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Pourquoi #MeToo est une Révolution. | Raphaël Liogier | TEDxKedgeBSBordeaux

from the beginnings of modernity women
will be excluded from this process itself
and so women to have to struggle at
less for two centuries they struggle
again and this fight it’s a struggle
me that I conceive as a hut in
spiral ie we start with
outside to go more and more
to the heart of the problem centers
no harm the first step the
the externality of the spiral that is
that it is the exteriority of the spiral
it’s the right the fight for the three
and it was not easy
we still thought that in France to leave
of the second world war women
did not have the right to vote and
the future but after that has settled
for that it is not rolled since still
until 1900 1900 how much 1990 in
France I do not brand companies
would be companies so in 1990 he has
had to wait until 1990 for the court to
French cassation acknowledges that it
could be there you can have that
rape entry 10
in other words, a woman once
married could refuse his
sexual consent that was not
recognized new dating from 1990 in France
it’s not elsewhere in countries
exotic extraordinary it took
beat to get just the look
outside the abstract rights this
equality but it was not enough then
to have one went right but he
must apply these three apply these
rights what is it not bad
to be that it be recognized apply
rights is economic equality
finally not equality is not
but the fact with equal competence to
equal work one is in equal income and
so here it was a fight even more
bitter and forthcoming says it again because
that it’s a beautiful interior of the
spiral have that resist a little bit more and
then he’ll finish the last one
that’s what I call the eye of
cyclone because that’s what looks
to be quiet this is an area have
felt mans was not very good what
we do not talk about it we avoid
talk like in the eye of the cyclone
silent but that’s all the energy
Claude is in the city ​​and well
linguistic the aude it is directly
I believe for the first time with
this extension by the hashtag guitou
balance of the tce things there but
What is it
these two young people is sovereignty
women on their own bodies ah yes
because economic freedom
it’s one thing but it’s good
freedom recognized place is some
thing too
that’s fine but the first of
freedom on his own body it’s up to
say use of one’s own body and that’s
very exactly the message of inhabitants
it’s an amazing thing that since seven
or eight months we talk about just about everything
and anything in the media at
about this topic alain thinet is this
we’re going too far
do not we go far enough excuse
me of the little
if the deepest illegality
powerful the universal shadow of any
the history of humanity
and if now we would go too far
would be hop we could not flirt
quietly in culture version
French but there is no message
about the best testimonials in the
SHTA gi joe that require less flirt
who asks
we do not get close they ask
even we do not touch that which in
share of the contact our pages
it’s not at all questioning the
flirt not yet drag
in quotation marks it is rather the
contrary it’s even rather contrary I
do not ask for mythos if we read because
that emerson denise de san a
problem that’s fine in the media
everyone is persuaded to know this
that there is in but it’s a request
of sexual freedom extension has had
any limitation with a small detail
oh no here it becomes actually there
it’s more exactly the same when we
said story not planted equality to
addresses and reciprocity reciprocity
in the direct relation to the body in the
direct relationship to the body
it means that the men that the
women are entitled
concretely to enjoy their body at
same level on the same level jean bonomo
of pleasure on purpose because the word
enjoyment it means at once
orgasm in the physical physiological sense
of the term which for millennia has
been a scandal the female orgasm and
so female masturbation so
the autonomy of the enjoyment of the body
women so I hear enjoying
our sense my house you enjoy at
ski sense very slightly further
in the spiral economically it’s up to
to say jouissance in the notarial sense
sense of civil law the enjoyment of the
property because the enjoyment of the
a property is outside swan
directly related therefore the enjoyment of the
world the first licenses that the
enjoyment of his body on starts with
to unite women from the outset at the
body is that we recognize them
external civil enjoyment of
the map mobility who suffer the
enjoyment of rights if the license of
civil rights political enjoyment
political northerners it’s in the
basically we could even say that this
that human societies are produced
until today it’s a negation
system of women’s enjoyment
at the bar of the laddh bar on
the physical plane that led to their
middle or other forms of play
steelandt that they be civil they
be political so you understand
creation comes back my spiral story
that if you say that you approached him
political rights voting rights
externality and then a little more to
inside economic rights
if you do not give the man place
which is the very basis of inequality on
which make economic inequalities
and political units it’s like if you
do not give them anything for nothing but it’s
as if deep down you did not recognize
not completely that is to say that you
do not know the bar of what
is the justification for this idea
