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Qual o DNA do futuro? | Danni Suzuki | TEDxRuaHalfeld

What’s the future?
I’m one of those people who
believed he could change the world.
when I became a TV actress 20
years ago I realized the amount of
people who get inspired by my way
to live to dress to talk and that
strong sense of responsibility for
that I had to use all that
projection to help other people and me
I began to organize a campaign of
collection of toys and books
children to distribute in orphanages and
That made me super right. I was super happy.
and keep repeating that for some
years took groups of children for
movie theater
bought the plant change for
deploy until the children
started asking me for food instead of
toys and it hurt me a lot
I was waiting for that and in the year
next and took food and toys
and then the request extended to the water
I felt something was wrong.
but I could not identify
much that was and keep repeating
those actions more and more I had
less people helping me and more people
needing and the queues were endless
and still I keep repeating
those actions for a few years until I
I had my son Kauai and how many mothers
first-time trip I started to
research various things about education
children on emotional intelligence
neuroscience and I found a research
very interesting that he spoke was a
study on adverse experiences in the
childhood experiences of pain
traumas and the health consequences of
adult life
only these traumas are not traumas
how to break a toy lose a game
football team is failing in a competition are
more serious abuses are violence
physical emotional sexual abuse
physical and emotional custody of parents
divorce separation from parents
domestic violence and they are very
more common than we imagine
and generally its consequences in the
adult life are understood as
behavioral problems and then entering
science and thus explains that these
adverse experiences in childhood
they drastically affect the way the
your brain develops so much in your
anatomical structure as well as the
chemical working pattern of the
brain is plastic so it is moved to
children under 18 years
they are still developing body and
for example a child who is
in your bedroom at night sleeping
the storm in bed in the dark and
someone knocks on the door and when
I opened the door and got a big foot there
immediately it reacts is the body releases
certain chemicals and she will either hide
underneath that threw it there
stop with her and run
which is absolutely normal and how the
people now react to what happens if
that night for the big hit in that
door that whole reaction of that child
that chemistry it releases is repeated
then it ceases to be a reaction
adaptable to become ill-adapted and
harmful to the physical and
emotional areas of the brain as a nucleus
acupuncture x hypothalamus and per center
tonsils that are extremely
to produce for reactions as pleasure
The Reward The Learning Risks Addiction
fear anxiety they are drastically
there are in fact neurological reasons for
that people living these experiences
they are more likely to develop a
high-risk behavior in the
and even if they do not come to
develop this high-level behavior
risk they are more likely to
develop diseases diseases like cancer
lung diseases heart disease
alcoholism suicide depression
Eating Disorders Obesity One
series of chronic diseases
these traumas they affect not only our
developing immune system
like our endocrine system
development and incredibly
affect even the way our dna is
read and replicated in Brazil 61 percent
of our children
that’s six out of six out of ten
children they live in poverty
this is an extreme vulnerability in
multiple dimensions
Brazil is the country where most die
adolescents murdered in the world and
these adverse experiences
they are not necessarily related to
are not related to this group of
they are much more frequent than
people imagine they happen in the best
So when I figured this out I stayed
trying to make that count and I saw one
video that impacted me a lot in the
internet or send a group of children
recording with the mobile a self an
request for assistance to any adult who
I had read that she was in
extreme vulnerability several days ago
no water without food
in the middle of the war in Syria in Aleppo
war that is happening there right?
an alarming situation of refuge
today we have more than 68 million
people displaced where much of
are in a situation of refuge in more than
half are children border closed
neighboring countries, which is
children who have lost their parents
brothers aunts grandparents neighbors any
family members who lost their
country your home food water education your
dreams your dignity
living the worst violence you
Can you imagine what bothered me?
When I read the news when I
very involved with what again
wanting to move around and see what
Way that I could help I just
involving the cause of refugees
went to the Middle East to understand
how was I dealing with that
situation and getting there I was very
sad with the scenes I watched with
the stories that I stayed that I stayed
knowing that I had no idea that that
existed and came back from there bringing
my heart is the beautiful culture of that
place and inspirational people who
were making a difference to see
which way I could apply that
here in Brazil but I came back so hurt
a discouraged mankind
trying to understand how I was going to create
my son in this world that the problem was
so big that it seemed
which had no solution until
I remembered something that happened to me.
a few years ago when I went to a
construction shop buy equipment from
work there home and found a boy
A store that comes to speak with me has asked to
take a picture and autograph and such
ask me if you remember me
I said no he said ah you me
met when she was nine years old
did you come to an orphanage where you lived and
He gave me a toy and today I work
here at this store’ve been in college
I was super soon
content in the full of hope that I spoke
damn the boy I saw him little and then
so two lamps being in my
because if our brain is
molded from the traumas even if he
can be changed to anatomically and
the pattern of chemical
according to the traumas you see that
you have during your childhood strong
emotional impacts of love as well
could change it there and
especially if they were repeated
such as education projects through
art and sport
we had a way out there for that
child in the future
Then I said ours is that the answer then
why it has to be repeated
pensando en
and then I found out good and why this is
happening because people do not take
This is more serious and then I started to
look around me and I realized that
maybe because it does not apply to us
because we think it’s the
problems of those children in that country
the children of the favela
The problem is actually that of politics.
government has to change
everyone has to change and here comes the
emotional intelligence and teaches that
first step is for our evolution is
high responsibility
She says that everything that we are today is the
that we learned in our childhood
people repeat in our adult lives what
We learned in our childhood.
all our limiting beliefs
they were imposed on us in the
our family education when they were
so I ask how many people here
who are here have been abused in
how many of us carry traumas that the
People prefer not to touch you
because it leaves the last year I do not want
to mess with it
How many of us here have a good time?
spanking when I was a kid that people
I do not even know why but still
believing that they are necessary
science is clear when she said that
adverse experiences in childhood that
cause health problems throughout the
life and why do we prefer to stay
sick until you deal with the truth
It’s time for us to understand what the
people feel and why do we feel
It’s time for us to start transforming
to watch stressful situations of
so that they do not end with our
child’s life we were when we were
Is it because we do not want to deal?
with the responsibility that this
problem exists in each of us
today all the problems of the world to
inequality war on poverty
intolerance and racism all
problem you want to put
all the problems in the world they are
linked to lack of empathy and empathy
It’s something that we need to learn to
empathy exists in each of us and a
to be human empathic by nature
all our structure and our connections
they were made for us
communicate and express yourself empathically
empathy is our ability to
understand the other’s feelings and this
does not mean treating the other as the
people would like to be treated because
people have different tastes we are
different by empathy or bond that unites
whole society is what makes us
the more creative the more innovative it is that
makes us a problem not only because of our
point of view but by several points
are creating our ability to
solve the problem
our children are growing a lot
children who are forgotten
they are growing very fast
if our brain is assembled from
stimulus to the point that it changes its
anatomy to its point of view
change your operating pattern
chemical that we need to do is
exercise our ability to see the
quality in the other stop to see the effect
and see first what the other is good
what the other person has in common with
people and not different and this is a
exercise for this to work
we have to have determination and
It’s time for us and educating our
not only to be the best
human beings in the world but for them
to be the best human beings for the
which the DNA of the future that you want to
the world
thank you very much
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