
my war and he asks me to raise
he stood face to face with him and he
told me how I should draw from
today as you will call I say
I’ll call me
louis he stretched out his hand limits
I say goodbye to my friend, and I greet you.
my friend louis and gave me a hug
At that moment I felt welcomed and
recognized as louis
to finish he asks me louis
never lose your tenderness do not give up
happen in the male universe
men are always at war
Blessed I prepare to return.
to the city where I spent my childhood
and adolescence where louis was educated
to be to nothing and now returns
louis our this made me very afraid but
They gave me many changes at the same time.
time now
But I remembered my grandmother when the
life put me in situations of fear
My grandmother used to say
life is made for those who have the courage and
let it fail
people need to spend saliva to
not choking that old lady was good
clinging to these beautiful ones among others
supported by the genuine love of my
wife who has always seen as the louis
my brother’s unconditional love to merlin
of who takes the loan by name
counting on my angel incarnate
My mother passes I went and makes the crossing.
to make this crossing was nothing
were very challenging moments
let me share a moment
prior to crossing when I
transvestite in the transvestite area of
woman thought she was cheating all over
I made my way to the
university amphitheater for
participate as a paraninfo teacher of
a graduation wearing a long blue
fulfilled with the doors open
Can you imagine is is and with the
shaved hair because until then it was the
luis shape to express the posts
hair when a little boy passes by me
look at me
and look up and look and it says so
father father look i’ve never seen a man
women dress
people at that moment I feel
recognized is the happy and I’m alive
that mimimi wire after leaving the trench
realizing that I caught up with me
even intense intense battles
among them I have been elaborating
survival strategies
I’ll share one of them
they used to repair
when my wife and I walked hands
given on the street is that he looks at
reprehensible sve giants were my old ones
and I had an idea I thought
now with a person looking at me like this
I’ll greet you there effusively as if
was my close friend understands how
I knew the person was looking at us and I
did that
It was like saying well I know
What did you do last summer you did not
It all looks fine but if I was there to
person loses the ground she was looking for
trench border I do not know but we
We had a lot of fun with this.
a lot of it
in the 45 years I spent
I lost more than I won. I celebrated.
ties and darkness and I learned how much it is
important to celebrate in part sim darkness
I leave the trench waving the
white flag of reconciliation between
my physical body my psychic body and it is
with immense joy what a bbb city of peace
that I tell you yes I am louis
I’m a transit man, I’m at peace.
with my war, be calm
essence does not change as aristotle would say
what changes is the way the essence of louis
It’s anamara but the shape of louis is not the
Do you know when I start to notice?
by incorporating when I leave the
hospital after spending a night
whole of the chair of humility that the
sus has humility chairs
caring for my grandmother
accessing the hospital exit ramp
I feel my body light, loose my
knees do not need to
It’s enough to say, and then beauty when I go down.
The ramp I thrill. I look at me.
we louis incorporating little to
the construction of the
identity is a dialectical relationship between
the individual and the collective
that’s why I’m counting on you and the good
the will that dwells in each one of us
to question our humanity and the
make us more human capable of
we recognize each other
Look, I see, I’m as human as I am.
any of you my eyes fit
in the eyes of each one of you and now
which still challenges the humanity of
is my humanity
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