quality and that’s exactly what
happens today with resistance
with acting as if
was talking about something else then in France we
say meal more we see their heads
total ineptitude
again no women the
millions of nuns demands come out
to if the denunciation of scheme
did anyone go to see this
that there was the name it was the
denunciation any deluge with some
names today the principle it’s
and this is the individual denunciation
it is the denunciation of a multitude of
situations that end up constituting
the situation of women in the report
direct to the body so some say
yes but good guy but I could have done
report rather why was she
complaint later etc but because
that noon
become a space of realization in the sense
to make real situations precisely
which seemed still natural in
some young women and girls
a certain moment of their life and so in
reading the testimony of others will come
bel realizes she realizes for them
forced they realize that they have
made canvases and let themselves
enter sanguinet and his daughter get
say like I had it an ivg done
pretending because I had the impression
to be a tease with a
nightclub where after a party is so
a kind of pressure and I succumbed to
this pressure I did not go
that’s the famous hungary but the area
gray is extremely important because
that’s the situation then states
united we’ll say it would take more of these
recation women
I am a university pro who lives a
part of my time in the united states there
must leave the door open when we
welcomes in his life game office
and that’s the wrong answer
there is no demand of this type slept
it’s all a radical social movement
but not extreme
it means that he is radical because
that in the etymological sense he takes the
things at the root so it hurts
to snatch prejudices from snatch
all his representations
but it’s extreme in the center it’s
extremely responsible this is not a
desire for revenge is the desire to
live with men in this
reciprocity but it’s not easy because
only that
suppose to go back downhill
in the heart of the same descents to the heart
of the historic match
I was going to say even paleoanthropology
on what could have happened
what is a man’s body
what is a woman’s body
what is it like so much
Women in the eye anyway
still today in the 21st century
and it goes back a lot because
inequality is all the time from
of the body starts from the for you
look at it in all religions
not because they are religions
it’s because it’s the heart of
historically that’s seeing her so
eve out the coast of adam
you led other people standing said
that they suppose to be egalitarian you
can not reach the veins in a
woman’s body
first of all it’s a guard and we
reincarnate chanel still out of the body
this basic inequality always this
idea i have platon the great philosophers
women have a body that is a body
decreased in aristotle
it leaves two representations
so some might say yes but
it may be true it is the argument
naturalism they are still less
strong men physically and so
you have paleoanthropology studies
today who are not at all drawn
by the hair and that show you that
since 750 balance sheet or months elias is
supposed own record to the dead of what we
calls the president Vertavians in the
first hunters’ societies
pickers for hundreds of
thousands of years
women were excluded from the
food was keeping what they do
were deficient in protein and that
it also built particularly
long moments of parturition hesitate
deprived of both proteins so that
l have him gradually who still
suffered what françoise heir barely
an evolutionary pressure that has resulted
by a little more puny body more
narrower smaller and what is amazing
is that this smaller body more
three sins tiff will become prettier
in the eyes the men that is to say
pleasure to build the
virile representation from this
narrowness ie those who
could be presented as a
pressure an imposition is going to be seen as
something to go so qualities
Neolithic women
it will turn into a body and
I would say it is the mythical name it
become the largest in the Neolithic goes
to make up what I call the
sexual capitalism in which we
let’s live again what does that mean
capitalism or sexual
what do I mean by that I
mean that manhood itself
meaning even to be a man so to be
virtuous even etymology quick men
heroism virtues will be built by
the accumulation of possession of
women and by possession of women
gradually its to enter the
language that means a part that I
owns six women that I take it’s to
to say a woman with whom I’m going to love
that I get in and there is going to be this
idea that when I enter a woman I
take something from it
understand give me something
first because I enjoy it in the sense
physiology behind jean louis
in the civil sense by imposing
activities to a whole series of things
that she must do and not me and that me
always talk about the body and therefore to have
a fight for 7
a chance that will constitute manhood
boys will be educated for that
the initiations in the oldest
companies are initiations that are
the ancestors in the competition
rousseau measure where men are measured
to say how strong they are
stronger more able to take
this structure it will keep everything
throughout the twentieth century a the chief of
medical service with nurses
how many shots enters between the driver of
line with willy the wav of air etc
we have the same structure no but it’s
an imaginary structure that is
extremely interesting
it means that on the bottom the women
to become what is called in economics
fungible goods sorry to speak so
directly from the fragile good it wants
simply say property that loses close
of the value for use from where the
valuation of virginity and where the
report that still exists today
women who will deny because they
have they been trained there as soon as
still today the little monk because
precisely elite where it is the overthrow
that they have been educated to deny their
own enjoyment but to imagine
themselves their bodies as capital
that she is negotiating who will be able to do
to enjoy a man
so even if they want to
eventually to sleep right away
with a man she to do as if
Maybe not right away because not
that they may be something to
negotiate because in the structure
unaware she feels that she
would lose something because we say
that a woman loses her virginity
while a man wins in truth so
can be agility not be built
if I can say on the back is not of
that’s the way capitalism is
sexual that is besides some
entrepreneurs have shown that it was a
causes of the development of
capitalism in its economic version
because the end this first form
of appropriation var engender others
forms of appropriation to secure its
property that will be taken before the
women are always going to be in
weakened withdrawal weakened and this
very feminine fragility that’s what we
go after the charm and that’s what will
build our fantasies our beginnings
tonio we find in the mytho that will last
surely the myth of prince charming
it is he who gives his status and the
woman that he has his body for capital
as capital and he woke her up
sleep on the Sleeping Beauty there
did not arrive and they did not arrive
revealed it happens n is there it’s
completely computer is it happened did
itself and bath than accept
even if not even that she can
accepting is that the very idea
that she can be raped in a sense
does not make sense since it does not mean that
accepted wanting and desired the desire to
the man who took him up to frey who
told us that women did not have
from limit to positive it is an ineptitude
that is, even when she had
of desire it was a desire all the time
that they reacted to the wishes of the
men so responsive so unsheathed a
immediate question that arises
why this eagerness to want
decrease women
if men are so sure of their
can that be
problem when we think about why at
the base obsessively want to do
in fact we have a beginning of answer
when we look at the definition of this
what is a woman for example at
middle age of what it is a woman who
refuses to be possessed dominated and penetrate
ostensibly to a man from a
certain age of which you are really going
age to reproduce and v people
this help is erotic she refuses to
to marry she refuses to enter the
orders and so there is only one
status she becomes witch
automatically defining a
witch is a woman who from
of a certain age refuses refuses the
marriage is denied in the 19th century on
will call it a hysteric built to
from hysterical which means
uterus to 27 heads gradually one
will call that a slut
but well common between the three the
witch hysteria and slut the
common point is that it’s belief
that a woman who is not controlled or
by the marriage of the computer by the
religion of which women who would enjoy
autonomously and immediately a
superpower that jeopardizes the
what is a witch the
definition of a witch that is
now what time are there powers
so power that a power that
can not control that we can not
limit the hysterical it was a woman
who had a capacity enjoyment al
ihsan while men get
having are represented as a
incapacity for medical enjoyment
limited to make love once two
three times
after that it’s really difficult then
that a woman in theory in this
story of tiberi she could enjoy
just to get to the top is also
the image we had of the witch
it means someone who would have a
infinite power
what is it if the negative mirror of the
the most basic anxiety of men
the feeling of helplessness
it’s still amazing that the word
even a well goes out who just wants to
say do not have power relates
directly immediately again a
time not what to the body and not just
what in the body just at sète at least
the inability to have an erection
physical sense of the term in front of a body
of woman so to questions
today is to say how
go out and that’s the question that posed
quite responsible questions
because men are looking to
go out
at first they denied the enjoyment of the
women then nineteenth century they
checked it with guinea
control his life sterilization and
now finally from after 70’s that
the has all the related costs and so they
will know that they have built another
myth the fact that he could not anymore
we have to control it and we leave the
crunches and so it’s the reconstitution
the masculine male who called it causes
the enjoyment it causes the organ it is
him the master the organ so that that to
again stop internalized by
we do not talk much about women who
know today how to do
seemingly in relation to the agglo desire of
virilization new milling men
but that too must be exceeded
how to cope
can you do it
would have to go out by eliminating the
difference between the feminine and the masculine
while indeed the feminine has been
built by crushing the
virility is the very definition of
feminine and and designing holidays I
believe it’s not possible
thank you
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